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You were right about everything перевод на испанский

89 параллельный перевод
You were right about everything, of course.
Tenía usted razón en todo, claro.
You were right about everything.
Tenías toda la razón.
You were right about everything.
Tenías razón sobre todo.
You were right about everything, OK?
Ok, tenían razón en todo.
Yes. You were right about everything.
Sí, tenías razón en todo.
You were right about everything.
Tenías razón en todo.
Giles, you were right about everything.
Giles, tenías razón en todo.
- Don't be sorry. You were right about everything.
No te disculpes porque tenías razón.
You were right about everything, Joey. I was afraid.
Tenías razón, Joey, tenía miedo.
You were right about everything.
Tenías razón, en todo.
Unfortunately, you were right about everything else.
- Bien. Por desgracia, tenías razón sobre todo lo demás.
You were right about everything.
Carly, tenías razón acerca de todo.
But then you were right about everything.
Pero luego ud. tenía razón acerca de todo.
Well, I just... I wanted to say that you were right about everything.
Yo solo..... quería decir que tenías razón acerca de todo.
You were right about everything.
Tenias razón en todo.
Listen, you were right about everything.
Escucha, tenías razón sobre todo.
You Were Right About Everything.
Tenías razón en todo.
But you were right about everything.
Pero tenías razón en todo.
I mean, you were right about everything.
Estabas en lo cierto. En todo.
You were right about everything, and I know my coming here might risk you never speaking to me again, but that's the chance I'll have to take, because I-I finally know what I want, and I'm not afraid to ask for it.
Tenias razón en todo, y sé que viniendo aquí puede que no me hables nunca más, pero es el riesgo que tengo que asumir, porque finalmente sé lo que quiero, y no temo pedirlo.
You were right about everything.
Uds. tenían razón en todo.
You were right about everything.
Tenías razón acerca de todo.
You were right about everything.
Todo lo que dijiste era verdad.
You were right about everything.
Tenías razón... respecto a todo.
You were right about everything.
Estabas en lo cierto sobre todo.
You were right about everything. This is life.
Tenías razón sobre todo.
You were right about everything.
Realmente no sé cómo decir esto, así que... soy sólo...
- say that again. You were right, you were right, you were right about everything.
Tenías razón, tenías razón, tenías razón en todo.
He mortgaged everything he owns, right down to his underwear, to secure a loan from the bank. You were right about Morse.
Tenías razón sobre Morse.
I decided you were right about the money and everything.
Decidí que tenías razón con eso del dinero.
You... You were right all along about everything.
Tenías razón todo el tiempo, en todo.
I just wanted you to hear from me that despite everything that's happened and the miles that may be between us right now I still think about the way things were.
Quería que supieras por mí que a pesar de lo que pasó y la distancia que nos separa aún pienso en los viejos tiempos.
Well, you were right about M.J. You're right about everything.
Tenías razón sobre M.J. Tenías razón sobre todo.
You were right about M.J. You're right about everything.
Tenías razón sobre M.J. Tenías razón sobre todo.
I figured if you were right about that, you were probably right about everything else as well.
Pensé que si eso era verdad todo lo demás también lo sería.
- Is that the truth you were talkin'about? - Yes. Then both of you need to stops peaking'in Yoda right now... and tell me everything you know, or I'm outta here.
Entonces ambos deben dejar de hablar en Yoda y decirme lo que saben o me iré.
You were right about me and everything.
Tenías razón sobre mí y todo.
Kim, you were right, about everything one minute, i'm having a normal shower and the next thing i know is hailing
Kim. Tenías razón en lo que me contaste. Me estaba bañando y de repente comenzó a granizar.
You were right about Israel and wrong about everything else.
Acertaste con Israel, te equivocaste con todo lo demás.
Just wanted to tell you... that I know I screwed up, coach, that you were right about... everything.
Solo quería decirte... que sé que estropeé lo nuestro, entrenadora, que tenias razón acerca... de todo
You were right Eleanor, about everything.
Tenías razón, Eleanor.
Like you were right about lena and about everything.
Como que tenías razón sobre Lena y sobre todo.
I just wanted to come here and say thanks, and to let you know that you were absolutely right about everything.
Sólo quería pasarme y darte las gracias, y decirte que tenías toda la razón sobre lo que dijiste.
You were right about my mother, everything you said about her.
Tú estabas en lo cierto sobre mi madre, todo lo que dijiste de ella.
You were right, David, about everything.
Tenías razón, David, sobre todo.
You were right about the pirate look. She threw that at me, and I nearly confessed to everything there and then.
Me puso su mirada de pirata... y casi le confieso todo.
Right before we walked in there, you were just complaining about how easy it would be if you could just forget the whole hero-alien-everything-weird side and were jusust a regular, mundane reporter living a normal life.
Justo antes de que entráramos ahí estabas quejándote de lo fácil que todo sería si solo pudieras olvidar todo el asunto raro del súper héroe extraterrestre y ser solamente un simple y mundano reportero viviendo una vida normal.
Yeah, well... you were right- - about everything.
Sí, bueno... Tenías razón sobre todo.
You were right, walter, About everything -
Tenías razón, Walter, sobre todo ;
You were right, you know. About everything.
Tenías razón, sabes, en todo.
I know you're mad, and you should be, and you were right about Megan, about Angela, about everything.
Se que estás enfadada, deberías estarlo, y tenías razón sobre Megan, sobre Angela, sobre todo.

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