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Pretty sure it's him leaking all that garbage to the press.
Ça doit être lui qui balance tout à la presse.
All that guy cares about is being famous.
Tout ce qu'il veut, c'est être célèbre.
How do you know all that?
Comment tu sais tout ça?
Let all that breathe partake
Laissez les vivants participer
And all of that can be yours if you just set the truth free.
Ça peut être à toi Si tu veux bien me dire la vérité.
I thought that you wanted to be Ruby's mother now because she tells you all her secrets and she wants nothing to do with me.
Je pensais que tu voulais être la mère de Ruby puisqu'elle te dit tous ses secrets et qu'elle ne veut rien avoir à faire avec moi.
If one percent of the people who I've talked with, met with, or briefed, had that courage, this would have all been fixed long ago.
Si un pour cent des personnes que j'ai parlé avec, rencontré ou mis au courant, a eu le courage, cela aurait tous été fixé il y a longtemps.
"I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available information on these Unidentified Flying Objects."
"Je ressens que la Force aérienne n'a pas été de donner toutes les informations disponibles sur ces objets volants non identifiés".
And I had the pilots report that came through, and I had the FAA's press report that was all downstairs on my table.
Et j'ai eu le rapport de pilotes qui est venu à travers, et j'avais presse le rapport de la FAA qui était tout en bas sur ma table.
We were invited to dinner at the Officers club where he was a speaker, and he knew all about the fact that we had chased the UFO.
Nous avons été invités à dîner au club des officiers où il était un haut-parleur, et il savait tout sur le fait que nous avions chassé l'OVNI.
Of all things to keep secret, the fact that there is this bountiful option that we have of reaching out into the stars and being friendly neighbors with other civilizations in sharing information, and sharing resources, and sharing knowledge, and sharing spiritual insights and values.
De toutes les choses à garder le secret, le fait qu'il y ait cette option bienfaisante que nous avons de tendre la main dans les étoiles et d'être voisins et amis avec d'autres civilisations dans le partage de l'information et le partage des ressources, et le partage des connaissances et le partage des idées et des valeurs spirituelles.
Congressional research service at the library of Congress, their science and technology division, based on all the information, classified and declassified that they've reviewed that their projection was that there were at least from two to six
service de recherche du Congrès à la bibliothèque du Congrès, leur division scientifique et technologique, sur la base de toutes les informations, classés et déclassés qu'ils ont examinés que leur projection est qu'il y avait au moins de deux à six
So all of you people who think that all these secret societies, everyone in it knows everything, they don't know anything.
Donc, tous les gens qui pensent que vous toutes ces sociétés secrètes, tout le monde en elle sait tout, ils ne savent pas quoi que ce soit.
And he said to me, he says, "We all know that Marilyn Monroe didn't die of a overdose."
Et il m'a dit, il dit : "Nous savons tous que Marilyn Monroe ne pas mourir d'une overdose".
And now I'll ask officer Stein and his colleagues to escort the accused into the room so that we may all look upon the guilty party.
Et maintenant, je vais demander officier Stein et ses collègues pour escorter l'accusé dans la salle afin que nous puissions tous regarder à la partie coupable.
I mean, in fact I pulled out all this dis-positive evidence that Carl Sagan would want to see.
Je veux dire, en fait, je tirai toutes ces preuves de dis positifs que Carl Sagan voudrait voir.
And that's enough energy even in a coffee cup to boil all the oceans of the Earth completely away into steam.
Et c'est assez d'énergie même dans une tasse de café faire bouillir tous les océans de la Terre complètement à l'écart en vapeur.
And all the literally hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets that are in coal, natural gas, uranium, nuclear power, public utilities, they're all obsolete.
Et tous les centaines des billions de dollars en actifs qui se trouvent dans le charbon, le gaz naturel, l'uranium, l'énergie nucléaire, les services publics, ils sont tous obsolètes.
When they found out that Tesla had passed away in the hotel New Yorker, they came in, they had the manager of the hotel open the safe, and they took all of Tesla's papers.
When they found out that Tesla had passed away in the hotel New Yorker, they came in, they had the manager of the hotel open the safe, and they took all of Tesla's papers.
If you take that on, you're going to run into the mother of all buzz saws in terms of the national security state.
