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0h перевод на французский

435 параллельный перевод
They're difficult or impossible, as a rule, to interpret accurately, although a lot of people try. 0h.
En règle générale, c ´ est difficile ou impossible de les interpréter exactement, bien qu'un bon nombre de gens essayent. 0h.
0h, and this, this is my protection against the evil spirits who can harm me.
0h, et ceci, ceci est ma protection contre les espirits mauvais qui peuvent me nuire.
"0h, my lord," he said,
0h, mon seigneur, a t il dit,
0h, Jesus Christ.
0h, Jésus Christ.
0h, he'll have to talk slower than that.
0h, il devrait parler plus lentement que cela.
And so we said our goodbyes to Dr Colley, 0h, dear.
et ainsi nous avons dit goodbyes au Dr Colley, 0h, chers.
Maybe I'll.... 0h, what do you care whatI do? Go on and beat it.
Qu'est-ce que t'en as â faire?
- You can fix it for our team to win. - Oh no,
- Vous pouvez nous aider à gagner le match. - 0h, non!
Oh, sure.
0h, bien sûr!
0h, well, in that case it looks as though we're all going to make our fortunes, June.
Dans ce cas, nous allons faire fortune, June.
0h, I doubt there not be any truth in a rumor like that Mr. McWilliam.
La rumeur est fondée, M. McWilliam?
0h, you can rely on me, Mr. McWilliam.
Vous pouvez compter sur moi, M. McWilliam.
0h, hello Grierson, good afternoon. Good afternoon, Mr. Barr.
- Bonjour, Grierson.
0h, Baird, see that the mold loft is ready so that we can make it start next week. Aye.
Baird, lancez la fabrication d'un modèle au plus vite.
- 0h, but we trade in its present condition. - Exactly.
- Ce n'est pas le moment.
0h, yes, we can.
Bien sûr que si!
0h, beg your pardon, Miss MacKinnon.
Mes excuses, Mademoiselle.
Not since I was a child. 0h, it's changed a lot in the last two or three years.
- Pas depuis l'enfance.
- Pm afraid that I - 0h, there's nothing to be afraid of.
- Je crains de... - Allons!
0h, yes.
- Vous avez appris?
Barr would say anything to get his own way. 0h, wait a minute.
Barr ferait tout pour parvenir à ses fins.
0h, Miss Davis, the ledger clerk is looking for.
Mlle Davis, le comptable vous demande.
0h, thank you, Mr. Boyd.
Merci, M. Boyd.
0h, you can't, eh?
Vous ne pouvez pas?
0h, Mr. Macleod -
M. Macleod? Monsieur...
0h, Macleod, I'll be with you in a minute.
0h, you're a grand woman.
- De tout cœur. Vous êtes formidable!
0h, a small man? He was not.
- Chétif, le bougre.
- He's in the boardroom. - 0h, thanks so much.
Dans la salle de réunion.
0h, was he? That's interesting.
C'est troublant, en effet.
- 0h, thank you.
0h, nonsense. With a case like that you've got to take a chance.
- Elle saisit sa chance, elle!
0h, hello June, darling.
Bonsoir, June.
0h, but he couldn't. Not without my signature -
Pas sans mon accord...
0h, it's no use saying that. I did offer, and it has been used. Surely you can see -
La banque n'a pas posé de problème, pourtant.
I said we've got the deed to the property and... Oh!
J'ai dit que nous avons ici l'acte de propriété et que... 0h!
Oh, I know where it is.
0h, je sais où je l'ai mis.
Oh, say. What about the locket?
0h, dis, et le médaillon?
Oh, yes. I remember it well.
0h, oui, je m'en souviens très bien.
# Where she carved her name and I carved mine # Oh, June, like the mountains I'm blue
Where she carved her name and I carved mine 0h, June, like the mountains l'm blue
Let go, you're choking... Oh, me apple!
Lâche, tu m'étouffes... 0h, doux Jésus!
Oh, for a slice of possum and yam. Ooh!
0h, pour une tranche de sarigue avec des patates douces.
- # Then we're going - # Oh, yes, we're going
- Then we re going - 0h, yes we re going
0h, does everybody else know about this?
- Ils l'ont annoncé?
0h, I can't take your time.
- Venez.
0h, sorry, I'll come back later.
Je repasserai.
0h, very well.
Très bien.
0h, is that you, Lyndsey?
0h, fine.
- Il avance.
0h, damn that telephone.
Saleté de téléphone!
0h, really, Bassett, I -
- Je ne sais pas...

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