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But you did it anyway перевод на французский

55 параллельный перевод
- But you did it anyway. - Yeah.
Mais vous l'avez fait.
But you did it anyway to get my back.
Mais tu l'as fait pour sauver ma peau.
Okay, but you did it anyway, and I would say that it worked- - 25 years.
Bon, mais tu l'as fait de toute façon et je dirais que ça a marché... pendant 25 ans.
- But you did it anyway.
- mais tu l'as fait.
But you did it anyway.
Mais tu l'as fait quand même.
- But you did it anyway.
- Mais vous l'avez quand même fait.
You knew you shouldn't have but you did it anyway.
Tu savais que tu n'aurais pas du mais tu l'as fait quand même.
- But you did it anyway?
- Mais vous l'avez fait quand même?
- Well, but you did it anyway. Well, you told Pete.
Tu as voulu blesser Pete?
That's different. But you did it anyway.
Mais tu l'as fait.
You knew not to bring anybody back here, but you did it anyway.
Tu savais que tu ne devais inviter personne, mais tu l'as fait.
But you did it anyway.
Mais tu l'as quand même fait.
I didn't approve of that, but you did it anyway, so I'm doing this anyway.
Je n'ai pas approuvé, mais tu l'as fait de toute façon. Alors je vais le faire de toute façon.
But you did it anyway.
- Mais tu l'as fait.
You said it was hopeless, but you did it anyway.
Tu as dit que c'était sans espoir, mais tu l'as fait quand même.
It couldn't have been easy, but you did it anyway, and for that, you deserve something special.
Ça n'a pas dû être facile, mais vous l'avez quand même fait, et pour ça, vous méritez quelque chose de spécial.
- But you did it anyway?
– Mais tu l'as fait quand même?
You were afraid then too, afraid to shoot the junk that killed your boy whistler, but you did it anyway.
T'avais peur de prendre l'héroïne qui a tué ton Whistler mais tu l'as fait.
You knew it would upset him if you told me that it was your move, but you did it anyway?
Tu savais que ça le fâcherais si tu me disais que c'était ton mouvement, et tu l'as fait quand même?
But you did it anyway?
Mais tu l'as fait quand même?
And you knew it was illegal to take it back to Britain but you did it anyway.
Et tu savais que c'était illégal de le ramener en Angleterre mais tu l'as fait quand même.
The nurses told you about it, but you did it anyway.
Les infirmières vous ont averti, mais vous avez fait ce que vous vouliez.
But you did it anyway because even if you're telling the truth, the old you is still inside of you.
Mais tu l'as fait quand même car même si tu dis la vérité, l'ancien toi est toujours à l'intérieur.
You're right, there is no need to remind me, but you did it anyway.
En effet, c'est inutile, mais vous l'avez fait.
How very strange, I did'nt order any sherry but it is addressed to you well anyway, thank you
C'est étrange, je n'ai pas fait commander de sherry. Pourtant ça vous est adressé. Dans ce cas, merci.
When did you turn vandal anyway? I didn't have anything to do with that... and you know it, but I warned you. Now, wait now.
- Depuis quand es-tu un vandale?
I don't know how you did it but cheers anyway.
Je ne sais pas comment vous avez fait... mais bravo.
Odo, I know you don't need to eat, but did you ever try it anyway?
Je sais que vous n'avez pas besoin de vous nourrir, mais avez-vous essayé?
Didn't ask? Well, you didn't ask for us to be attacked by dogs and fire hoses, so you can live here, but we did it anyway.
Tu nous as pas demandé d'affronter les chiens et les lances d'incendie pour pouvoir vivre ici, mais on l'a fait.
Anyway at the mechanic's he said he couldn't care what you did. - Yes. - But it's not that simple.
Merci, vraiment.
You know, but he did it anyway... because she ked him to.
Vous voyez, mais il l'a quand même fait... parce qu'elle lui a demandé.
But thinking about it, it wouldn't matter to me if you did something. Since I wouldn't remember it anyway.
En fait, ça ne me gênerait pas que tu me fasses des choses, vu que je ne m'en souviendrais pas.
Okay, ew. I told you this was a bad idea, but, no, you went ahead and did it, anyway.
Je t'ai dit que c'était une mauvaise idée, mais non, t'as pris les devants et tu l'as fait quand même.
But you... went and did it anyway.
Mais toi... Tu l'as fait!
I told you not to do what you did, and you did it anyway, so it's kind of hard to be sympathetic, but really we all seem to do something that stops us from getting what we want.
mais on fait tous des trucs nous empêchant d'avoir ce qu'on veut.
Anyway, why did you come all this way searching for me? It's nothing big, but next week is our Top Spin's 10th year anniversary.
Donc Sunbae pourquoi tu as fait tout ce chemin? notre club Top Spin célébrera son 10ème anniversaire.
I figured you'd say that, but I did it anyway.
Je savais que tu dirais ça, mais je l'ai fait quand même.
Well, that's true. I did, but you never believed it anyway.
C'est vrai, mais vous n'y avez jamais cru.
You did it anyway. Look, dude, I'm sorry about the move, but I had to do something.
Hey mec, je suis désolé pour le mouvement, mais je devais faire quelque chose.
You knew I didn't want you going out on your own, but yet, you did it anyway!
Tu savais que je ne voulais pas que tu sortes toute seule, mais, tu l'a fait quand même!
I've tried to pull him out of it, but I don't have the magic touch, not like you did, anyway.
J'ai essayé de le bouger, mais je n'ai pas la touche magique, pas comme toi, de toute façon.
Look, it's fine that you know, but we agreed not to tell anyone right now, and she just went ahead and did it anyway.
Écoute, c'est bien que tu le saches, mais on a convenu de ne le dire à personne pour l'instant. et elle est juste passé outre et l'a fait quand même.
Ok, maybe it's not that funny but you can sit there and listen to it anyway, like we did with you.
Ok, peut être que ce n'est pas si drôle mais tu peux écouter quand même, comme on a fait avec toi.
I told you not to do it, and you did it anyway, leaving me no choice but to report this to Mike.
Je t'ai dit de ne pas le faire, et tu l'as fait quand même, ne me laissant d'autre choix que de reporter ceci à Mike.
But you went and did it anyway.
Mais tu l'as fait quand même.
But you-you did it, anyway.
Mais tu l'as fait quand même.
No, but I can tell you who did it, anyway.
Non, mais je peux quand même vous le dire.
Well, you can't, but I did it anyway.
Tu ne peux pas, mais je l'ai fait quand même.
See, this is why I didn't want to submit, but you went behind my back and you did it anyway.
Tu vois, c'est pour ça que je ne voulais pas participer, mais tu l'a quand même fait derrière mon dos.

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