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You were right about him перевод на испанский

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You were right about him, Tom.
Estabas en lo cierto respecto a él, Tom
Tenías razón sobre él, pero yo aún creía que podía ayudarnos.
You were right about him.
- Tenías razón sobre él.
You were right about him.
Tenías razón sobre él.
I must say that you were right about him, Astrid.
Debo decir que tenías razón acerca de él, Astrid.
You were right about him.
Tenías razón respecto de él.
- You were right about him.
- Tenías razón acerca de él.
- No. You were right about him?
- No, tenías razón sobre él.
- You were right about him.
- Tenías razón sobre él.
Well, Bart, you were right about him.
Bart, tenías razón sobre él.
You were right about him, Dylan.
Tenías razón, Dylan.
Yeah, you were right about him, Prue.
Sí, tenías razón sobre él, Prue.
- You were right about him, Mulder.
- Tenías razón sobre él.
You were right about him.
Jimmy, tenías razón.
You were right about him.
Tenías razón con respecto a él.
You were right about him.
Tenías razón acerca de él. Es un estúpido.
You were right about him, weren't you?
Tenias razon sobre el, no?
You were right about him, Verne.
Tenías razón acerca de él.
Looks like you were right about him.
Parece que teniás razón con él.
You were right about him.
Tenías razón acerca de él.
- And you were right about him - not a talker. - Mm.
- Y tienes razón acerca de él, no es hablador.
You were right about him, you know?
Tenías razón acerca de él, ¿ sabes?
You were right about him.
Tenía razón sobre él.
Maybe you were right about him.
Quizás usted tenía razón.
Tenías razón sobre él, Sammy.
Yes, and your character reference is his only chance for leniency. But he tricked you into running away with him. Dad, that was all my idea, and Grandpa told me that I was wrong and you were right about him the whole time.
si, y tu referencia de caracter es su unica oportunidad de clemencia pero él te engaño con eso de escapar con él papá esa fue mi idea y el abuelo me dijo que yo estaba mal y tu tuviste razon acerca de él todo el tiempo
- Oh. - Maybe you were right about him.
- Quizás tienes razón sobre él.
You sure were right about him -
Tenías mucha razón.
You're right about him, he gives, it's royal, he gives one a life years of happiness, casually, as if it were nothing.
Tienes razón sobre lo que decías, tiene esa realeza, te llena la vida... ... de felicidad, y lo hace como si nada.
You were 100 % right about that patient kenet. What about him?
Tenías razón respecto a ese paciente, Kenet.
I'm sorry, but I remembered when you were dictating that one about Mrs. Hobbs'brother... what you really thought of him... it was so long, I ran right out of the book.
Lo siento. Recordé que cuando me dictó la carta para el hermano de la Sra. Hobbs... sobre lo que pensaba de él... fue tan largo que me quedé sin hojas.
It means you were right about him.
Significa que tenías razón.
You sure were right about him. - Oh, I'm sorry.
- Tenían razón acerca de él.
I don't feel right about this how dare you act like a pack of wild animals in my presence we didn't hear you come in we were just preparing him no kidding.
Cómo se atreven a actuar como un rebaño de animales salvajes - Te escuchamos. - Estábamos desesperados.
You were so right about him.
Tenías razón acerca de él.
Well, you were probably right about him.
Probablemente tenías razón.
Michael... suppose you were right about sending him away...
Supón que tienes razón y hacemos que se vaya.
You were right about Lester. I checked him out...
Tenías razón acerca de Lester.
You were right about Craig. You should give him a call.
Tenías razón acerca de Craig, deberías haberlo llamado.
DAPHNE : You were right about distracting him.
Tenías razón de distraerlo, el parece estar bien ahora.
Maybe after all is said and done you're a little disappointed to find out how just how right you were about him.
Puede que una vez que todo ha pasado te sientes... un poco defraudada al descubrir cuánta razón tenías sobre él.
You were right about Tezcatcatl not wanting to kill me, that I am not a hero, so I had to find a way to fool him, to make myself worthy.
Es cierto que Tezcatcatl no quiere matarme,... que no soy un héroe,... Así que he tenido que encontrar una forma... de engañarlo, para merecerlo.
- What? - Yeah, you were so right about him.
- Si, tenias tanta razón sobre el.
I think your mom was, like, taking care of your dad, right? Maybe if you were there she'd have been too worried about you to be there for him.
Para que tu madre cuidara mejor de tu padre a lo mejor, si hubieras estado allí, se hubiera preocupado por ti y tú por ella
You were right in your opinion about him.
Tenías razón sobre él.
You were right about him.
Lo sé.
You were right about calling him.
Tuviste razón en llamarlo.
When I heard you were in trouble, I went to Whiting, told him I thought you were right about Scott.
Cuando oí que tenías problemas, fui a hablar con Whiting y le dije que pensaba que tenías razón sobre Scott.
You were right about T.J. There was surveillance footage that put him 10 miles away from the shooting.
Tenías razón sobre TJ. Por la filmación estaba a kilómetros del tiroteo.
You were worried about all sorts of things, but they weren't so bad once you met him, right?
Estabas preocupado por muchas cosas, pero no ha sido tan malo después de encontrarte con él, ¿ no?

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