But that's normal перевод на французский
370 параллельный перевод
Yeah but with all people that come to see her, it's kind of normal
- Mais au nombre de personnes qui venaient la voir, c'est normal, mais...
Yeah, but... that's quite right.
C'est normal. Donnez-lui à manger.
It's OK to push us tramps around but that lady is playing a lone hand.
C'est normal de nous déporter, mais cette dame n'a rien à voir.
- I don't deny that he's infatuated with you in some warped way of his own. - I don't think so. But he isn't capable of any normal, warm human relationship.
Certes, il s'est entiché de toi, pervers comme il est, mais il est inapte à toute relation humaine normale.
This is a setback, but that's what we come out of town for.
C'est normal, ces contretemps.
But that's not right, sir.
Ce n'est pas normal, monsieur.
Right now you're moved, that's normal, but I don't want you to one day accuse me of having manipulated you.
Je veux pas qu'un jour tu me reproches de t'avoir aux sentiments, ça va être difficile, je le sais!
But Zach'll tell you that's normal for a flyer.
Mais Zach vous le dira, c'est normal pour un pilote.
Yeah, well, that's all Very well, but look, you've gotta speak a normal foreign language.
C'est bien, mais, ils veulent une langue normale.
But it's not normal to keep my feelings bottled up. That's it.
Je n'ai pas l'habitude de ne pas exprimer mes émotions.
He said maybe it's some weeds that she ate on the parade ground and now she's got poison wind, but that don't seem right because I remember she ate a whole field full of weeds once and never acted like this. Yeah. I don't think the vet knows what to do.
Il pense à des mauvaises herbes qu'elle aurait mangé sur le terrain de manœuvres... et maintenant elle a des flatulences, c'est pas normal... je me souviens qu'elle a mangé une fois tout un champ de mauvaises herbes... et elle n'avait pas réagit comme ça.
It's to be expected that you should have a breakdown. But now you must forget all about it.
C'est normal d'avoir un choc nerveux, mais maintenant vous devez tout oublier.
But that's no problem for the average, normal suburban housewife if she happens to be a witch.
Mais ça ne pose aucun problème à la typique ménagère américaine, il suffit juste qu'elle soit... une sorcière.
That's normal, but not three kids tied up. Never mind, Abner.
J'ai failli me scinder en deux.
Two kids are tied up in the bedroom and one kid isn't tied up. That's normal, but not three kids tied up.
Deux garçons ligotés dans la chambre et un qui ne l'est pas, c'est normal Mais pas trois garçons ligotés.
The engine still knocks when it's cold, but that's normal.
- Oui, le moteur cliquette encore un peu à froid, mais c'est normal.
Well it's urgent that we get her back to normal size, but, ah, at the moment her protective cells are too small to cope with the molecules of poison in her bloodstream.
Il est urgent que nous la ramenions à sa taille normale, mais pour le moment, ses anticorps sont trop petits pour lutter contre les molécules de poison dans son sang.
And when Mr. Nestor examines it, he won't have any choice but to tell Dr. Bellows that it's an everyday, normal magician's trick.
Quand M. Nestor l'examinera, il sera obligé de dire au Dr Bellows que c'est un tour de magie bien ordinaire.
But that's only natural.
C'est normal, non?
But that's par for the course.
C'est tout à fait normal.
Yes, normally she would... but that's the whole point, you see. You've got flu.
C'est ce qu'elle ferait en temps normal, mais le problème, c'est que vous êtes malade.
She has lost some weight, but that's quite normal.
Elle a maigri, mais rien d'anormal.
But still, it's normal that I should go away at the end of the holidays.
Mais quand même, c'est normal que je m'en aille à la fin des vacances.
I'm very tired... but that's only natural.
Je suis très fatigué. Mais c'est normal.
Even though they know in their subconscious that it's right. You know, it's good and normal and natural, but we've been made to feel that it's wrong.
Même s'ils sentent que c'est bien, que c'est normal, naturel.
Now, there's a guy up there, some hamburger guy, that had his stand burned down last night, but he's still got a little stuff left, and for you people that still believe that capitalism isn't that weird,
Je vous signale que la baraque d'un vendeur de hamburgers a brûlé cette nuit. Mais il en reste et ceux qui pensent encore que le capitalisme est normal pourront le renflouer en se calant les joues.
