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You were right about me перевод на испанский

284 параллельный перевод
You were right about me the first time.
Tenía usted razón sobre mí la primera vez.
You were right about me. I was offside.
Usted tenía razón sobre mí, estaba fuera de juego.
You were right about me being a jerk.
Lo sé, soy un imbécil, tienes razón.
You were right about me.
Ud. estuvo en lo cierto.
- You were right about me.
Tenías razón sobre mí,
Elaine, you were right about me.
Elaine, tenías razón acerca de mí.
You were right about me.
Tenías razón sobre mí.
You were right about me.
Tenías razón.
Shing, you were right about me yesterday I should use my power to help those who really need help
Shing, tenías razón sobre mí ayer debo utilizar mi poder ayudar a los que realmente necesitan ayuda
Deanna, you were right about me.
Deanna, tú tenías toda la razón.
I think you were right about me being afraid of women.
Pienso que tienes razón cuando dices que me atraen las mujeres.
Well, Mama, I guess you were right about me all along.
Bueno, mamá, supongo que siempre estuviste en lo cierto.
You were right about me meeting someone at the Festival.
Tenías razón acerca de que conocería a alguien.
You were right about me.
Tienes razón sobre mí.
All right, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
Muy bien, en su lugar no me preocuparía por ello.
You were right about not coming down to see me again.
Tenías razón, no deberías venir.
You were right when you told me about them.
Por eso ceden, ¿ lo ves? ¿ Ves cómo ceden?
I just got to thinking about what you said in the car and I got to thinking that you were right.
Me quedé pensando en lo que dijiste en el auto y pensé que tenías razón.
I must admit, I felt pretty awful about the other morning... but now I'm sure you were right.
Debo admitir que me siento muy mal sobre el otro día... pero ahora sé que tenías razón.
I realized how right you were, what you said about...
Me di cuenta de cuánta razón tenía...
From memory, you were wearing a dress that you were very unhappy about. Right?
Si la memoria no me falla, llevabas puesto un vestido que no te gustaba, ¿ verdad?
Even were you right about Wang Khan, yet would I venture this unaided.
Aunque tuvieras razón sobre Wang Kan, me aventuraría sin ayuda.
You were absolutely right when you warned me that I was getting too liberal with her about boys.
Tenías razón cuando me advertiste que estaba siendo muy permisiva con ella sobre los chicos.
I'm sorry, but I remembered when you were dictating that one about Mrs. Hobbs'brother... what you really thought of him... it was so long, I ran right out of the book.
Lo siento. Recordé que cuando me dictó la carta para el hermano de la Sra. Hobbs... sobre lo que pensaba de él... fue tan largo que me quedé sin hojas.
Tell me you're a witch and they were right about you.
Dí que eres una bruja y que los demás tienen razón.
I resisted you about Deong, but you were right.
Me rehusé a creer lo que me dijo sobre Deong, pero Ud. tenía razón.
You were right. I was worrying about nothing.
Tienes razón, me preocupaba por nada.
You see, you were right about me.
Ya ve, tenía razón acerca de mí.
But you were also talking about a... pink marble fireplace, right?
Aunque me hablaste de una cheminé de mármol rosado, ¿ verdad?
You were swapping stories about me, right?
Estuvieron contando anécdotas de mí, ¿ no?
Well, very well, you were right to bawl me out about that Vincent mix-up.
Bien, muy bien, usted tenía razón de gritarme sobre esa confusión de Vincent.
Oh, you were right about that report, I'm afraid.
Ah, tenías razón acerca de ese informe, me temo.
Well, as I was saying, I wouldn't be very eager as much about the atom bomb. if it were to kill you right out.
Como te decía, yo no me inquietaría tanto por la bomba atómica si te matara de inmediato.
You were right, about finishing school.
Tenías razón, en lo que se refiere al colegio. Me encantaría terminarlo.
You know, you were right, Vincent, about Frank and me.
Movámonos. Sabes, tenías razón Vincent, sobre Frank y yo.
You were shitting me about that spaceship crap, right?
Lo que me dijiste de la nave espacial era puro cuento,? no?
I knew you cared about me right from the beginning, that's why I couldn't look at you when you were around because I felt so guilty.
Sabía que yo te importaba. Por eso no podía ni mirarte, porque me sentía muy culpable.
I just wanted you to know... you were right in what you said about the Bajorans - at least about me.
Solo quiero que sepa que tiene razón en lo que dijo sobre los bajoranos. Al menos en lo que respecta a mí.
- All right, so- - - You were- - You were talking about- -
¿ Qué me decías?
Yes, I could put you in touch with the right people but I would have to know you were serious about this.
Si, yo le podría poner en contacto con la persona indicada, pero... yo tengo que estar segura de que me habla en serio.
I've been thinking about what you said the other day and, you know, I think you were right.
He estado pensando en lo que me dijiste el otro día y creo que tenías razón.
What matters is you were right when you told me I never said anything nice about you.
Lo que importa es que tenías razón cuando me dijiste que nunca dije nada bueno sobre ti.
You were right about her... She's exquisite.
No me habías mentido, es monísima Karine.
Listen, you were right about all those things you said to me.
Escucha, tenías razón sobre todo lo que me dijiste
You were about to try to sell me something, right?
Intentabas venderme algo, ¿ verdad?
The lads were right about you.
- Los muchachos me hablaron de usted. - ¿ Qué?
If I were you, I'd be worried about my own health right now.
Si yo fuera usted, en este momento me preocuparía por mi propia salud.
- Look, you were right, I was wrong. You don't have to humiliate me about it.
- Mire, tenia razón, no tiene que humillarme asi.
And you were right- - about going after the Tzenkethi and about me.
Acertó al perseguir a los tzenkethi y al valorarme.
You were thinking about me, right?
¿ Estabas pensando en mí, verdad?
Dennis said something at Christmas about his girlfriend but if he were depressed, you would've noticed, right?
Dennis me contó algo en Navidad sobre su novia pero si estaba deprimido, tú lo habrías notado, ¿ no?

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