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But you have to admit перевод на французский

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Look, I understand how you feel, but you have to admit... we're not so badly off here.
J'ai compris. Mais tu dois admettre que les choses ne vont pas si mal.
But you have to admit it is weird.
Mais avoue que c'est bizarre.
But you have to admit we've had more success in three months of advertising than of all those years in music and comedy.
Mais il faut bien admettre qu'on a eu plus de succès ces 3 mois dans la pub que durant toutes ces années de musique et de comédie.
Yeah, but you have to admit Mom, not many guys could come up with something like this in half an hour.
Mais reconnais que c'est dur de faire ça en 30 minutes!
But you have to admit, I was very, very good at it.
Mais admettez... que j'étais faite pour ça.
I put on a few pounds. But you have to admit that I do look puffy up there.
J'ai pris quelques kilos, mais reconnais que j'ai l'air bouffi, là-haut.
Anyways, I am sorry about what happened back there,..... but you have to admit, I've been tryin'to be good lately.
Mais bon, Mlle Vaughn, je suis désolé pour ce qui s'est passé tantôt... mais vous devez admettre que j'ai essayé de bien me conduire dernièrement.
Well, Torias used to be insensitive at times. But you have to admit
Torias pouvait parfois être insensible.
But you have to admit she is quite lovely.
Mais vous devez bien admettre qu'elle est ravissante.
I know, but you have to admit you were pretty adamant about it.
Mais tu étais plutôt remonté contre ça.
But you have to admit, when that angel started to talk... you were squeezing my hand pretty hard.
Mais tu dois bien admettre que lorsque l'ange a parlé, tu as serré ma main assez fort.
But you have to admit, you did put me in something of a jam, didn't you?
Mais avoue que tu m'as fourrée dans une sale histoire.
I know Dru gives you pity access..... but you have to admit it's easier when I do things for her!
Je sais que Dru a pitié, mais c'est plus facile quand je fais les choses pour elle.
you could be right. But you have to admit those men have pretty good instincts.
Je suis d'accord, mais ces 3 types savent de quoi ils parlent.
But you have to admit a lot of the arrows are pointing in her direction.
Mais il faut admettre que tout revient à elle.
I'm going to let you go, not because your name is Cain... but because you didn't have the courage to admit it.
Je vais vous laisser aller, non pas parce que vous vous appelez Cain... mais parce que vous n'avez pas eu le courage de l'admettre.
But you'll have to admit that this is hardly the case for an ordinary jury.
L'affaire requiert cependant un jury d'exception.
Ever since I learned you were captured, I have tried to reach you, but nobody would admit knowing anything about you - where you were or what had happened to you.
Depuis votre capture, j'ai tout fait pour vous trouver, mais impossible de savoir quoi que ce soit, où vous étiez ou ce que vous étiez devenu.
You've covered lots of trials. I'm sorry, but I have to admit you're right.
Il faut bien avouer que tu as raison.
Oh, I will admit that Janet put the notion in my head, but I never would have mentioned it if it weren't that you seem to be carrying fear of discovery in your pocket.
Je dois admettre que Janet m'y a fait réfléchir, mais je n'en aurais jamais parlé si tu n'avais pas l'air de porter la méfiance dans ta poche.
But once you admit the simple fact that you're in love, which you have, then it becomes a good idea to be the scientist about it.
Mais quand on prend conscience qu'on est amoureux, ce qui est votre cas, il est bon de faire la part des choses.
I can understand. I know that in a moment of confusion or of anger you could make a mistake, but you must have the courage to admit that you were wrong.
Je peux comprendre que dans un moment de colère, on soit amené à commettre une faute.
But you haven't got the guts to admit that you're being bad just to be noticed, have you?
Mais tu n'admets pas... que tu es mauvais juste pour te faire remarquer.
I admit, we have had to take certain means which you might refer to as criminal, but that is because of your big guns which have destroyed some of our representatives.
Nous avons employé des moyens qui vous semblent criminels. C'est parce que vos canons ont détruits nos émissaires.
Well nothing, but you'll have to admit she's a grown woman not a minor. Somebody must have kissed her before.
Rien, mais vous devez admettre... qu'elle est majeure... quelqu'un a dû l'embrasser avant!
I admit I'm getting a little grey, but radiation will do that to you. - Forgive me, I have some work to do.
J'admets que je grisonne un peu, mais c'est à cause des radiations.
But you'll have to admit, whoever it was sure looked like Samantha.
Mais admets que qui que ce soit, elle ressemblait vraiment à Samantha.
She's 39, but you'd have to stretch her on the rack to get her to admit it.
