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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ Y ] / You should have seen it

You should have seen it перевод на испанский

278 параллельный перевод
You should have seen it. It was lovely.
Tendrías que haberlo visto, fue precioso.
You should have seen it!
¡ Debería haberlo visto!
You should have seen it when Liliom was there.
Usted debería haberlo visto cuando estaba Liliom.
You should have seen it coming!
¡ Deberías haberlo visto venir!
You should have seen it, my princess.
Tenías que haberlo visto, mi princesa.
You should have seen it.
Digno de verse.
You should have seen it.
Deberías haberlo visto.
You should have seen it coming.
Deberías de haberlo visto venir, pero eres idiota.
She washed my shirt once in seven years, and you should have seen it.
Sólo lavó mi camisa una vez en siete años, y deberías haberla visto.
You should have seen it. It was full of Algerians back then.
Debió verlo entonces, estaba lleno de argelinos.
You should have seen it.
Tendrías que haberlo visto.
You should have seen it.
Deberíais haberla visto.
You should have seen it - from top to bottom.
Deberíais haberlo visto. De arriba a bajo.
She did, you should have seen it.
¡ Cierto! Debían haberla visto.
You should have seen it from those seats.
Deberías haberla visto desde esas butacas.
Margherita, you should have seen it!
¿ Has visto qué espectáculo?
You should have seen it. I was..
Deberían haberlo visto.
I was flying a kite, and suddenly it lifted me into the air. You should have seen it!
Andaba volando un cometa, y de pronto que me levanta el aire. ¡ Ah, hubiera visto!
You should have seen it, he was mad, really mad, he became a beast.
Si lo hubieras visto, se volvió loco, casi loco, una fiera.
You should have seen it. People kept applauding.
La gente no se cansaba de aplaudir.
Jesus, you should have seen it.
Dios, deberías haberlo visto.
Mom, you should have seen it!
¡ Vimos un hombre!
You should have seen it, though. These new microphones are just incredible.
Deberías haberlo visto, estos nuevos micrófonos son realmente increíbles.
You should have seen it before.
Debería haberlo visto antes.
You should have seen it before.
Deberías haber visto antes.
You should have seen it then.
Debería haberla visto antes.
You should have seen it, Radl.
Debería haberlo visto, Radl.
You should have seen it, Normie.
Deberías haberla visto.
You should have seen it 20 years ago.
Tenía que haberlo visto a los 20 años...
You should have seen it at the red light.
Debiste haberlo visto en la luz roja.
[Billy] You should have seen it, Dad.
Te lo perdiste, papá.
You should have seen it.
¡ Debieron haberlas visto! .
Peg, you should have seen it.
Peg, deberías haberlo visto.
You should have seen it!
¡ Deberías haberlo visto!
You should have seen it, I saved my comrade.
Tenías que haberlo visto. Salvé a mis camaradas.
You should have seen it. But some of us were there.
Oh, debiste verlo. \ Ellos andavan por todas partes, pero algunos de nosotros estábamos allá, nosotros protegimos las líneas.
Quick, you should have seen it.
Quick, deberías haberlo visto.
You should have seen it.
Lo hubiesen visto.
I say, you should have seen her clunk it.
Caray, debieron ver el mazazo que le dio.
You should have seen her as she sat on it in her silks and jewels.
Si la hubiera visto, sentada con sus sedas y joyas.
And, oh, you should have seen his eyes as he said it.
Y, oh... tendrías que haber visto sus ojos cuando lo dijo.
You should have seen those Polish princes putting it away.
Deberían de ver cómo lo beben esos príncipes polacos.
Jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge and lives to tell about it! You should have seen me... I was standing there...
Tenías que haberme visto allí, mirando hacia abajo...
Yes, my child, you should have seen me as Hamlet... people still talk about it.
Sí, hija mía, tenía Ud. que haberme visto haciendo de Hamlet la gente todavía comenta.
You should have seen her, it was like a fountain.
- Si vieras cómo estaba, parecía una fuente.
You should have seen the bacon I fried for supper - it was so crispy.
¡ No creas! ¡ Deberías ver el cerdo que freí! .
You should have seen the doctor and had it set.
Tendrías que hacértela curar.
You should have seen the mess it was in before we took over.
Deberías haber visto el caos que era antes de que nos hiciéramos cargo.
You should have seen my leg when it was broken in four places.
Debía haber visto mi pierna cuando se me rompió por 4 sitios.
You should have seen it! I called the doctor.
Entonces llamé al médico.
- Magnificient. - But you should have seen that watch... When it was taken in.
- Tendrías que haber visto el estado... cuando vino aquí.

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