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You were right the first time перевод на испанский

72 параллельный перевод
- You were right the first time, Barret.
- Estuvo bien dicho la primera vez.
You were right the first time, Sergeant.
Tiene razón, Sgto.
You were right the first time.
Tenías razón la primera vez.
You were right the first time.
Tenía razón la primera vez.
You were right the first time.
Tuvo razón la primera vez.
- No, you were right the first time.
No, tenía razón.
You were right the first time.
Usted tenía razón la primera vez.
That was almost 14 years ago, and you were right the first time.
Eso fue hace casi 14 años, y fue para Woodstock.
You were right the first time.
Habías acertado la primera vez.
You were right the first time.
Que habías acertado la primera vez.
No, you were right the first time... with that quick fix idea.
No, tuviste razón la primera vez con esa idea de un remiendo rápido.
- You were right the first time.
- Acertaste a la primera.
No, you were right the first time. They're a pain in the ass.
No, estabas en lo correcto la primera vez, son un grano en el culo.
You were right the first time.
Estabas en lo cierto la primera vez.
You were right the first time Sam. Asshole.
Tuviste razón la primera vez, Sam.
You were right the first time.
Tenías razón al principio.
you were right the first time.
Tenías razón Ia primera vez.
De hecho me arrepiento de haber comenzado.
No, you were right the first time.
No, estabas acertado la primera vez.
- You were right the first time.
- Tuviste razón la primera vez.
A - and you were right the first time.
Y, tienes razón...
Looks like you were right the first time.
Parece que tuviste razón desde el principio.
Maybe you were right the first time.
- Quizá tenía razón antes.
- You were right the first time.
Tenías razón la primera vez.
No, you were right the first time.
No, tenías razón la primera vez.
Because you were right the first time.
Porque tenías razón la primera vez.
George, maybe you were right the first time.
George, quizá tenías razón la primera vez.
I mean, maybe you were right the first time.
Quiero decir, quizá tenías razón al principio.
- You were right the first time.
- Estabas en lo cierto la primera vez.
I realised that Ben must have been doing Ezra's bidding. You were right the first time, Mrs Abbot.
Lo vi tomar el dinero del chantaje pero cuando vi la segunda nota, supe que Ben estaba haciendo el trabajo por Ezra.
Sometimes that's what it takes to find out that you were right the first time.
A veces eso es lo que pasa cuando tienes que averiguar si tenías razón desde el principio.
And you were right the first time.
Y tenías razón la primera vez.
I think you were right the first time.
Tuviste razón cuando dijiste que era un imbécil.
OK, shhh! You were right the first time.
Tuviste razón en lo primero.
I should have advised you against your first marriage but at the time I was just as weak as you were going to be right now because of Irene
Tendría que haberte aconsejado en contra de tu primer matrimonio. Pero en ese momento yo era tan débil como ibas a ser ahora con Irene.
I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right and that we were wrong.
Comprendí que lo que hacíais era justo, y que nosotros nos equivocábamos.
You know, I think we were sitting right at that table over there when you said something like that for the first time.
He hecho esto varias veces, pero no lo he hecho desde hace años, espero que sea buena. Escucha, si no es perfecta.
You were right about me the first time.
Tenía usted razón sobre mí la primera vez.
First time I met you, you were looking for the right door.
La primera vez que lo vi, estaba buscando la puerta correcta.
Right when you were calling me the first time.
Precisamente, estaba en eso cuando usted llamó.
You were right the first time.
Lo dijiste bien la primera vez.
Yeah, see, that's how I knew you were the right one tonight, because I just want my first time to be great.
Sí, verás, así es cómo supe que eras la persona correcta, porque quiero que mi primera vez sea grandiosa.
That's right, you were very mad the first time you hit him.
Es verdad, estaba muy enfadado la primera vez que le golpeó.
You know, Freddy, I think your instincts were right the first time.
Sabes, Freddy, creo que tus instintos funcionaron bien la primera vez.
Your gut told you to avoid Literati the first time around, and you were right to listen to that.
Tu instinto te advirtió sobre Literati la primera vez, e hiciste bien en hacerle caso.
You know, the first time you and I met, back at the airport, you told me that my father was gone, and it hurt to hear that, but I knew you were right.
Sabe, la primera vez que nos conocimos en el aeropuerto... me dijo que mi padre se había ido me dolió oír eso, pero sabía que tenía razón.
Am I right that this is the first time You were able to sleep well in months?
¿ Tengo razón si digo que es la primera vez que has sido capaz de dormir bien en meses?
And not just because I always wanted to be black, or it'd be a nice escape from being me, which is getting pretty old right about now, but because it reminds me of when we first started dating and I would knock on your door and in the... time between you answering, I would try to imagine what you were gonna look like.
Y no sólo porque siempre quise ser negro o que sería una buena forma de dejar de ser yo lo cual ya está un poco pasado de moda porque me recuerda a cuando empezábamos a salir y yo tocaría a tu puerta y en lo que te llevaría abrirla intentaría imaginar cómo ibas a lucir.
But you were right- - there's a governor's race for the first time in a decade.
Pero tenías razón, hay una carrera para gobernador por primera vez en diez años.
I think you were probably right the first time.
Creo que tenías razón la primera vez.
I mean, I was really good today, especially considering that I laced up for the first time today, you know, and you were totally right about the ice-skating.
Quiero decir, hoy estuve realmente bien, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que me até los cordones por primera vez hoy, sabes, y tenías toda la razón en cuanto al patinaje sobre hielo.

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