And as far as i'm concerned перевод на французский
271 параллельный перевод
He's out. And he can stay out as far as I'm concerned.
Il est sorti, et ce n'est pas la peine qu'il revienne.
And as far as I'm concerned, to the devil with all of you!
Allez tous au diable!
So far as you're concerned, I'm through and went.
Je ne veux plus rien savoir de toi.
We've had a lot of fun together. And as far as I'm concerned, you're number one girl in the archipelago.
On a eu du bon temps ensemble, et pour moi, tu es la fille la plus sensass de tout l'archipel.
As far as I'm concerned, you and old Campbell and the whole blasted army can go to blazes.
Toi, Campbell et l'armée entière, pouvez aller vous faire voir.
Yes, and as far as I'm concerned, Morgan, you can keep goin'down and down and down.
En ce qui me concerne, Morgan, tu peux descendre et descendre...
And, Mac, as far as I'm concerned, you can settle it any way you like. But lay off the rough stuff, you see? That's out.
Mac, arrange-toi comme tu voudras... mais pas de coup dur.
And all I have to say to you is that as far as I'm concerned you're legally dead.
En ce qui me concerne, tu es légalement mort.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't any third party and there isn't any book.
Ce roman policier me laisse froid. Il n'y a ni 3e larron, ni registre.
Well you used to be one of us, and, as far as I'm concerned, you still are.
T'étais avec nous avant, et pour moi tu l'es encore.
Now, as far as I'm concerned she and you and he can go wherever you wanna go.
Et comme toi. En ce qui me concerne, que chacun aille où il veut.
And as far as I'm concerned it can be the last.
Et en ce qui me concerne, c'est le dernier.
And as far as I'm concerned, it's California here I come.
Moi en tout cas, je pars en Californie.
Well, I hate to disappoint you, gentlemen, but the program as far as I'm concerned is one cigar, another drink and early to bed.
Navré de vous décevoir, mais mon programme, le voici : un cigare, un autre verre, et au lit.
And to coin a phrase... as far as I'm concerned, you can stew in your own juice!
Buvez le calice jusqu'à la lie!
And as far as dressing's concerned... you can come in a cowboy suit for all I care.
Mais pour ta tenue... tu peux te déguiser en cow-boy, je m'en fiche!
- And as far as I'm concerned... - Yeah? - vice versa.
En ce qui me concerne... c'est vice-versa.
And right now, as far as I'm concerned, this talk is finished.
Et pour l'instant, cette conversation est terminée.
As far as I'm concerned, we aren't your family and you're not our mother.
En ce qui me concerne, tu n'es ni de la famille, ni notre mère.
And it never has to be as far as I'm concerned.
Et elle ne s'arrêtera jamais à mes yeux.
As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your horse and keep riding.
En ce qui me concerne, vous pouvez prendre votre cheval et filer.
As far as I'm concerned, he can have China, Guadalcanal and the whole stinking Pacific and Pearl Harbor.
Pour ma part, il peut avoir la Chine, Guadalcanal, tout ce satané Pacifique et Pearl Harbor.
And as far as I'm concerned, you can go too.
et il vaudrait mieux que tu partes aussi.
And as far as I'm concerned, you are executive material.
Et en ce qui me concerne, vous avez tout pour passer cadre. - Moi?
And as far as I'm concerned, you're tops.
Pour moi, vous êtes parmi les meilleures.
As far as I'm concerned, there's only one bastard in this family and I don't mean it's Rafe.
Il a de quoi manger, un toit. Il n'a pas à se plaindre. Tes chiens ont de quoi manger et un toit.
And as far as blackmail is concerned... you only think I'm going after Nancy.
Et en ce qui concerne le chantage... vous ne faites que penser que je vais m'occuper de Nancy.
Look, first I've never done anything I've been ashamed of and second, as far as I'm concerned,
Primo, je n'ai aucune honte à avoir. Secondo, j'ai fait ce qui me semblait juste.
This is where you belong and as far as I'm concerned... this is where you're going to stay.
Ta place est ici, et aussi longtemps que j'aurai mon mot à dire, c'est ici que tu resteras.
And as far as I'm concerned, there was no number seven, either.
Et il n'y a pas eu de 7e non plus.
Hooray for you, sucker. And as far as I'm concerned, those brats were nothing but a means to an end.
Félicitatioons pour ton apoostolat, ces mômes sont mon gagne-pain!
And as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more to be said.
Et en ce qui me concerne, il n'y a rien à ajouter.
As far as I'm concerned, fine but... if the police found my car outside your house it would mean questions, and I'm wanted, you know.
Parfait quant moi, mais si la police trouve ma voiture devant chez vous, on va se poser des questions et je suis recherche.
As far as I'm concerned, you're nothing but a common gunman... and I shall thank you not to speak to me again.
Pour moi, vous n'êtes qu'un pistolero ordinaire. Et je vous demanderais de ne plus me parler.
And as far as I'm concerned, we were the biggest suckers for that idiot that I can ever see.
Il s'est servi de nous.
So far as I'm concerned, he was number one then and he's number one now.
Pour moi, il a toujours ete numero un et il l'est encore.
Look, mate, you start talking to yourself, and as far as I'm concerned, the part...
Écoute, tu commences à parler tout seul et en ce qui me concerne...
Keep your pyroxenes, magnetites and coarse-grained plutonics as far as I'm concerned.
Vous pouvez garder pyroxènes, magnétites, plutoniques grossiers, en ce qui me concerne.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't care if he runs for president... and winds up in Arlington.
Quant à moi, ça m'est égal qu'il soit candidat à la présidence... ou qu'il se retrouve au cimetière.
People have been bushed before today, and as far as I'm concerned, that's the stone end of it.
On a déjà vu des gens disparaître dans le bush. C'est fini.
And as far as I'm concerned, you can pack your bags.
Vous pouvez faire vos valises.
As far as I'm concerned, you're four inches taller than I am. And that's the end of it.
Si on me demande, vous faites 20 cm de plus que moi.
And as far as the common masses are concerned... I'm the one who has a factory that employs over 300 people.
Quant aux masses laborieuses... moi, j'emploie 300 ouvriers!
And as far as my wife is concerned I'm sure she'll be absolutely fascinated when I tell her.
Quant à ma femme... elle sera absolument fascinée quand je lui raconterai.
And, besides, this discussion is terminated as far as I'm con - concerned.
Et, de plus, cette discussion est terminée en ce qui me concerne.
As far as I'm concerned you're all demanding and unforgiving. every single one of you.
En ce qui me concerne, vous êtes exigeants et impitoyables, tous autant que vous êtes.
As far as I'm concerned anybody that goes into The Battery and does some damage deserves a medal.
Selon moi, quiconque va au Battery pour y causer des dommages mérite une médaille.
But as far as you and Zach are concerned, I'm not getting in the middle.
Mais en ce qui concerne toi et Zach, je ne m'en mêlerai pas.
As far as I'm concerned, you're the only person in the world that matters to me, and I'd jump at the chance to be your love slave. "
"Pour moi, " il n'y a que toi qui comptes au monde, "et je sauterais sur l'occasion d'être ton esclave d'amour."
Well, I've known about it for some time, and as far as I'm concerned, you can go do it to yourself.
Moi, je le connais depuis un bail. Et vous pouvez aller vous le faire!
And as far as I'm concerned, I should have been the headliner and Fahteem the flunky.
Et, en ce qui me concerne, j'aurai du être la vedette, et Fahteem le larbin.