- But that's normal, you were upset.
- C'est normal, tu étais bouleversé.
There's a little glandular inflammation, but that's normal.
Il y a une petite inflammation glandulaire mais c'est normal.
I understand that you hold a grudge against her... but everyone makes mistakes in their life... especially when women's lives are sometimes unfairly complicated.
Il est tout à fait normal que vous lui en vouliez. Mais les êtres humains commettent toujours quelques erreurs dans leur vie. Surtout... nous, les femmes.
You're scared but that's to be expected.
T'as peur mais c'est normal.
That's right, but don't exaggerate.
C'est normal, mais freine un peu.
Sleeping too much, I guess, but Dr Schneider said that's to be expected after all she's been through.
Elle dort sans arrêt... Le docteur dit que c'est normal, vu ce qu'elle a traversé.
Before he was worried for her, and that's understandable, but now that all's gone well...
Avant, il était préoccupé pour elle, ce qui est normal.
Listeners will probably think that we are no longer quite normal but when you start to tell the story, it's so gruesome you don't know where to start, there are such terrible things
Et parce qu'on était juif, on devait périr dans la cheminée.
But that's the normal sediment for a great bottle of Chéteau Pétrus.
C'est normal dans un "Château Petrus".
I don't want to say normal, I guess that's a prejudicial way to put it, but you enjoyed the traditional role of father.
Enfín, je díraís une relatíon normale... maís je rísqueraís d'évoquer des sentíments préconçus.
- You can't stand on one leg unless one was shot off in the war, but that's not natural either, is it?
A moins qu'on l'ait perdue à la guerre. Ça non plus, c'est pas normal.
I know a lot of you soccer jocks think it's okay to go out there and try to pull one over on the referee when he's not watching, but I'm here to tell you that nobody...
Je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous, passionnés de football trouvent tout à fait normal de tromper l'arbitre quand il ne regarde pas. Mais moi, je vous dis que personne, personne, entendez-vous?
- But for us, that's common behavior.
Mais, pour nous, c'est normal!
But you know, if you live with somebody for a long time, people are constantly saying... " Well, of course it's not as great as it used to be, but that's only natural.
Quand tu vis depuis longtemps avec une femme, les gens disent : " Ça donne de la bande, mais c'est normal...
But I don't think it's fair that I should have to pay for it.
Mais c'est pas normal que je paie tout.
She's losing her mind but that's normal...
Elle perd la boule. C'est normal.
But that's normal procedure. You can check around.
Mais c'est tout à fait normal.
Uh, normally I don't accept offers like that from strangers, but since it's lemonade, I'll make an exception.
En temps normal je n'accepte rien de la part d'étrangers, mais pour une limonade, je ferai une exception. - D'accord.
Maybe you've been listening to this holy roller so long... that all starts to sound the same. But it's not!
A force d'écouter ce prêchi-prêcha... tout ça vous semble normal.
You were, but you're supposed to. That's part of being a teenage girl.
Enfin oui mais c'est normal, c'est ce que nous font les filles ado.
Jean-Baptiste, you helped us as best you could, but now Hervé's up and about, it's quite normal that you're relieved, you're free.
Jean-Baptiste, vous nous avez aidé du mieux que vous avez pu, mais maintenant Hervé est sur pied, il est tout à fait normal qu'on vous délivre, vous êtes libre.
But that's normal!
Mais c'est normal!
Might as well build him a room. Does anybody but me think it's strange that with the three of you here, it's the mouse I'm after?
Vous trouvez normal qu'avec vous trois ici, je m'en prenne à la souris?
She needs a chance to be normal. Isn't that what it's all about?
Le but est qu'elle mène une vie normale, n'est-ce pas?
Data has assured me that his odd behaviour will return to normal, but I think something went wrong on Gravesworld.
Bien que Data m'ait assuré qu'il retrouverait un comportement normal, je suis persuadé qu'il s'est produit un incident sur la planète de Graves.
but that's not you 16
but that's okay 199
but that's beside the point 34
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not true 78
but that's the thing 39
but that's the way it is 43
but that's not all 68
but that's just it 35
but that's okay 199
but that's beside the point 34
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's not true 78
but that's the thing 39
but that's the way it is 43
but that's not all 68
but that's just it 35