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But there was no answer перевод на французский

66 параллельный перевод
Miss Hayden told me she tried to get you on the phone just after Tanya's call, but there was no answer.
Mme Hayden a dit avoir essayé de vous appeler après l'appel de Tanya, mais il n'y avait pas de réponse.
I called your office to report, but there was no answer.
J'ai appelé votre bureau pour le signaler, mais ça ne répondait pas.
I tried to contact them, but there was no answer, over.
Aucune réponse. À vous.
I tried calling you, but there was no answer.
Je t'ai téléphoné, mais ça ne répondait pas.
I tried to telephone, but there was no answer.
J'ai essayé de téléphoner mais ça ne répondait pas.
I called, but there was no answer.
- J'allais pas t'attendre.
I kept on writing, but there was no answer.
J'ai continué à lui écrire, mais en vain.
I sent Jill to enquire at the door, but there was no answer.
J'ai même envoyé Jill chez lui. Personne.
Krystle. I tried calling quite a few times but there was no answer, so I thought I'd just drop by.
Personne n'a répondu, alors je suis passée.
- I knocked, but there was no answer.
- J'ai frappé, mais pas de réponse.
M iss pierce tried to buzz you but there Was no answer.
Mlle Pierce a sonné mais tu n'as pas répondu.
But there was no answer to the crucial question...
Mais il n'apportait aucune réponse à la question cruciale :
Anyway, I – I told Olla I'd be over early, and I was. But there was no answer.
J'ai sonné mais Olla n'est pas venue ouvrir.
I knocked but there was no answer
J'ai frappé mais tu n'as pas répondu.
- He told the neighbor he kept calling... ... his wife but there was no answer.
Il prétend que sa femme ne répondait pas.
I knocked but there was no answer.
J'ai frappé, vous n'avez pas répondu.
I even called over at Johnnie's house, but there was no answer there. Okay.
J'ai appelé chez Johnny, ça répondait pas.
I rang at the door bell, but there was no answer.
J'ai sonné, mais personne n'a répondu.
We tried calling many times but there was no answer.
C'est la réception de l'hôtel. Oui?
So I went up there. I knocked, but there was no answer.
J'ai frappé, mais il n'a pas répondu.
I called out to my husband, but there was no answer.
J'ai appelé mon mari... mais sans réponse.
I called out, "Joel!" But there was no answer.
J'ai crié Joel! Aucune réponse.
But there was no answer.
Mais en vain.
I called up Ali on the set of The Getaway, but there was no answer in her room.
J'appelai Ali, qui était sur le tournage du Guet-Apens. Pas de réponse.
Then I called, but there was no answer, then I stopped by, and I guess you didn't see me which was odd, cos I was standing next to the pizza guy while you were paying him.
Je t'ai appelée, mais sans succès. Puis je suis passé, mais tu n'as pas dû me voir, ce qui est bizarre car j'étais à côté du livreur de pizza quand tu l'as payé.
Sorry I'm late, there was an accident. I did call you, but there was no answer.
Excusez-moi du retard, mais il y avait un accident, je vous ai appelé mais vous ne répondiez pas.
Hey, I tried to call, but there was no answer.
J'ai essayé d'appeler, mais ça répondait pas.
5 : 00. I knocked, but there was no answer.
A 17 h. J'ai frappé, il n'y avait personne.
I tried calling her yesterday, but there was no answer so I figured I'd just drive down there and see what was going on.
J'ai essayé de l'appeler hier, mais ça n'a pas décroché donc j'ai décidé d'y aller et de voir ce qui s'est passé.
Well, mama, i tried calling earlier, but there was no answer.
J'ai essayé de vous appeler plus tôt, mais ça ne répondait pas.
I stopped by earlier this morning, but there was no answer.
Je suis passée tôt dans la matinée, mais personne n'a répondu.
I want you to call Angela, tell her I tried to reach her, but there was no answer.
Je veux que t'appelles Angela, dis-lui que je lui ai téléphoné, mais elle a pas répondu.
I tried to call, but there was no answer.
J'ai essayé d'appeler, ça ne répondait pas.
I phoned but there was no answer.
J'ai essayé de vous appeler, mais vous ne répondiez pas.
You know, I called you back later that night, but there was no answer.
Tu sais, je t'ai rappelée, plus tard dans la soirée, mais personne n'a répondu.
She said she tried calling you on the cell, but there was no answer.
Elle a dit que tu ne répondais pas sur ton portable.
I rung a few times but there was no answer.
J'ai téléphoné plusieurs fois mais il n'y avait pas de réponse.
You got there as soon as you could, but there was no answer. So what do you do?
Vous êtes arrivé dès que possible, mais ça ne répondait pas.
I've been ringing the land line but there was no answer?
J'ai appelé sur la ligne fixe mais personne ne répond?
I called you a couple times, but there was no answer.
Je t'ai appelé 2 fois mais tu n'as pas répondu.
" There was no answer, but Goldilocks saw an open window and climbed through it.
Elle n'eut pas de réponse, mais elle vit une fenêtre ouverte et se glissa dedans.
I phoned you, but there was no answer.
- En mars.
I'm sorry for, um, barging in like that. But, well, I knocked and there was no answer.
Mlle Griselle, je suis désolé d'être entré comme ça, mais j'ai frappé et personne n'a répondu.
I gave her a call at her place, but there was no answer.
Je l'ai appelée mais ça ne répondait pas.
Yeah, but the guy called her around 9 : 30, too, and there was no answer on the telephone.
L'amant l'a appelée à 21 h30 mais elle n'a pas répondu.
Carlin said he'd been calling his wife... but there was no answer.
C'était une brute.
But by the time I asked this question, there was no one around to answer it.
Je posais bien la question, mais pour la réponse, nada.
Yeah, but, there was no answer.
Oui, mais il n'y avait pas de réponse.
But, of course, there was no answer.
Mais bien sûr, elle n'a pas eu de réponse.
"There was no answer, but he heard noises... then everything became quiet again."
II n'y eut pas de réponse, mais il entendit des bruits. Puis, tout redevint silencieux. "
I'm sorry, but when I was there the answer was "Absolutely no!"
Je suis désolé, mais d'après mon expérience, ce n'est pas absolument pas le cas.

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