And then you said перевод на французский
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It may take a little while. " And then you said...
"Ça pourrait prendre un moment." Et tu m'as dit...
And then you said, "There'll be more."
"Ce n'est pas tout."
And then you said, " On a day like this,
Puis tu as dit : " En un jour comme celui-là,
You put them on and you click the heels three times, and then you said, "there's no place like home."
II faut les mettre, claquer trois fois des talons, et dire : "On n'est jamais mieux que chez soi."
And then you said... "Well, it probably is déja-vu."
Et tu as dit, "Eh bien, c'est probablement une sensation de déjà vu."
You said I was pretty, you said I was smart, and then you said something... about rules and ethics, professors and coeds. And then something about alcohol impeding performance... all the while trying to make a graceful exit.
Puis vous avez parlé de règles, d'éthique, de l'alcool qui nuit à la performance sexuelle et vous vouliez vous défiler.
And then you said you stopped into town, you had breakfast. Yes, that's right.
Vous vous êtes arrêté pour manger.
After all we said to each other that night... the way we understand each other about love... you know I never could... and I know you never could or would want to... and then there's all that powerful commodity to be put to use. - So I thought... - You thought?
J'ai pensé, après nos conversations édifiantes sur l'amour et vice versa, que je ne pourrais... que vous ne pourriez ni ne voudriez laisser dépérir cette "commodité", comme vous dites, aussi...
Then telegraphist Gabo took poison wrapped in paper from his pocket, and said with a sigh : "You're taking a sin upon your soul, Pupala."
Puis il a pris du poison enveloppé dans du papier, et il m'a dit avec un soupir : "Vous commettez un grand péché, Pupala."
And so the donkey said : "Then you run for it, " for danger is close and certain.
Alors, lui dit l'ânon, fuyez, fuyez vous-même, c'est vous qui êtes en danger.
She said, "Mr Lieberman, if you can escape Buchenwald, and you can escape those bullets, then a few cigarettes will not hurt you."
"si vous êtes revenu de Buchenwald, " et que vous avez survécu à vos blessures, "alors quelques cigarettes" ne vous feront pas de mal. "
Then he said, "You wore a simple red summer dress and had long hair down to your waist."
Il a ajouté : "Tu avais une robe rouge, très simple " et des cheveux jusqu'à la taille. "
And then he said something about you owing him.
Il ajoute que vous lui devez bien ça.
But I brought it home, because my idea with this flag... was that before I left - you know, before I left for India... I wanted several people who were close to me to have this flag in the room for the night... to sleep with it, you know, and then in the morning to sew something into the flag. So I took the flag into Marina, and I said, " Hey, look at this.
Mon idée, avant de partir pour l'Inde, était que mes proches passent une nuit avec ce fanion, et puis qu'ils y cousent quelque chose.
And then another one said, " Oh, you know, whenever I wear even a hat on stage...
" Quand je porte un chapeau en scène,
then somebody called ME and they said that they'd seen you at thE St. dennis Club that night having a drink and that you left together, hand in hand.
On m'a appelé, on vous a vus prendre un verre au St. Dennis Club, que vous avez quitté main dans la main.
And then he said, "I hear you there y."
Là il a dit, "C'est bien, gamin".
Now, I don't happen to think that dogs step on the third rail, but I said in response to that, you think the dog will step on the third rail, then build two fences and have the dog run between
Je ne pense pas que ce serait le cas mais j'ai dit en réponse à ça,
We were right in the sack, then all of a sudden I stopped, I thought about how much you mean to me, and I said, "I can't do this. I got a chick."
On était au plumard quand, tout à coup, je me suis rendu compte que je tenais vraiment à toi, et j'ai dit : " Je ne peux pas faire ça.
And he got real close to me, and then he batted those eyelashes at me. He said, " Carla, you know why I want that kid?
Il s'est approché tout près de moi et en battant des cils, il m'a dit : " Carla, tu sais pourquoi je veux cet enfant?
Then you said she was solid, and I said she was scared.
Ensuite tu as dit que tu pensais qu'elle était solide... et j'ai dit qu'elle avait peur.
Then you haven't understood anything, and you said you had!
Alors tu n'as rien compris!
I was in Lovely Lads, and then we looked at each other and said we might as well join up, you know?
J'étais avec les Lovely Lads. Puis, nous nous sommes vus et nous avons pensé... former un groupe.
And I said to myself... "One day, When I've made it rich..." "... then I'll go home and say to you all... "
Et je me suis dit qu'un jour, quand j'aurais réussi, j'irais vous retrouver et vous dire :
And then you suddenly said...
Et soudain, tu as dit :
You look me squarely in the eye, and you tell me that she's mistaken... and then not another word will be said about it.
Regarde-moi dans les yeux et dis-moi qu'elle a tort, et nous n'en reparlerons plus.
You said you loved him and wanted to marry him, and then you killed him.
