Yöu'll перевод на испанский
632,735 параллельный перевод
I think you'll go first.
Creo que tú te irás primero.
Oh, we'll leave it be. You know, tree, cats, won't rescue themselves!
No hay problema, alguien debe bajar a los gatos de los árboles.
I'll be anything you want me to be.
Puedo ser lo que quieras que sea.
Listen, I'll admit, you're... a little "queen brisk of bossy town" for my taste, but I know that you love her and you know I love her too, and now that thing is trying to keep her.
Escucha, reconozco que eres... un poco insoportable y posesiva para mi gusto, pero sé que la amas y sabes que yo también, pero eso quiere dominarla y someterla.
It's gone, and if you wanna keep surviving, you'll think real hard about getting gone yourself.
Ya no está, y si quieres seguir sobreviviendo, pondrías mucho cuidado en tratar de retirarte también.
Okay. I'll see you at the office.
Bueno, te veo en la oficina.
I'll rip you from limb to limb.
Destrozaré cada uno de tus miembros.
I'll show you what areas are off limits.
Les mostraré qué áreas están prohibidas.
You'll give us another week.
Nos darás otra semana.
You'll hurt yourself.
Te vas a lastimar.
It'll help you get into character.
Eso te ayudará a adoptar el personaje.
- You'll heal.
- Sanarás.
I'll get you something to feed on.
Te traeré algo para comer.
- Well, I'll buy you dinner.
- Bueno, te invitaré yo a la cena.
Because, like the rest of us, you'll finally have some real skin in the game?
Porque, como el resto de nosotros, ¿ finalmente tendrás algo de parte en el juego?
You'll draw her in.
La atraerás.
I think as long as you don't send out your wedding invitations via Paperless Post, we'll be fine.
Creo que mientras no envíe sus invitaciones de boda a través de Paperless Post, estaremos bien.
I'll join you.
Yo me uniré a ustedes.
But you'll have to give it all up.
Pero tendrás que dejarlo todo.
So, if you'll take me back, even with the occasional outburst...
Así que, si me traes de vuelta, incluso con algún que otro arranque...
Maybe she will forgive me, but even if she does, like you just said, she'll say she forgives me, but she will never really trust me again.
Puede que me perdone, pero incluso si lo hace, como acabas de decir, dirá que me perdona, pero nunca volverá a confiar en mí.
That is the only way to make sure he'll come back from this job as the man you know.
Es la única forma de asegurarte de que volverá de este trabajo como el hombre que conoces.
I'll miss you.
Te echaré de menos.
- I'll give you $ 500.
- Te daré 500 dólares.
I-I'll try to remember to give you a heads up before my friend Arson Daly stops by.
Trataré de recordar avisarles antes de que mi amigo Inocendio Daly pase por aquí.
We'll meet you down there.
Nos encontramos allí.
If you die in the wall, we'll name the restaurant after you.
Si mueres en la pared, nombraremos el restaurante en tu honor.
We'll get you a better face.
Te conseguiremos una cara mejor.
You'll finally make sense with Mom.
Finalmente tendrá sentido lo de mamá y tú.
You guys'll find a way to bond with him like I have.
Encontraréis el modo de conectar con él como he hecho yo.
I'll give you your cigarettes back!
¡ Te devolveré tus cigarrillos!
Don't ever try anything funny, Todd,'cause I'll be watching you.
No intentes nada raro, Todd, porque te estaré vigilando.
And the only person he'll talk to is you,'cause he thinks that you're up there with him.
Y la única persona con la que hablará es contigo, porque piensa que estás ahí arriba con él.
We'll catch up with you in a bit.
Los alcanzaremos en seguida.
And when you're done, I'll remotely open the door so you can exit.
Y cuando hayan terminado, abriré remotamente la puerta - para que puedan salir.
Okay, I'll tell you what, how about you show me this lovely garden, and, uh, Sal, why don't you show Walter and Happy the grid?
Muy bien, les diré qué, ¿ qué tal si me muestras este hermoso jardín y, Sal, por qué no les muestras a Walter y a Happy la red?
Yeah, hold on, big guy, we'll be in frigid, 85-degree weather before you know it.
Sí, aguanta, gran hombre, estaremos en un tiempo frío de 29 grados - antes de que te des cuenta.
And you'll be getting round-the-clock Happy.
Y tú vas a tener 24 horas de Happy.
I'll show you vibrant, Red!
¡ Ya te enseñaré yo hasta qué punto soy enérgica, Rojo!
Oh-ho-ho! I'll show you damage, Princess Sparkle-Fists.
Te voy a enseñar lo que es hacer daño de verdad, Princesa Puñitos-Chispeantes.
I'll clear you a path.
Os despejaré el camino.
I think it'll be in safe hands with heroes like you, and so will the Earth.
Creo que estará en buenas manos con héroes como vosotros, así como la Tierra,
You'll notice we don't do much actual avenging.
De hecho, os habréis dado cuenta que nosotros no somos muy de vengarnos.
You'll have to kill them, too.
Deberás matarlas, también.
And I'll handle the Dawson put-downs, thank you very much.
Y controlaré las humillaciones Dawson, muchas gracias.
Look, I'll tell you what : I'll make a call over to CPD and get an address for your SUV.
Mira, te diré qué : haré una llamada al departamento de policía y conseguiré la dirección de tu camioneta.
Aww. "Supportive" isn't a word you'll hear at the Thornton house.
"Solidario" no es una palabra que oirás en la casa de los Thornton.
You take this one, I'll take her.
Tú toma este, yo la llevaré a ella.
I'll never forget you two.
Nunca las olvidaré.
And I will hold you in my arms the entire time if you'll let me, baby.
Y te sostendré en mis brazos todo el tiempo si me lo permites, nena.
I'll take you to school.
Te llevaré a la escuela.
you'll 165
you'll be fine 927
you'll get over it 77
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll figure it out 157
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be fine 927
you'll get over it 77
you'll pay 35
you'll never understand 17
you'll figure it out 157
you'll regret it 106
you'll be okay 222
you'll do great 56
you'll be alright 46
you'll be late for school 19
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll regret this 34
you'll never find it 18
you'll never take me alive 16
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be safe 116
you'll never know 87
you'll be all right 377
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll regret this 34
you'll never find it 18
you'll never take me alive 16
you'll be surprised 28
you'll be safe 116