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But i didn't do it перевод на французский

718 параллельный перевод
Oh, but I didn't do it.
C'est pas moi!
Come on, I know you didn't do it, but you got to make them believe it.
Je sais bien que vous êtes innocent, c'est eux qu'il faut convaincre.
But I didn't do it, did I?
Mais je ne l'ai pas fait.
I didn't know it, but I do now.
Maintenant, je le sais.
I know I shouldn't have done it... but please, please forgive me for - for what I didn't do.
Oui, je n`aurais pas dû. Pardonne-moi ce que je n`ai pas fait.
But you realize I didn't have anything to do with it, Joan.
Je n'y suis pour rien.
Sure. She didn't wanna do it at first, but I convinced her.
Elle ne voulait pas, mais je l'ai persuadée.
I told you how charming and how lovely you were and I'd still repeat it, but I didn't do anything.
Je vous ai dit combien vous étiez belle et charmante et je le répète, mais je n'ai rien fait.
But I didn't do it.
- Mais je suis innocente.
I mean, if you said you did, which you didn't - Well, I mean you did say it, but you didn't do it.
Tu as dit que c'était toi... tu l'as dit, mais c'était pas toi.
But, you didn't do it. Give me them, I've got to go.
Donne-moi les clefs.
It's not my fault. I did it, but I didn't mean to do it. I just caught hold of your coat.
Je l'ai déchiré, mais je ne l'ai pas fait exprès.
He told me to put something in your drinks but I didn't do it.
Je n'ai pas mis la drogue dans vos verres.
I didn't mean it, but I guess if you do poke, I'll think so.
Disons que si vous fouillez trop, vous en serez une.
I wish you didn't have to do this kind of work but it won't be long now
Je ne veux pas... que tu sois obligée de faire ces besognes. Mais, encore un peu de patience.
- I may be down to my last couple bucks but do you think I'd do it if I didn't think there was oil?
J'ai peut-être plus grand-chose, mais est-ce que je serai ici s'il n'y avait pas de pétrole?
But I do know that I didn't strangle Mr. Pendleton... though it's evident someone's anxious to have you think I did.
Mais je sais que je n'ai pas étranglé M. Pendleton... même s'il est évident qu'on veut vous faire croire que je l'ai fait.
I'd feel bad and pray and pray, but it didn't do no good.
Ça me tracassait, alors je priais, je priais.
I wished you didn't do it. But you done what you had to do. And I can't read no fault in you.
C'est dommage, mais tu as fait ce que tu devais faire, et je ne te considère pas coupable.
I didn't want to do it, but I was afraid of him. I had to.
Je ne voulais pas, mais j'ai eu peur.
You understand, I didn't try, but it seemed to me that one of them wanted the other one to do something but I couldn't tell who wanted who to do what to which.
- Pas vraiment, et... j'ai pas essayé. L'un semblait demander à l'autre... de faire quelque chose. Qui demandait quoi?
Je n'ai pas fait exprès.
But I didn't have anything to do with it.
Mais je n'ai rien eu à voir avec ça.
That is I didn't do it, I mean I did do it but, it wasn't me see, I was your father then.
C'était pas vraiment moi... C'était moi... mais j'étais votre père.
But, Walter, I didn't do it and I'm not going to do it.
Mais je ne veux pas le faire!
Maybe that's the way it works in your books, but even as a kid, I always got beaten up for something I didn't do.
Tu ne risques rien. Ça, c'est dans les livres. Tout gosse, je trinquais pour ce que je n'avais pas fait.
All these weeks I was in the hospital, helpless, you had him here in the house to yourself. But it didn't do you any good, did it?
Pendant que j'étais à l'hôpital... tu l'as eu pour toi toute seule, mais ça n'a rien donné.
- But he didn't do it. I know he didn't.
- Je vous dis que non!
I didn't know what to do next, but suddenly it hit me. Why not open a restaurant?
Ça m'était venu en parlant... mais l'idée était bonne.
But, I.... I didn't do it.
Mais je ne l'ai pas fait!
I didn't know what to do at first, but, at last, I managed to stop it.
Au début, je ne savais que faire, mais j'ai réussi.
I've done a very wrong thing, but I didn't mean to do it.
J'ai mal agi, mais c'était sans le vouloir.
I didn't want to do it, but the captain convinced me saying we had to celebrate the storming of the Bastille.
Je ne voulais plus, mais le capitaine voulait fêter la prise de la Bastille.
I didn't know it, but he says I do.
Je ne le savais pas, mais s'il le dit...
But I didn't say it was all right for you to do it.
Je ne parlais pas de toi.
But I didn't do it.
Ce n'est pas moi.
- But I didn't do it.
- Mais ce n'est pas moi.
It was naturally so dark, they didn't want to do it, but I made the hairdresser keep on with it.
Ils étaient si bruns que le coiffeur ne voulait pas, mais j'ai insisté.
I didn't know what else to do for you for Christmas, but evidently, someone thought of it for me, so from now on, all of you will be allowed to use lipstick.
Je ne savais pas quoi vous offrir pour Noël, mais bien entendu, quelqu'un y a pensé pour moi, alors à partir d'aujourd'hui, le rouge à lèvres ne sera plus interdit.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
J'ignore ce que ton père a fait ou pas fait, mais tu dois comprendre que c'est sans importance.
I didn't want it to happen but... there's nothing a guy can do about the real McCoy, and that's what this is. We're in love.
Je n'ai rien fait pour cela, mais je me suis mis à l'aimer.
I don't know who did it, but I didn't do it.
Je ne suis pas coupable. Je ne sais pas qui l'est, mais ce n'est pas moi.
- I don't know, but I didn't do it.
- Je ne sais pas, mais je suis innocent.
- I know but I told him a slightly different story. - Why? - Well, I said you didn't phone the police because you naturally assumed that I would do it from the hotel.
Je leur ai raconté que... tu pensais que je téléphonerais du club.
But I didn't do the pickin', they done it for themselves, and a fine lot they picked, too.
C'est eux qui ont choisi. Pas moi.
Oh, but I didn't do it!
Mais je n'ai pas tué!
But I didn't do it!
Mais je ne l'ai pas fait.
But I didn't do it either, sir.
Mais ce n'est pas moi non plus.
I'm supposed to mark it down whether they put it back together or not and there ain't supposed to be but one way of doing it and he didn't do it.
Je suis censé écrire s'ils les ont assemblées ou non, mais il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le faire, et il a fait autrement.
I didn't do it for your sake but for your father's.
Je ne l'ai pas fait pour vous... mais pour votre père.
But I didn't ask her to do it.
- Quel pot de colle! - On se tire.

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