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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ B ] / Beavers

Beavers перевод на французский

221 параллельный перевод
I shall send over a couple of pet beavers to romp with you.
Je vais envoyer une paire de castors domestiques jouer avec toi.
The Beavers have stopped making them.
Les Castors ne les fabriquent plus.
And suppose you get a couple of the other old beavers to come along in the car.
Prends une ou deux autres de ces vieilles chouettes avec toi.
Eager beavers.
Ils sont impatients.
How are the Beavers doing this season?
- Les Beavers ont terminé combien?
It was a lot of Beavers to be hang And lots of beavers meant lots of money.
Les castors abondants enrichiraient mon père.
For next few days, my father hunted for beavers with Du Nord one of our best tracker
Mon père partit chasser avec Baptiste Du Nord, un trappeur.
Dad was busy, tracking beavers but at the same Time he kept looking around for any signs to see if the Indians were looking for him in a same way as he was looking for beavers.
Tout en chassant les castors, père veillait, guettant les moindres signes pouvant lui indiquer la présence d'lndiens.
Just a few months before, my father was worried only about What this might have meant and terms of Beavers skins.
Auparavant, mon père aurait craint que cette mort ne nuise à ses chasses.
They're the eagerest beavers I ever saw.
- Ils sont vraiment impatients.
I hear the Big Belt in the Blue has beavers the size of bobcats.
Paraît qu'au Grand Belt y a des castors gros comme des lynx.
You can put the hammer down and watch out for two little beavers in a black speedboat coming your way, as they are broken.
Relevez le pied et regardez passer deux petites loutes dans un bolide noir. allant dans votre direction.
Well, you keep your wheels spinnin and the beavers grinnin', then.
Allez, fais tourner tes roues et sourire les minous.
That's why I used to love to drive those trucks, darlin'. Spot those beavers.
J'adorais conduire les camions, pour mater.
- Trapped like beavers.
Faits comme des rats.
Beavers could have chewed on it and gently lowered it to the ground.
Peut-être que des castors l'ont rongé puis déposé doucement par terre.
Barclays Bank branch in Beavers Road, East Dulwich.
- Y avez-vous participé? - Oui, votre honneur.
" Turkeys, monkeys, chipmunks, beavers :
" Dindon, guenon, ourson, raton-laveur :
Are Lapp beavers hermaphrodites? That's the question for this Belgian scientist...
Les castors lapons sont-Ils hermaphrodites?
Welcome to hockey night in Canada. Tonight the American team visits our Canadian champions, the Ontario Beavers.
Ce soir, les Etats-Unis face à nos champions canadiens, les Beavers de l'Ontario.
Trapping beavers or what?
On chasse le castor ou quoi?
Mostly "or what". The beavers are all gone.
Y a plus de castors.
Hey, Krusty, Krusty. You remember the time we got loaded and set those beavers loose in that pine-furniture store?
Tu te rappelles quand on a picolé et lâché des castors dans le magasin de meubles?
Those helpful beavers are swimming out to save him. Oh, no.
De gentils castors viennent à son secours.
They degrade women and beavers.
Ca avilit les femmes, et les chattes.
We've all been busy as beavers preparing for our very own show.
On a travaillé comme des castors pour préparer notre émission.
Marge, have you ever imagined what it would be like if we really were beavers?
Marge, tu as déjà imaginé comment ça serait si on était vraiment des castors?
They looked like beavers.
On dirait deux castors.
BOTH : Ken and Heather Beavers.
Ken et Heather Beavers.
Ken and Heather Beavers.
Ken et Heather Beavers.
Why did you call our office, Mr Beavers?
Pourquoi nous avez-vous appelés, M. Beavers?
Ken and Heather - they were standing here. And the Gamelins - they were just here.
Ken et Heather Beavers étaient ici, et les Gamelin, juste ici.
You're ringing, Mr Beavers.
Vous sonnez, M. Beavers.
I'm a policeman, Mrs Beavers, not a gossip.
Je suis un policier, Mme Beavers, pas une commère.
May Cuttle and Heather Beavers. They read everyone's mail.
May Cuttle et Heather Beavers lisent tout le courrier.
Mr Beavers had a puncture that evening and used it to remove a hubcap.
M. Beavers avait eu un pneu crevé et l'avait utilisé pour enlever l'enjoliveur.
It's called Revolt Of the Beavers, and I want to know if you'd read it.
Pourriez-vous la lire?
Newark, Bridgeport, Yonkers, Staten Island, Tampa, - Wooster, Cleveland, Los Angeles... - # That's how beavers #
Worchester, Cleveland, Los Angeles...
- Rose, will you put these two beavers in motion.
Rose, tu t'occupes bien des deux castors?
Are the reviews for The Revolt of the Beavers in?
On a les critiques de la Révolte des castors?
" Now, thanks to Revolt of the Beavers, many children unschooled in the technique of revolution... have an opportunity, at government expense, to improve their tender minds.
"Grâce à la Révolte des castors, " Nombre d'enfants peu initiés à la révolution peuvent maintenant, " aux frais du gouvernement, ouvrir leurs jeunes esprits.
The Revolt of the Beavers is a fairy tale.
La Révolte des castors est un conte de fée.
They criticized The Revolt of the Beavers... because they thought that it was poisoning the minds of youth.
On a dit des "Castors" qu'elle empoisonnerait l'esprit de la jeunesse.
- Les castors?
Beavers don't actually...
Un minou, ce n'est pas...
Beavers and ducks!
Castors et canards!
And then the beavers came.
Ensuite les castors arrivent.
Sir, if I could tell you some stories about the beavers...
- Je pourrais raconter...
It must be the beavers howling.
Les castors.
Mr Beavers?
M. Beavers.
Mr Beavers, would you take a look at that?
M. Beavers, regardez ça.
beaver 101

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