You won't get hurt перевод на испанский
214 параллельный перевод
Before we're too close and before emotions get deep... we should just end it quick. That way, you won't be hurt and it'll be easier to forget me.
Es más fácil romper las relaciones... antes de que los sentimientos se hagan más profundos...
You won't get hurt if you move fast!
¡ No les pasará nada si van deprisa!
You won't get hurt so much if you circle to the left away from his right.
No te hará tanto daño si te vas hacia la izquierda y evitas su derecha.
Stay on the floor, and you won't get hurt.
Agáchese y no le pasará nada.
Sit down there, Pop, and you won't get hurt.
Siéntate ahí y no te lastimaremos.
Hey, it won't hurt you to get a little sleep too, partner.
Harás bien en dormir un poco también, socio.
You won't get hurt.
No les pasará nada.
Don't give me no trouble, you won't get hurt.
No grite y no le pasará nada.
Mother won't let you get hurt.
Mamá no dejará que te hagan daño.
Quédate aquí para no salir herido.
Then you won't get hurt.
Así no saldrás herida, ¿ lo ves?
Take me to Mr. O'Neil and you won't get hurt.
Llévame ante el señor O'Neil y no te pasará nada.
- Quietly I said, you won't get hurt.
- Cállese y no le haré daño.
You won't get hurt. You're coming with us, pop.
Tranquilo amigo, no le pasará nada.
You won't get hurt if you keep quiet. Understand?
Si no quiere que le pase nada, estese callada, ¿ entendido?
I won't get angry with you because you hurt!
¡ No me voy a enfadar contigo porque te han herido!
- Won't you get hurt?
¿ No te da pena?
Open up and you won't get hurt.
Abre o te irá peor.
I guarantee you won't get hurt. I hope his eyes are in good shape.
Espero que tenga buena vista.
You answer the questions, you won't get hurt.
Respondiste, no te lastimaremos.
Just sit tight and you won't get hurt.
Quédate quieto y no saldrás herido.
You won't get hurt, your buddy's good with guns.
No te pasará nada, tu amigo tiene buena puntería.
Now, if you do as you're told, you won't get hurt.
Si me obedece, no le pasará nada.
You won't get hurt.
No te dolerá.
Just do like I say, you won't get hurt.
Haga lo que le digo, no le haré daño.
- I don't won't you to get hurt.
- No permitiré que te hagan daño.
You be very careful and don't get hurt, won't you?
Cuídese mucho.
Well, the point is that if you're yourself, you won't get hurt.
Bueno, todo está en ser uno mismo, eso no hace daño.
Just come on out and you won't get hurt.
Sal y no te haremos daño.
Then you get over there in the corner, and sit down, and you won't get hurt.
Siéntate en aquel rincón y nadie te hará daño.
And then you won't get hurt.
Y así no te harán daño.
Come out and you won't get hurt.
Salgan y no dispararemos.
" Though you are still small, it won't hurt if you get used...
" Aunque aún eres muy pequeño, no te irá mal que te vayas acostumbrando...
Maybe you won't get hurt, but I just don't want you to do your first dive without a net.
Puede que lo que me preocupe sea la idea de que des tu primer salto sin red.
They won't hurt you. Get off!
No te harán nada. ¡ Apartaos!
All right, don't move and you won't get hurt.
Bien, no se mueva y no saldrá herido.
Now, don't make a move and you won't get hurt.
No se mueva y no le haremos daño.
Now, don't scream, and you won't get hurt.
No grite y no le haré daño.
You stick to the hallway and your room and you won't get hurt.
No salgas del pasillo y de tu habitación, y no habrá sangre.
I won't let you ever get scared or hurt.
No dejaré que te asustes o que te hagan daño.
Stand clear and you won't get hurt.
Apartaos y no saldréis heridos.
Stay at this end of town and you won't get hurt.
Si os quedáis por aquí no saldréis heridos.
All right, everybody, clear the streets and you won't get hurt.
Presten atención : evacuen la zona y no les pasará nada.
You're under arrest. Come quietly, and you won't get hurt.
- Queda usted detenido.
As long as you're a good boy, you won't get hurt.
Ahora que sabes mi nombre, no voy a hacerte daño. Pero tú también debes portarte bien.
- Don't kick or butt with your head and you won't get hurt.
- No dé patadas o cabezazos y no le harán daño.
Do what we tell you and you won't get hurt!
Haced lo que os decimos y nadie saldrá herido.
Step back and you won't get hurt.
Aléjense o saldrán heridos.
- Do as you're told and you won't get hurt!
- ¡ Hagan caso y saldrán de ésta vivos!
Just do what we say, baby, and you won't get hurt.
Nada más haz lo que te decimos, nena, y no acabarás lastimada.
- Just sit tight and you won't get hurt.
- Quédate quieto y saldrás ileso.
you won't be alone 42
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you won't regret it 135
you won't get it 34
you won't be disappointed 56
you won't understand 27
you won't see me again 20
you won't say anything 21
you won't 1161