Before we do anything перевод на французский
175 параллельный перевод
We'll come here as soon as our leave is over before we do anything else.
Nous reviendrons dès la fin de nos congés, avant toute autre chose.
Before we do anything I'd like to make sure there's no radiation leak.
Avant tout, je voudrais être sûr qu'il n'y a pas de fuite de radiations.
Before we do anything more. I'm gonna find why those men died.
Je veux savoir de quoi sont morts ces 2 hommes.
Before we do anything uncalled-for I'd like to point out that I'm an officer.
Avant que vous fassiez un acte irréfléchi... sachez que je suis inspecteur de police.
I want his story before we do anything.
Je veux entendre sa version avant tout.
No, I think before we do anything, we should call the police.
Il faut prévenir la police.
We need to know what we're dealing with before we do anything.
Il faut comprendre ce phénomène avant d'agir.
Before we do anything at all, there's something I have to say.
Avant que nous ne fassions quoi que ce soit, je dois te dire une chose.
We'll take another sample from the forest and run a comparison before we do anything.
On va prendre un autre échantillon dans la forêt et les comparer avant toute chose.
Before we do anything, I think we should get Charlie out of this house.
Il faut sortir Charlie de cette maison.
Before we do anything, we find out who's in on it with him. Who killed those girls in Dirk's hotel room.
Avant d'agir, on doit trouver qui est de meche avec lui.
Whatever happens we need to wait for back up before we do anything
Quoi qu'il arrive, nous devrons attendre des renforts avant d'agir.
Well, before we do anything maybe we should talk.
Avant toute chose, il faudrait qu'on discute.
Now, before we do anything else, let's take care of the child.
Avant de faire quoi que ce soit, occupons-nous de cette enfant.
It's all r... We're going to have to separate before we do anything.
Il faut effectuer la séparation avant toute autre chose.
I'm just saying, let's take a beat, see how we should play this, before we do anything.
Je dis juste, prenons du recul. Etudions notre tactique avant d'agir.
Let's try to find out more before we do anything.
Essayons d'abord d'en savoir plus avant d'agir.
WESLEY : Before we do anything I suggest we gather as much information as we can.
- Avant quoi que ce soit... on devrait rassembler toutes les informations que l'on a.
Before we do anything in terms of a payback... you go to your people.
Avant de faire quoi que ce soit pour nous venger, voyez vos hommes.
We gotta check things out to see what happened before we do anything.
Il faut qu'on sache ce qui s'est passé avant de faire quoi que ce soit.
Before we do anything, I think that it's only fair that half of whatever is in this box goes to my best friend, Hector Zeroni. Aw... you want to go halfsies?
Avant toute chose, rappelons qu'il est légitime que la moitié de ce qu'il y a dans ce coffre revienne à Hector Zéroni.
Let's think about this before we do anything.
Il faut bien réfléchir avant de faire quoi que ce soit.
Okay, but before we do anything else, there's one stop we have to make.
Mais avant de faire quoi que ce soit, nous avons d'abord une priorité.
Before we do anything, Mr. D, we have to get Sam Gold his powder.
Avant d'agir, il faut livrer la poudre à Sam Gold.
Well, before I do anything, we're gonna get a hold of some weapons.
Avant tout, on doit trouver des armes.
We've always said we must have one each before we can do anything.
II nous en faudrait un chacune avant de faire quoi que ce soit.
Well, you'd better find him before we do, as there won't be anything left.
Tu ferais bien de le trouver avant nous. Sinon il n'en restera rien.
It'll be next month before we can even do anything.
On ne peut rien avant le mois prochain.
We can not do anything before dawn.
Nous ne pouvons rien faire avant le lever du jour.
Do you have anything to say before we find you guilty?
Qu'as-tu à dire avant d'être reconnu coupable?
We'll check you before we really do anything.
On contrôlera avant de faire quoi que ce soit.
Before we do any talking, better warn this cheesehead. Next time he tries anything with me, I'll kill him.
Avant qu'on parle, prévenez cette tête de lard que s'il recommence, je le tue.
We can't do anything about it now. We have to leave Hong-Kong before the police find us.
C'est clair, il faut quitter Hong-Kong avant que la police nous trouve.
Uh, do you have anything you'd like to pack before we go?
Vous voulez prendre quelque chose avant de partir?
But before he left he said if anything happened, he hoped we'd do like he'd do if he was here.
Mais avant de partir... il a dit qu'en cas de coup dur, on fasse ce qu'il ferait... s'il était là.
Before we vote, do the Lambdas have anything to say in their defence?
Avant de passer au vote, les Lambda ont-ils quelque chose à dire?
But as I've said, before we can do anything... it's absolutely necessary to have the money to print it.
Mais avant de pouvoir faire quoi que ce soit il est absolument nécessaire d'avoir l'argent pour l'imprimer.
Max, we should think thrice before we do anything.
Réfléchissons avant d'agir
I think the first thing we have to do, before anything else is give them a trial.
Je crois qu'on doit avant toute chose... - les juger. - Quoi?
Before we decide whether or not to terminate your Residency do you have anything to say?
Avant que nous décidions ou non de mettre un terme à votre internat, - avez-vous quelque chose à dire?
Hey, Mac, I didn't do anything we haven't done dozens of times before.
Mac, ce qu'on fait n'a rien de nouveau.
Bob, do you have anything you wish to say... something to Betty before we begin?
Tu veux dire quelque chose? Un conseil à Betty avant de commencer?
Before we do anything, we'd like to say how are you doing out there?
Comment allez-vous?
Hate to make you nervous or anything... but can we talk about a couple things before we do that?
Sans vouloir te stresser, pouvons-nous discuter de certaines choses?
Before we begin our inquiry, do you have anything you'd like to say?
Avant de commencer notre enquête, avez-vous une déclaration à faire?
We just wanna make sure that we've done the right thing before it's too late to do anything about it.
On veut être sûres d'avoir fait ce qu'il fallait avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Do you have anything to say before we obliterate your planet?
Avez-vous quelque chose à dire avant la destruction de la planète?
Before you do anything silly, this was the only way we could contact you.
Avant de faire une bêtise... Je dois vous dire que c'était la seule façon de vous contacter.
Do you have anything else you want to talk about before we finish?
Tu veux nous parler d'autre chose? C'est le moment.
Anubis went into hyper-space before we could do anything.
Toujours sur le vaisseau. Anubis est passé en hyperespace avant que nous ne puissions agir.
If we find anything in your house, which we are searching right now, that solidly proves you committed this murder, and we do that before you tell me what happened, the D.A. will charge you with murder in the first,
Si nous trouvons quoi que ce soit dans votre maison qui prouve que vous avez commis ce meurtre avant que vous disiez ce qui s'est passé, vous serez inculpé de meurtre au premier degré.
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before we start 86
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before we met 21
before we do 20
before we leave 28
before we go in 27
before we left 19
before we get started 62
before we start 86
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before we met 21
before we do 20
before we leave 28
before we go in 27
before we left 19
before we do that 19
before we do this 16
before we 26
do anything 63
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before we do this 16
before we 26
do anything 63
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before you were born 34
before it's too late 194
before you came 20
before that 401
before you 99
before you do 63
before he died 107
before i 37
before i do 21
before what 97
before that 401
before you 99
before you do 63
before he died 107
before i 37
before i do 21
before what 97