You should have it перевод на испанский
3,403 параллельный перевод
I just thought you should have it,'cause you know it is the foundation for a good marriage.
Simplemente pensé que deberías tenerlo, porque sabes que es la base para un buen matrimonio.
I have something that Kevin said I should tell you about. It's important.
Kevin me dijo algo que deberia contarte.
Well, if you didn't like it, you should have blurted out, "No, we're not!"
Bueno, si no te gusto, deberías haber dicho "No, no lo estamos"
It's really very kind of you, but if anyone is going to have a wedding reception for my daughter, I think it should be her mother and her father.
de verdad es muy amable de su parte, pero si alguien va a tener una fiesta de boda de mi hija, creo que debería ser su madre y su padre.
Look, I should have you thrown out for even suggesting it.
Mirad, debería echaros solo por sugerirlo.
You should have labelled it!
¡ Lo tendrías que haber etiquetado!
I never should have let you talk me into having you do it all.
Nunca debí dejarte hacerlo todo tú solo.
It should have been you. [Coughs]
Tendrías que haber sido tú.
Do you think we should, like, have a leader and say all right, let's leave it up to her?
¿ Piensas que deberíamos tener una líder y decir : "Está bien, dejémosle eso a ella"?
I feel really bad about taking down the wallpaper, we should have asked you about it.
Me siento mal por quitar el papel, deberíamos haberte preguntado.
Maybe you should have backed it up before you started playing with it.
Tal vez deberías hacer una copia de seguridad antes de empezar manosearlo.
- And I could see your struggle, but now that you articulate it, I think you should just have more confidence that we support that.
- Y he podido ver tus problemas Pero ahora que lo mencionas, creo que deberías tener más conianza en ti. Nosotros te apoyamos.
I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but the accusation here isn't that you have it, it's that you buried it, so we should probably move forward.
Siento arruinarte la fiesta, pero la acusación no es por lo que tienes. Es por lo que ocultaron. Así que probablemente deberíamos seguir adelante.
It's not that I don't like her, it's just that I never should have broken up with Alice and then I never would have slept with Adrian and you never would have slept with Alice and then our lives would not be so screwed up!
No es que no me guste, es sólo que nunca debí haber terminado con Alice y luego nunca debí haberme acostado con Adrian y tu nunca debiste haberte acostado con Alice
Should you fire us and engage another lawyer, as officers of the court, if we know a witness is about to take the stand to lie, whether he or she is our client or not... we have a duty to report it.
, como oficiales del juzgado, si sabemos que un testigo va a subir al estrado para mentir, sea él o ella nuestro cliente o no... tenemos el deber de denunciarlo.
It should have been me... Not you.
Debí haber sido yo... no tú.
You should have seen my mom and sister go at it.
Deberías haber visto a mi madre y a mi hermana.
It's me that should have gotten you something.
Soy yo quien tendría que haberte dado algo.
We should have a discussion if you're up to it.
Deberíamos tener una discusión si estás en condiciones.
I know we should've talked about it, but... when you have a chance to think it over, you'll see that it's gonna be fine.
Sé que deberíamos haberlo hablado, pero... cuando tengas la oportunidad de pensarlo, verás que todo estará bien.
It meant a lot that you'd step down, but I never should have let you do it...
Significa mucho que estuvieses dispuesto a renunciar, pero nunca te dejaría hacerlo...
You were in a really vulnerable place, and so I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, and I-I really should have handled it better.
Tu estabas en un momento muy vulnerable, y siento haberme comportado como un idiota, y debería haber llevado la situación mejor.
Well maybe you should have read it, because it's your coursework.
Bueno tal vez debería haberlo leído, porque eran sus deberes.
I should be able hack it but I'm gonna have to meet you and reboot you physically.
Puedo hackearlo pero tengo que encontrarme contigo para reiniciarte físicamente.
I have kept silent about it for so long, so why should I believe you?
Has callado largo tiempo. ¿ Por qué debería creerte?
I should have never dragged you into it.
Nunca debería haberte arrastrado a ello.
How ill it follows after you have laboured so hard, you should talk so idly.
¡ Qué mal suena, después de vuestras duras proezas, ese lenguaje fútil en vuestros labios!
I know that you have my fingerprints on file, but if you should need a blood sample, I'm happy to provide it.
Sé que tienen mis huellas archivadas, pero si necesitan una muestra de sangre, con gusto se las daré.
Maybe you should have just left it in the car. What?
- Quizás lo deberías haber dejado en el coche. - ¿ Qué?
I told him you should have pulled him to the side, talked to him one on one, man to man, that was not cool, but I don't know, it was a mistake.