If you take that on, you re going to run into the mother of all buzz saws in terms of the national security state.
But to take a step back from all the jargon and all the paranoia, and Star Wars movies for just a minute, and realize that it's very easy to set up a false flag operation.
But to take a step back from all the jargon and all the paranoia, and Star Wars movies for just a minute, and realize that it s very easy to set up a false flag operation.
I'm just a little anxious to get up there and whoop ET's ass, that's all.
l'm just a little anxious to get up there and whoop ET's ass, that s all.
Can you realize that we, that you and I, that all of us have actually begun the exploration of another world?
Can you realize that we, that you and I, that all of us have actually begun the exploration of another world?
By having all the secrecy and refusing to set up any kind of diplomatic protocols as I know that you have called for and I believe in very strongly.
By having all the secrecy and refusing to set up any kind of diplomatic protocols as I know that you have called for and I believe in very strongly.
And it is time that the United States government started coming clean on what it's all about, because they're very important military and...
And it is time that the United States government started coming clean on what it s all about, because they re very important military and...
This will be a tide that will lift all ships.
This will be a tide that will lift all ships.
I guess it's kinda corny but it's that bright future that I see that we could all attain if just a few things could be changed.
I guess it s kinda corny but it s that bright future that I see that we could all attain if just a few things could be changed.
They've seen all the evidence that the government...
They've seen all the evidence that the government...
All live feed communications have ceased or been disconnected. However, we have been receiving texts and e-mails from an American scientist stationed there, claiming that an unidentified occupying military force has landed.
Toutes les communications ont été interrompues, mais on reçoit des SMS et des e-mails d'un chercheur en poste nous assurant qu'un groupe armé non identifié vient d'accoster.
Well, all I can say at this time, that the most important thing is unity... and the public's faith in the institution of democracy.
Ce qui compte avant tout, c'est l'unité du pays, et la foi des Américains dans notre démocratie.
That's all for now.
Ce sera tout.
Isn't that what this is all about?
C'est le but, non?
I shouldn't think out loud, that's all.
Je n'aurais pas dû penser tout haut.
All right, that's enough. That's enough.
Ça suffit.
Doug, that's all for now.
Doug, ce sera tout.
Now, you take that away, and I don't know what this country has left. Except a group of grown men standing around in a circle, all staring at a small screen. Looking in instead of looking out.
Si vous enlevez ça, j'ignore ce qui reste à ce pays, à part une bande de messieurs réunis en cercle autour d'un petit écran, ne regardant pas plus loin.
Shoring up the economy, securing our nation from ICO and reducing unemployment. But the biggest challenge that we face, and the one that I'm going to need all of your help on, is reuniting a country that has never been more divided than it is today.
Consolider l'économie, protéger notre nation de l'OCI et réduire le chômage, mais le plus grand défi, celui pour lequel vous devrez tous m'aider, sera de réunifier un pays qui n'a jamais été aussi divisé qu'aujourd'hui.
I believe we can meet this challenge, and that's where I'm gonna need all of your help.
On peut relever ce défi, avec votre aide à tous.
That is all.
C'est tout.
I just want to know how you're doing, that's all.
Je veux savoir comment tu vas.
Mr. Stamper, I really appreciate all the work you do for him, but you and I know that my bloc is growing.
J'apprécie le travail que vous faites pour lui, mais on sait que mon groupe d'électeurs grandit.
That's all I wanted.
Tout ce que je voulais.
- That's all right.
Ce n'est pas grave.
That's all.
C'est tout.
Well, she wanted me to tell you that she's... she's all right.
Elle vous fait savoir qu'elle va bien.
- Yeah, loud and clear. I'm a little confused that you don't seem to hear me at all.
- Oui, mais tu n'as pas l'air de m'entendre.
All right, so... where was that?
Donc... C'était où?
- Was that all?
- C'était tout?
That's it. That's all I have.
C'est tout ce que j'ai.
That'll be all for now.
Ce sera tout pour l'instant.
Well, I don't see that at all.
Pas du tout. À plus tard.
all that matters 18
all that shit 30
all that stuff 77
all that time 39
all that money 36
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
all that shit 30
all that stuff 77
all that time 39
all that money 36
all that sort of thing 17
all that crap 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20