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You won't be able to перевод на испанский

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Basically you won't be able to get rid of me.
Básicamente, tu no seras capaz de deshacerse de mí.
But if you don't let yourself feel, you won't be able to do what I need you to do next.
Pero si no te permites sentir no podrás hacer lo que necesito que hagas.
As long as that seal is upon your body, you won't be able to make chakra.
Mientras el sello este puesto en tu cuerpo, no seras capas de generar chakra.
Even if you do manage to run away, you won't be able to prove anything.
Incluso si eres capaz de salir de aqui. No seras capas de probar nada.
Do you understand that there's going to come a tipping point soon, beyond which we won't be able to beat them.
Entiendes que pronto llegaremos a un punto de inflexión, más allá de ese punto no seremos capaces de derrotarlos.
Because you're afraid you won't be able to resist me?
- ¿ Por qué?
If you suspend me, I won't be able to beat Grimace and Mr. Shue's butts.
Si me suspende, no voy a poder patearle el trasero a "Muecas" y al Señor Schue.
And I won't be able to testify against you, even if I wanted to.
Y no podría de testificar en tu contra, aunque quisiera hacerlo.
You won't be able to interact with anyone.
No serán capaces de interactuar con nadie.
You won't be able to change the past.
No serán capaces de cambiar el pasado.
Till the troubles are over, I won't even be able to touch you.
Hasta que los problemas no desaparezcan, no podre si quiera tocarte.
If you over-secrete glucocorticoids you won't be able to think.
Si hay un exceso de secreción de glucocorticoides... no serás capaz de pensar con claridad.
If you don't let me read my email, then I won't be able to read the email to the entire staff from your ex-boss.
Si no me dejas leer mi correo entonces no podré leer el correo a todo el personal de tu exjefe.
He'll believe you, but then these two believe that the policy of protecting American jobs starts at home, so they'll never testify against me. And you won't be able to prove anything.
Pero estas dos creen que la política de proteger la mano de obra nacional comienza en casa así que nunca testificarán en mi contra y tú no podrás probar nada.
If this works, you won't be able to go back to your little life!
Claro que, en caso de que funcione... tú no podrías continuar con tu vida tranquila así como así.
Well, I won't be able to sleep till you go find out what that noise is.
Bueno, no voy a ser capaz de dormir Hasta que no averigues qué es ese ruido.
I - I want you to be able to do everything you want, But your behavior won't let me.
Quiero que seas capaz de hacer cualquier cosa que quieras, pero tu comportamiento no me deja. ¿ No lo puedes entender?
If you ever talk that way about Tara again, I will pound those half-dead hands so hard into this table, you won't ever be able to hold that gavel again.
Si vuelves a hablar así de Tara otra vez, machacaré esas manos medio muertas en esta mesa,
Unless you get married I won't be able to marry.
A menos que tu te cases, no voy a ser capaz de casarme.
You won't be able to manage without me, will you?
¿ No podrás arreglarte sin mí, no es así?
You know, now that you're moving in with Molly, we won't be able to hang out like this anymore.
sabes, ahora que te mudas con Molly, no podremos mas juntarnos como ahora
And you won't be able to go back to work for at least two weeks.
Y no podrá volver al trabajo al menos por dos semanas.
Lindsay can update you, but we won't be able to give you any specifics that could compromise the investigation.
Lindsay puede actualizarte pero no será capaz de darte ningun detalle que pueda comprometer la investigacion.
It makes me a little sad that you won't be able to see Nora grow up the same way that you saw Max grow up. I just...
Me pone un poco triste que no vayas a ser poder ver crecer a Nora de la misma manera que viste crecer a Max, y yo sólo...
And you won't be able to reach me on this phone again.
Y no te será posible localizarme por este teléfono nuevamente.
You won't be able to shoot me.
No serás capaz de dispararme.
You won't be able to build the road.
No serás capaz de construir la carretera.
If you need me, I'll definitely be awake, because I won't be able to sleep because of the party.
Si me necesitan, estaré despierto, porque no podré dormir a causa de la fiesta.
But I won't be able to see you.
Pero yo no te podré ver.
You won't be able to.
No podrá.
You won't be able to find her.
No podrán encontrarla.
I am so bummed that I won't be able to see the dinosaurs tomorrow with you.
Me da rabia no poder ir contigo a ver a los dinosaurios mañana.
When I'm down fucking you up, you won't even be able to squeal.
Cuando mi cola esté en tu boca, dejarás de lloriquear.
That bastard won't be able to touch you now.
Él nunca te podrá tocar.
Try as you Iike, you won't be able to move for an hour or two.
Haga lo que quiera, no se moverá en una o dos horas.
You won't be able to come back to town for quite a long time.
No vas a poder volver a la villa durante mucho tiempo.
Well, if you get him a beer like you're supposed to, then he won't be able to drive home ;
Bueno, si como se supone le traes una cerveza, entonces no será capaz de ir a casa.
You won't even be able to read road signs.
¡ Si no vas a saber leer ni las indicaciones del camino!
I'm earning money instead, it's more constructive. If you're tired, you won't be able to concentrate as well. I'm still young.
Lo desafortunado es que a esa edad... tengas esa enfermedad.
But even if you died and came back to life, you won't be able to solve it medically.
Pero incluso aunque muriera y regresara a la vida... no sería capaz de resolverlo medicamente.
If I wait to follow you out, then I won't be able to get into Kang Min Ho's house.
Si espero a seguirte... entonces no seré capaz de entrar a la casa de Kang Min Ho.
If you side with those who participated in the treason, even the nation's princess won't be able to get off scot free.
Debería dar refugio a los responsables de conspirar de traición... ni siquiera su título la protegería de las nefastas repercusiones.
That will weigh on you and you won't be able to go.
Eso te pesará y no podrás irte.
It means you won't be able to let them go peacefully even if you died.
Quiere decir que no podrás dejarlo ir en paz aunque mueras.
I know you won't be able to forgive me.
Sé que no podrá perdonarme.
Didn't I tell you, I won't be able to live if you keep meeting all sorts of people and have rumors spreading?
¿ No te dije que no podré vivir si sigues encontrándote con cualquier persona... y esparciendo rumores?
You won't be able to.
No podrás verlo.
You won't be able to leave by yourself.
No podrá salir solo.
You won't be able to leave as long as I'm here.
No será capaz de ir mientras esté aquí.
If you're lying, you won't be able to live.
Si mientes, no podrás vivir.
You won't be able to avoid a blood battle against Yan.
Usted no será capaz de evitar una batalla sangrienta contra Yan.

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