Le dije que tendría que haberlo llevado a un lado y hablarlo solos, hombre a hombre, eso no estaba bien pero no sé, fue un error.
You should have come to discuss it with me first.
¡ Deberías haber venido a hablarlo conmigo primero!
He's just put a brand-new bathroom suite in and it's a professional couple that live downstairs, so you should have no trouble.
Acaba de instalar un equipamiento nuevo en el baño y hay una pareja de profesionales en el piso de abajo, así que no deberías tener problemas.
And I was just thinking about what I should be doing to, like, for you guys, and to beat them, and I just completely lost it, and I don't have a good excuse.
Y yo estaba pensando en lo que debería estar haciendo que, al igual que, para ustedes, y para vencerlos, y acabo de perder por completo, y yo no tengo una buena excusa.
It's kind of like a religion, the degree to which they have to keep you hypnotized by the idea that work should be your whole life.
Aun estoy esperando. - ¿ Lindo día en el trabajo? - Demoniaco.
It was... it was back when he was General of the militia, and you should have seen him.
Fue... fue en la época en la que era general de la milicia, y deberías haberlo visto.
Look, I guess I should have told you before I went up there, but... it's okay, I understand.
Debí contártelo antes de ir, pero... Está bien. Entiendo.
And I just had this thin coat on... and I wasn't even allowed to have things under... because it should really look like, you know... thin and freezing and -
Yo sólo tenía una capa fina, sin nada debajo, porque tenía que parecer que estaba morada del frío.
But you should have just obiæi neighborhood and find out how much it is.
- El chico está todavía en coma, pero no se va a morir.
You should have dried it first.
Deberías haberla secado primero.
You have a great look, so, you know, in the sexuality department, it's not that tough for you, and I thought you were at your sexiest when you were being more playful, so I think that you should stick with that.
Eres muy guapo, así que, ya sabes, en el departamento de la sexualidad no es un problema para ti, y creo que fuiste el más sexy cuando empezaste a jugar, deberías de seguir con eso.
Oh, you should have seen it.
Tenías que haberlo visto.
Okay, so I just thought you should know something just in case it's, like, weird or I'm weird, which I totally shouldn't be, but, like, just in case I scream, which I won't, I'm, like, totally ready to have sex. I've just never had sex before.
Muy bien, así que debes saber algo, en caso de que sea extraño yo extraña, no debe serlo, pero en caso de que grite no lo haré, porque estoy lista pero nunca he tenido sexo y pensé que debía decírtelo.
I don't think we should see each other anymore, and it makes me feel stupid and pathetic to get a picture of your dick that I know was meant for someone else, and you didn't even bother to explain, because I made you think that you don't have to explain.
Ceo que ya no debemos vernos y me hace sentir estúpida y patética recibir una foto de tu verga saber que era para alguien más y que tú no te molestarás en explicarte porque yo te hice creer que no tienes que hacerlo.
Plus if you have a big cock, you should use it on a woman.
Además, si tienes una polla grande deberías usarla con una mujer.
It should have been you.
Deberías haber sido tú.
You should have seen it when they left him out.
Deberías haberlo visto cuando le dejaron fuera.
I should have trusted you, but my mom got involved, and then this whole thing, it-it just spun out of control.
Debería haber confiado en ti, pero mi madre se entrometió, y luego todo esto, se nos fue de madre.
You should have double-checked with me before using it
Debiste haberme preguntado antes de usarlo.
You should have cleared it with me before you agreed to let Kaylie drag along Austin.
debió haberlo aclarado conmigo antes de aceptar dejar a Kaylie arrastrar por Austin
Besides, I believe it should emerge from there, it won't come from the authorities, this is something that, on a personal level, you simply have to work at so as to accomplish it.
Y creo que además tiene que surgir de ahí, no va a llegar de una autoridad, esto es algo que sencillamente a nivel personal, tienes que trabajar por alcanzarlo.
I would have stayed out of it... the same way you should have.
Me habría mantenido al margen... igual que tú deberías hacer.
you shouldn't smoke 23
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have said that 26
you shouldn't have bothered 22
you shouldn't say that 24
you shouldn't have done that 152
you shouldn't 299
you should come 233
you should see a doctor 24
you should know better 74
you shouldn't have 355
you shouldn't have said that 26
you shouldn't have bothered 22
you shouldn't say that 24
you should be ashamed of yourself 149
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't have come here 76
you shouldn't be here 384
you should 1132
you should have told me 157
you should go 736
you shouldn't have done it 43
you should know 399
you shouldn't be in here 36
you should try it 151
you shouldn't have come here 76
you shouldn't be here 384
you should 1132
you should have told me 157
you should go 736
you shouldn't have done it 43