But it's more than that перевод на французский
459 параллельный перевод
I used to think maybe I had good ideas and was gonna get somewhere, but now I know it, and that's what I want to thank you for, more than the money.
Voyez-vous, avant, je pensais que j'avais de bonnes idées, et que j'irais loin avec, mais à présent, j'en suis certain. Et c'est de cela que je veux vous remercier, plus que de l'argent.
But there's a little more to it than that.
- Mais ça va plus loin.
But there's more to it than that.
Mais il y a plus.
But it's had more publicity than the Johnstown flood. - What are we gonna do with that?
Et toute cette publicité!
But there's more to it than that. It's...
Mais ce n'est pas tout.
But there are reasons why I must say no more than that. It is not my secret but another's.
Mais je ne puis en dire plus à ce sujet car ce secret ne m'appartient pas.
But there's more to it than that.
Et ce n'est pas tout.
But a clue that's so vague... it's not much more use to us than no clue at all... unless you think there's something phony about this call... and somebody's planning to murder you.
Mais, avec une piste si vague... Bon, écoutez Mme, Je ne crois pas qu'on puisse vous aider... à moins que vous pensiez qu'il y a un lien entre cet appel... et quelqu'un qui voudrait vous tuer.
I'm poor, I can't deny it I don't like it but there's more to me than that.
Aujourd'hui, j'y ai goûté c'est vrai mais je le nie aussi.
Sure, I'll collect it if it is Mrs Clark, but there's more to it than that.
Je la prendrai si c'est elle, mais il y a plus que ça.
But it may be too that he's done you more harm than good by mentioning you in the will.
Il t'a peut-être causé plus de tort que de bien en t'inscrivant dans son testament.
I feel wretched about asking you to do this, my dear fellow... but, believe me, it's more for your sake than for mine or Fletcher's that I do.
Je m'en veux de vous demander ça mais je le fais pour vous plus que pour Fletcher ou pour moi.
It's a funny thing about the governments one owns If the owner isn't around but is cruising around the Mediterranean on a yacht that costs more to keep up than the combined salaries of his government and nobody is around to protect his interests...
Le problème, avec ces gouvernements, c'est que si le propriétaire fait une croisière sur un yacht dont l'entretien dépasse les salaires cumulés de son gouvernement,
I know love is good the way Aron says... but it's more than that, it's got to be.
L'amour, c'est très bien, comme Aron l'entend. Mais ça doit être plus que ça.
Now, you'll notice some effect on growth, too, of course, but it's more than that.
Maintenant, vous voyez aussi un effet sur la croissance mais c'est plus ça.
But it couldn't be more than a miser's dram if indeed, ladies and gentlemen, that much.
Mais pas plus d'une goutte! Et encore à peine!
It's very gratifying to hear that, but some things... are more easily started than stopped.
Parfait, mais comment arrêter un torrent?
But outside of the fact that it's reconnaissance, I don't know any more about it than you do.
Mais en dehors du fait que c'est une reconnaissance, je crois que je n'en sais pas plus que vous.
But it's been more than 15 years that I suffer silently.
Mais ça fait plus de 15 ans que je souffe en permanence.
Now so far I've kept the information to myself, but I bet it's worth more than 20 pounds for it to stay that way.
Je me suis tue, mais je parie que mon silence vaut plus de 20 £. Vous oubliez quelque chose.
I figured it'd be about 10 knots, but it's more than that. It's, you know, 12 knots, 13, 15, six... oh, maybe 17 knots, you know.
Je l'avais estimé à 10 nœuds, alors qu'en réalité, il en fait bien 12.
- Ha, you have a sense of humor. That's good, but it'll take more than that to stop Terry.
Plus un mot, plus un geste.
That may not seem like much, but it's more than we had, your mother and I.
Ça te semble peut-être peu, mais c'est plus qu'on en avait, ta mère et moi.
It's an unusual, but not impossible, occurrence... although I'd place it more in the realm of meta-psychics... than in that of rational medicine.
C'est une expérience insolite, mais pas impossible. Un phénomène, bien sûr, qui est plus voisin de la métapsychique, que de la médecine rationnelle.
Well, yeah, but it's worth more than that.