39 ans, mais il faudrait la torturer pour qu'elle l'admette.
Now, Harley, I admit those were strange-looking marks, man, and I know you're down on her thing, but you don't have to get sloppy about it.
Harley, j'admets que ces marques sont étranges, et je sais que tu es contre ce qu'elle fait, mais ce n'est pas une raison pour bâcler ton travail.
But you've got to admit, if we've got to have tribbles, it's best if all our tribbles are little ones.
Vous devez admettre que, si nous devons avoir des tribbles, mieux vaut en avoir des petits.
But Caesar, you do have to admit... that these villagers can keep your army at bay.
Mais, César, il faut tout de même avouer qu'ils tiennent ta puissance en échec.
Well, I would admit, from that point of view, I have benefitted. Oh, but I assure you, messieur, that the loss of so radiant a performer infinitely exceeds any possible gain to myself.
J'admets que cette mort fait une certaine publicité à... mais la douleur d'avoir perdu cette actrice sublime...
But you admit that you do have access to highly classified information at SRT?
Vous avouez avoir obtenu des informations secrètes de SRT?
But she did it best in Any Wednesday, you have to admit.
Mais c'est dans Any Wednesday qu'elle l'a fait le mieux, il faut l'avouer.
Well, I must admit that I had not seen it in quite that light, but I have to agree with you.
Je ne voyais pas cela sous cet angle, mais vous avez raison.
But, you know, this time we have to admit, Daddy did it.
... mais cette fois, il faut qu'on le reconnaisse : papa a réussi.
Well, Will... I hate to admit it, but I guess you have a point.
Will, c'est dur à admettre, mais je suppose que tu as raison.
On dit que les brunes ne comptent pas pour des prunes, mais il faut reconnaître que les rousses sont pleines de ressources.
It's embarrassing to have to admit, but I'm the one you see in the parking lot, after the movie, talking with his friends, going :
C'est vraiment gênant à admettre, mais je suis du genre à dire à mes amis, au parking, après le film :
I admit how I was overpoweringly attracted to him... or whatever, but, you know, I point out that he could have... handled things differently, and he really did not know me at all.
J'y admets à quel point il a accaparé mes pensées... mais je mentionne aussi qu'il aurait pu... se comporter autrement. Il ignorait qui j'étais.
But since we're 70,000 light years from Romulan space, and a subspace message to Starfleet would take years, you have to admit that we can't be much of a threat to you.
Mais sachant que nous sommes à 70 000 années-lumière de vous et qu'il faudrait des années pour envoyer un message à Starfleet, reconnaissez que la menace que nous représentons est faible.
But even you would have to admit that H Troop comes in shy on leadership.
Mais vous devrez admettre que la troupe H a besoin d'un bon commandant.
My memory and my eloquence are not at their best today. But really, you have to admit you were never an ideal stepfather.
Ma mémoire et mon éloquence ne sont pas au mieux aujourd'hui mais vous devez admettre que vous n'étiez pas le beau-père idéal.
You know, I have to admit that I'm really not a very big fan of yours, but, in fact, I...
Je dois vous avouer, je ne suis pas une de vos fans. Parce que...
But you saw him with Joxer, and you have to admit, he's smart, and he's funny.
Mais tu l'as vu avec Joxer. Il est futé, drôle, beau.
I'll admit you have this whole dark-haired exotic thing going but when it comes to a man's true fantasy?
C'est très exotique, tes longs cheveux noirs... mais s'agissant des fantasmes masculins, je les incarne.
You know I love you, but I have to admit there are times when I wish you were a little more sensitive.
Je t'aime. Mais il faut admettre qu'il y a des fois où j'aimerais que tu sois plus sensible.
You have the power, the praetorians, the strength. Let the Christians be tortured, but have the courage to admit that they did not burn Rome.
Laisse les chrétiens être torturés mais aie le courage d'admettre qu'ils n'ont pas brûlé Rome.
Look, I definitely do not like the fact that you lied to us about vanquishing him, but I have to admit, after taking a trip down the dark side, I sort of understand it a little bit better.
Ecoute, ça ne me plaît pas que tu nous aies menti en prétendant l'avoir vaincu. Mais après ce séjour dans les Ténèbres, je comprends un peu mieux.
I mean, you're entitled to your own opinion, but I have to admit I'm curious about the specifics.
Tu as le droit d'avoir ton opinion, mais j'avoue que je suis curieux d'en connaître les détails.
You know exactly what I'm saying but you don't wanna admit it, because if you did, you'd have to stand up to her.
Tu le sais très bien, mais tu refuses de l'admettre, parce qu'alors, tu devrais tenir tête à Karen.

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