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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ Y ] / You should have seen me

You should have seen me перевод на испанский

270 параллельный перевод
You should have seen me deal with him.
No veas cómo lo traté.
I compensated with my dancing. You should have seen me!
Tu tío tiene olfato, siente mucho las cosas.
You should have seen me.
Debiste haberme visto.
You should have seen me when I approached the Spanish throne for the first time.
Tenía que haberme visto al llegar a la corte.
Deberíais haberme visto como novia.
You should have seen me. Trousers, battle jacket, great heavy boots.
Deberías haberme visto, pantalones, cazadora, botas grandes y pesadas y...
Deberíais haberme visto allá por 1910.
You should have seen me when I was graduating from college.
Deberías haberme visto cuando me gradué en la universidad.
You should have seen me trying to be a wife of a schoolteacher back there in the great big town of Riverdale, Wisconsin.
Tenías que verme intentando ser la esposa de un maestro en la gran ciudad de Riverdale, Wisconsin.
Yes, my child, you should have seen me as Hamlet... people still talk about it.
Sí, hija mía, tenía Ud. que haberme visto haciendo de Hamlet la gente todavía comenta.
You should have seen me in my twenties!
Tendría que haberme visto a los 20 años.
You should have seen me, Bonnie.
No deberías haberme visto, Bonnie.
You should have seen me screaming at a salesman this morning.
Deberías haberme visto gritando a un vendedor esta mañana.
You should have seen me in the store running up and down the aisles, and i mean running.
Deberías haberme visto en la tienda, corriendo por los pasillos, literalmente corriendo.
You should have seen me there is not one year, I turned ugly.
Si me hubiera visto hace poco más de un año, Me pasó lo peor.
You should have seen me singing "Marry Widow" in Brno. You should have seen me singing "Merry Widow" in Brno.
Tendrías que haberme visto cantando "Marry Widow" en Brno.
You should have seen me when I was your age.
Deberías de haberme visto cuando tenía tu edad.
Honey, you should have seen me on that last hole.
Querido, deberías haberme visto en el último hoyo.
Well, you should have seen me in my cocked hat and gold braid when I proudly presented my credentials.
Tenían que haberme visto con tricornio y galones... cuando presenté mis credenciales.
You should have seen me father doin'this.
Deb ¡ eron ver ba ¡ lar a m ¡ padre.
Well, madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me.
Los locos no saben nada. Pero debisteis haberme visto.
You should have seen me at his age!
A su edad, yo, ¡ que el diablo me lleve, Sr. Profesor!
You should have seen me!
¡ Me tendrían que haber visto!
You should have seen me last year.
Debiste de haberme visto el año pasado.
You should have seen me.
Me hubieras visto.
You should have seen me in my prime.
Deberías haberme visto en mi apogeo.
You should have seen me.
Deberías haberme visto.
You should have seen me!
¡ Y de qué manera puerca!
You should have seen him ride me down in a spin.
Me ha perseguido en un tirabuzón.
You've spent all your days with me. Surely there must have been people here you should have seen.
No se ha separado de mí y supongo que tendría que ver a otras personas.
Then they both watched me. You should have seen their faces. Tongues hanging down to here waiting for me react.
¡ Me han mirado los dos, y la lengua les llegaba al suelo!
Yeah, but you should have seen Madge In the visiting room Asking me if I didn't know he was innocent.
Sí, pero deberías haber visto a Madge en la sala de visitas, preguntándome si yo no creía que era inocente.
You should have seen them searching for me, Frank.
Debiste verlos buscándome, Frank.
You should have seen her galloping her horses to beat me from the village just now.
¡ Si viera como hacía correr a sus caballos! Saliendo del pueblo a galope tendido.
- You have? You should've seen me fight a big, enormous bull.
Deberías haberme visto pelear con un toro enorme.
You should have seen how he looked at me in Conliffe's shop.
Debió haber visto la forma en que me miró en la tienda de Conliffe :
Say, you should have seen what that little horse did for me, huh, Doc?
Te Io agradezco, Billy.
You should have seen them in that London store...
Me creeríais si las hubierais visto en aquella tienda de Londres.
You should have seen a doctor immediately.
Me he sangrado. Tiene que verle un médico inmediatamente.
Jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge and lives to tell about it! You should have seen me... I was standing there...
Tenías que haberme visto allí, mirando hacia abajo...
I should have investigated your heart and your brain. Should have seen you weren't adjusted yet. That you couldn't face facts that involve people.
Si hubiera entrado en tu corazón y en tu cerebro me habría dado cuenta de tu insensibilidad, de que no podías enfrentarte a problemas humanos.
When I brought back the news, you should have seen the look I got from Britt - and from Chris.
Cuando volví y lo conté, tendrías que haber visto cómo me miraron Britt y Chris.
Oh, you should have seen her then - splendid specimen, she was.
Oh, Toby, realmente. Pensé que me había dicho que era un viejo cubo oxidado.
You should have seen my leg when it was broken in four places.
Debía haber visto mi pierna cuando se me rompió por 4 sitios.
You should have seen the look she gave me.
Deberías haber visto la mirada que me echó.
Oh, I should never have forgiven myself, if I hadn't seen you before.
Oh, nunca me hubiera perdonado, si no te hubiera visto antes.
I was flying a kite, and suddenly it lifted me into the air. You should have seen it!
Andaba volando un cometa, y de pronto que me levanta el aire. ¡ Ah, hubiera visto!
You boys should have seen me in my prime.
Chicos, debíais de haberme visto en mi juventud.
She was getting off her coach. You should have seen her face when she realized I was there!
¡ Salía de la carroza y, cuando me ha visto, no veáis que cara puso!
You should have seen the way he looked at me when I mentioned that girl's name.
Deberías haberle visto su cara cuando dije el nombre de la chica.
He's too smug. He's arrogant. You should have seen him earlier today.
No, es demasiado arrogante y creído, debiste verlo hace un rato, me está provocando.

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