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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ Y ] / You should have said something

You should have said something перевод на испанский

124 параллельный перевод
You should have said something before, and...
Deberías haber dicho algo antes, y...
You should have said something.
Debiste haber dicho algo.
You should have said something about it.
Debiste decir algo.
You should have said something sooner.
Tenía que decírmelo antes.
Well you should have said something.
Bueno, hubíeras dicho algo
I've been following you since you left home. You should have said something.
Te he seguido desde que saliste de casa.
Maybe you should have said something to the police.
Quizá sería mejor que se lo dijeras a la policía.
You should have said something.
Deberías haberle dicho algo.
You should have said something in the first place.
Deberías haberlo dicho antes.
You should have said something.
- Debiste decir algo.
You should have said something... earlier.
Debería habernos avisado... con antelación.
You should have said something...
Deberías haber dicho algo...
You should have said something.
- Zacijelo dicho algo
You should have said something.
- Debiste decirlo. - ¿ A quién?
You should have said something.
- Debiste haber dicho algo.
You should have said something!
¡ Me encanta la pizza!
If you didn't want to go through with it, you should have said something.
Ron, si no querías hacerlo, deberías haberlo dicho.
Sorry, you should have said something.
- Lo siento, debiste haber dicho algo.
If you didn't want to come today then you should have said something.
¿ Sabes? Si no querías venir, podrías haber dicho algo.
- Well, you should have said something.
- Debías haberlo dicho
You should have said something!
¡ Debiste decir algo!
You should have said something.
Debiste reportarlo.
- You should have said something clearer. - 320 deaths.
- Debió haberme hablado mejor.
You should have said something.
Debiste decir algo.
you should have said something to me.
Deberías haberme dicho algo.
- If seeing this girl was so important to you, then you should have said something instead of sneaking off and lying to us.
Si el ver a esa chica era tan importante para ti, debiste decirlo. En lugar de escabullirte y mentirnos.
If you wanted to break up, you- - you should have said something.
Si querías romper, deberías haber dicho algo.
You should have said something, though.
Pero podrías haber dicho algo.
You should have said something.
Deberías haber dicho algo.
You should have said something ten years ago.
Deberías haber dicho algo diez años atrás.
- You should have said something.
- Debiste decírmelo.
You should have said something about five seconds ago.
Deberías haber dicho algo cinco segundos antes.
Or maybe you said something that hurt her, or maybe you said nothing when you should have said something.
O quizá dijiste algo que la lastimó. O quizá no dijiste nada cuando debías decir algo.
- You should have said something sooner.
- ¡ Lo tendrías que haber dicho antes!
You just, you should have said something.
Yo... deberíais haber dicho algo,
You should have said something.
Deberías haberme dicho algo.
Please regard what I have said merely as something to draw upon should you ever feel so inclined.
Por favor considere lo que he dicho solo como algo a lo que recurrir... si alguna vez se siente inclinada a ello.
I know I should have said something, but the way everyone's been acting, you know, nothing has made any sense.
Sé que debí decir algo pero todo esto no tiene sentido.
You should have said something.
- Haberme avisado.
You should've said you were coming, I could have made something.
Podías haber avisado que venías, habría preparado algo.
- You think I should have said something?
- Piensas que debi haber dicho algo?
Even then.. you people should have said something.
Aun asi.. uds. debieron decirmelo.
Something I should have said to you a long time ago.
Algo que debí haberte dicho hace mucho tiempo.
There's something I gotta tell you. I should have said something a long time ago.
Quiero decirte algo que deberia haberte dicho hace mucho tiempo.
Before we get started, there's something I have to tell you something I should've said to you before I let you take the case.
Antes de que empecemos, hay algo que le tengo que decir. Algo que debí haberle dicho antes de que le dejara tomar este caso.
But you still should have said something to me, man.
Pero aun así deberías haberme dicho algo, tío.
I should have said something earlier but I didn't wanna scare you off and it's always awkward.
Habría debido decirlo antes, pero... No quería asustarte y siempre es raro
But, I have to tell you something and it's the kind of something that should only be said in person, or on a giant screen at a baseball game.
Pero, tengo que contarte algo y es la clase de cosa que sólo debe ser dicha en persona, o en una pantalla gigante en un partido de béisbol.
You should have said something.
Y esto es lo que va a pasar :
Maybe you should ask yourself, is there something you might have said to lead her on?
Quizás deberías preguntarte : ¿ Hay algo que pudieras haberle dicho para darle esperanzas?
There's something you need to know about Ryan, something I should have said a long time ago.
Debes saber algo a propósito de Ryan. - Te lo debía haber dicho hace tiempo.

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