Il vaut beaucoup plus.
- But it's more than that.
- Mais il n'y a pas que ça.
Now, look at Milda. True, he makes quite a bit of money. He could handle a marriage financially, but there's more to it than that.
Notre Mila, c'est vrai, il gagne bien sa vie et peut entretenir une famille...
His sister seemed to know more about it than me but I tore up her statement because it said something about four fillings and two missing teeth and an old break of the lower left leg, that no one knew about
Sa sœur en savait plus que moi, mais j'ai déchiré sa déclaration. Elle y parlait de quatre plombages, de deux molaires manquantes et d'une fracture du tibia gauche, que personne ne pouvait soupçonner, car il n'avait jamais boité.
- Well, we don't know yet, dear but it's gonna take more than a Band-Aid, I can tell you that.
- Impossible à dire, ma chérie. Mais un simple pansement ne suffira pas. C'est sûr.
But I think that it's going to be a little more difficult than I thought.
Difficile à dire, mon garçon, mais... je crois que ça va être plus difficile que je le pensais.
But it's more than that... cause it's got a soul.
Elle a une âme.
But I know that it's something more important than me.
Mais ce que tu fais t'intéresse plus que moi.
It's not that I'm a coward, but what's more beautiful than life?
Je ne suis pas un lâche, mais... Qu'y a-t-il de plus beau que la vie?
Come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than me but that's beside the point.
Pensez-y. La plupart des gens apprécie une bonne poilade plus que moi mais c'est hors sujet.
Oh, I've been to Philadelphia, but there's more to it than that, I'm sure.
Je suis allé à Philadelphie, mais il y a sûrement mieux que ça.
Perhaps it's that gamy smell they have, but I like them more than white ones.
C'est peut-être à cause de leur odeur, mais je les préfère aux blanches.
But the Gods protect us. It's been more than a month that adverse winds prevent the Holy Ship from returning from Delos.
Plus d'un mois que des vents contraires empêchent le retour du Vaisseau Sacré de Délos.
No, but it's much more than that.
Il s'agit de bien plus que ça.
But I can tell you, there's a bit more to it than that.
Mais elle cache quelque chose de plus grave
That's what it's called now, but she's more of a whore than me!
C'est une façon de parler, mais c'est une pute! Bien plus que moi!
But it's more than that. Much more than that, Uncle.
Mais ça fait plus que ça, mon oncle.
But it's more than that.
Mais c'est bien plus encore.
Thank you. But it was more than that, much more than that, that you left behind as your precious gift to life.
Mais il s'agit de bien plus... de ce que vous donnâtes.
No, but it's more than that.
Non, il y a plus que ça.
I know it's a good piece of property, but he needs us more than we need him. Oh, that's a lot of bull.
Ce sont des conneries tout ça.
But there's more to it than that.
Mais ce n'est pas tout.
This name was perhaps not unnaturally accredited to Combayne Fallstoward, the house's new occupant, apparently much to her annoyance, but it did not go unnoticed that she signed her letters on more than one occasion with the initials WS.
Ce nom n'était peut-être pas anormalement attribué à Combayne FaIIstoward, Ia nouvelle occupante de Ia maison, apparemment à son grand déplaisir, mais on remarqua qu'elle signa ses lettres à plus d'une occasion avec Ies initiales VS.
I mean, it's a little funny, but it's a little more than that.
C'est un peu bizarre, mais bon.
But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process... that creates this boredom that we see in the world now... may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing... created by a world totalitarian government based on money... and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks... and it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally... but that somebody who's bored is asleep... and somebody who's asleep will not say no?
Mais le processus qui conduit à cette morosité alimente peut-être une entreprise de lavage de cerveau mise en place par un totalitarisme basé sur le fric! C'est plus dangereux qu'on ne croit! Ce qui est grave, c'est que, si on s'emmerde, on s'endort, et l'homme qui dort ne sait plus dire non.
But believe ME when I tell you that it's not more important than you are to ME.
Mais crois-moi, tu comptes plus que ça pour moi.
Come to think of it, most people enjoy a good laugh more than I do, but that's beside the point.
En fait... tout le monde, mais passons.