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You won't be перевод на испанский

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But if things go wrong, you won't just lose your job... The whole paper could be in danger.
Pero si las cosas no salen bien, no solo pierdes tu trabajo, sino que pones en peligro al periódico.
And you won't be the one to crush his dreams.
Y tú no serás la que arruine sus sueños.
You won't find us online, because people who come here don't want to be found.
No nos encontrará en línea, porque la gente que viene aquí no quieren ser encontrados.
I won't... I have told you no matter what I will always be with you.
No... te dije que pasara lo que pasara siempre estaré contigo.
You won't be mad at me, right?
No te vas a enfadar, ¿ verdad?
I told you I won't be able to regain my senses... until your memory returns.
Te dije que no seré capaz de recuperar mis sentidos... hasta que vuelva tu memoria.
And I think the outcome will be something you won't regret.
Y creo que no te arrepentirás del resultado.
You won't be able to sleep again.
No podrás volver a dormir.
He won't be able to do it without you.
No podrá hacerlo sin usted.
I won't be seeing you again.
No volveré a verte.
One boy who won't be there is Eddie "The Eagle"... as it's hard to play up to the crowd when you're strapped to a stretcher.
Un muchacho que no participará es Eddie "el Águila" y es difícil actuar frente a la multitud atado a una camilla.
But just a word to the wise. If you go near my boat again... I won't be quite so understanding next time.
Pero solo un consejo Si vuelves a acercarte a mi barco... no voy a ser tan comprensivo la próxima vez.
Well, if you fall in, you won't be in your bathing suit.
Bueno, si caes, no estarás con tu traje de baño.
Well, if you're right, could be a huge promotion, a pay raise at least, so we won't have to worry about paying for that new kitchen.
Si tienes razón, será un gran ascenso, al menos un aumento de sueldo. No tendremos que preocuparnos por la cocina nueva.
Won't be long now till you sail off into the horizon.
No falta mucho para que navegues hacia el horizonte.
You got to promise me you won't be careless with it.
Prométeme que vas a tener cuidado con el dinero.
It won't be long before men start to find you attractive.
No pasará mucho tiempo para que los hombres empiecen a verte atractiva.
You won't even be able to see their shadows.
No podrán ver ni sus sombras.
You won't be able to live with yourself if you go.
No podrás vivir con tu decisión si vas.
And if by some, I don't know, miracle chance you survive, you won't be giving no thanks to God.
Y si por milagro sobrevives no le darás gracias a Dios.
And this time, you won't be there to stop me.
Y esta vez no estarás ahí para detenerme.
- You won't be any use to me.
- No serán de ninguna utilidad para mí.
It means you won't feel any pain, but you'll be slightly aware of the room and what's going on.
Que no sentirá dolor, pero estará, algo consciente de lo que pasa.
I'm so pleased you two get on so well, but... you won't be here forever.
Me alegra mucho que se lleven tan bien, pero... no estarás aquí por siempre.
But you won't be alone. It's gonna haunt me, too.
Pero no estarás sólo, también me perseguirá a mí.
Your little friend won't be able to help you now.
Su amiguita no podrá ayudarlos ahora.
We understand that. You won't marry. You won't be able to contribute.
No te casarás..., no harás ningún aporte.
You won't be able to see this right now, but I've got a solar flare coming through.
No serán capaces de ver esto en este momento, pero tengo... una llamarada solar que se está metiendo.
Be a good lad and bring me a stick, won't you?
Sé un buen chico y tráeme un palo, ¿ quieres?
You keep knocking back the vodka like that, you won't be able to hear a thing.
Si sigues tragando vodka de esa manera, no serás capaz de escuchar nada.
- Heaver liner says you won't be carried away on any old breeze.
Heaver dice que no te dejarás llevar por alguna vieja charla.
- Whereas if I know you're smoking, and you tell me you smoke, I won't be happy, but I'll know you're honest.
Si sé que fumas y me lo dices, no estaré feliz, pero sabré que eres honesta.
In six months'time, you won't just be Captain Qwark the hero...
En seis meses, no solo serás Capitán Qwark el héroe...
- You won't be gone for long.
- No será por mucho tiempo.
So won't you come with me and please be my friend?
¿ Por qué no vienen conmigo y me dan su amistad?
You won't be able to leave.
No podrás irte.
You won't be able to see me.
No podrás verme.
Maybe you won't believe it, but never for one second did I think that I would be making him change his mind.
Quizás no lo creas, pero ni por un segundo pensé que lo haría cambiar de opinión.
You won't be able to trust your own thoughts for a while.
No podrás confiar en tus pensamientos por un tiempo.
Now, I, I know that they can be a little enthusiastic but I assure you we won't use any of the footage that we shot in your church.
Sé que pueden ser un poco... entusiastas, pero le aseguro que no utilizaremos ninguna toma, nada de lo que filmamos en su iglesia.
Tell me the story, so I won't send the elevator down, because, if I send it down to the basement, there's no way for it to be down there and you to still be here.
Cuéntame la historia para que mande el elevador abajo, porque si lo mando hasta el sótano, no hay forma de que baje y aún estés aquí.
I promise you, it won't be a snipe hunt.
Te lo prometo, no va a ser una cacería inútil.
It's okay if you were. Like, I won't be offended, but...
Está bien, no me voy a ofender, pero...
I guess you won't be interested in doing a little shopping today.
Supongo que no estarás interesado en ir de compras hoy.
Why do you think they won't be?
¿ Por qué crees que no lo serán?
I hope you said your goodbyes, because you won't be coming back.
Espero que hayas podido despedirte, porque no vas a volver.
So, I won't be able to talk to you anymore.
Así que ya no podré hablar contigo de nuevo.
- Without a pass from the nurse, you won't even be allowed into the dance.
Sin un pase de la enfermera, ni siquiera se te dejará ir al Baile.
And you won't be there to protect her.
Y tú no estarás ahí... para protegerla.
You won't have to be here for long.
No tendrás que estar aquí mucho tiempo.
So, if you've done your revision, there won't be any surprises.
Así que si repasaron los temas, no habrá sorpresas.

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