Vous disiez que vous l'aimiez et vous l'avez tué.
And if you remember that... and if you remember all the things he said to you... and if you remember how much he loved you... then he'll never be gone.
Et si tu te souviens de ça... et si tu te souviens de toutes les choses qu'il t'a dites... et si tu te souviens combien il t'aimait... alors il ne sera jamais parti.
No way, first because here you'll be better, and then because Mom said so.
Pas question, d'abord tu seras mieux ici, et ensuite ta mère l'a dit.
If by the powers which you are said to possess you can find such an envelope as I describe with its enclosure then you will have deserved well of your country, and earned any reward, which it is within our power to bestow.
Si les pouvoirs qu'on vous attribue vous permettent de retrouver l'enveloppe dont j'ai donné le signalement et la lettre qu'elle contient, vous ferez le plus grand bien à votre pays et mériterez la plus haute récompense que nous pourrons vous offrir.
T'as bien dit que je pouvais venir et puis décider?
Then you said nothing's to be done and let's fly away.
Puis, vous m'avez dit : "Impossible, partons."
Then she woke up, and she looked into the prince's eyes. And you know what she said? She said,
En se réveillant, elle a regardé le Prince, et elle a dit : " Merci de me réveiller, Prince.
You mean they let you go through the officers'training course and then said you were too old for a commission? That's it.
Ils t'ont laissé suivre tout l'entraînement des officiers, pour te dire à la fin que tu es trop vieux pour être officier?
I told you then I might sell it and we could divide the money, and you said, "Great, you could use the cash."
Je t'ai dit que j'allais la vendre et partager l'argent. - Tu as dit que tu voulais bien.
You know, barney said that he heard that foghorn, And then he saw the pirate in a boat.
Tu sais, Barney a dit qu'il avait entendu la corne de brume, puis qu'il avait vu le pirate sur une barque.
I'm sure you've said that to many, and it was not true then either.
Vous avez dû dire ça à beaucoup. Ni plus vrai alors qu'aujourd'hui.
Said you were gonna make a quick killing, buy a yacht, and then we'd sail around the world.
Il a dit que vous alliez vous remplir les poches, acheter un yacht et que nous ferions le tour du monde.
They just sort of said, "Okay... " you better leave, Mr. Lennon. " And then they took me out.
On m'a prié de sortir, on m'a flanqué dehors.
And then when he went to El Camino College he played in the band, but his band master said that he would never make it as a musician because he kept putting in things, you know. He'd put in little riffs.
Au lycée El Camino, il jouait dans l'orchestre, mais le chef a dit qu'il ne serait jamais un bon musicien parce qu'il ajoutait des choses, des petits riffs.
And then I tried to call back and they said that you were busy, so I just...
Et après tu étais occupé...
And if you really think that I said I loved you as part of some scheme, then that is pathetic.
Et si toi tu crois que j'ai fait semblant de t'aimer, c'est pitoyable!
And then the reporter said, "Do you like country music?"
Alors, le journaliste demande : "Vous aimez le country?"
And do you remember then that you said that if I was ever in real trouble, if I ever really needed a favor, you'd do anything you could to help me?
Et vous m'avez dit que si j'avais des ennuis, si j'avais besoin d'aide, je devais vous appeler... et vous m'en sortiriez...
Yes, I-I-I know it's a mess, but, you see, it got me scriffy, and then when he looked into my eyes and said, "Chipmunk, I love you"...
Oh, je sais, je suis dans de beaux draps! Mais j'étais pompette et quand il m'a regardé en disant... "Ma musaraigne, je t'aime", je...
And then, I get to take your nose and rub it in everything you said about him.
Puis, je viendrais te faire ravaler tout ce que tu as dit sur lui.
And then he said, " You know, you really deserve to be a partner.
Ensuite, il m'a dit que je méritais de devenir associée.
And then you missed Sanchez, and Heller panicked and he said the deal was off, and that I was dead if he ever saw me again.
Puis vous avez manqué Sanchez, Heller a paniqué, il a dit que l'accord était rompu, et que j'étais morte si jamais il me revoyait.
You said it was just held up by Ted's surgery, and then when he got back you'd make it official.
On devait attendre la chirurgie de Ted et l'annoncer officiellement à son retour.
She looked at me and came close, then she said : "You are wonderful!".. she said that to me!
Elle me regarde et en s'approchant elle me dit : "Tu es un merveilleux rêve".
You'll sign it and then back home you go. But I never said that.
Tu signes et tu rentres chez toi.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then finally 32
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then what 920
and then i 152
and then some 118
and then what happened 169
and then finally 32
and then we 52
and then there's me 17
and then you 113
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then we'll talk 37
and then all of a sudden 77
and then this morning 31
and then one day 206
and then suddenly 99
and then i realized 60
and then i said 46
and then there's this 38
and then after that 60
and then we'll talk 37
and then all of a sudden 77
and then this morning 31
and then one day 206