Come on back перевод на французский
8,160 параллельный перевод
Come on back to me, now.
Allez, réveille toi maintenant.
Come on back anytime!
Reviens quand tu veux!
Come on back, let me see if I can be of help.
Allons-y, voyons si je peux vous aider.
Either we come back to make amends... or we find a high cliff and a deep ravine.
Soit on revient faire amende honorable... soit on choisit une falaise bien haute, un ravin bien profond.
You don't ever come back from that.
On se remet jamais de ça. Jamais.
Just - - come back inside. We can make this work.
Reviens à l'intérieur, on peut s'arranger!
We'll come back for her, and the others.
On reviendra pour elle et les autres.
He still wouldn't come out. That's when we went back...
C'est là qu'on y est retournés...
Take my things back to my lodgings, and come back and see to it that we are not disturbed.
Ramenez mas affaires à mes appartements, et revenez pour veiller à ce qu'on ne nous dérange pas.
I mean, what do we come back to...
Je veux dire, quand on revient...
I don't know what I want more - - to find our killer, Or for the air-conditioning to come back on.
Je ne sais pas ce que je veux le plus... trouver le tueur, ou que la climatisation revienne.
We can come back.
On peut revenir.
We'd like to come back.
On aimerait revenir.
We don't need our weapons and come back to the pub, I can take down the Clurichaun all by myself, really.
On n'a pas besoin de nos armes et de retourner au bar, je peux m'occuper du Cluricaune par moi-même, vraiment.
Take'em off, and then when you come back, we're gonna have a normal family dinner just like always, except we're not gonna watch TV.
Enlève tout ça, et quand tu reviendras, on va avoir un diner de famille normal comme d'habitude, sauf que nous n'allons pas regarder la télé.
Si vous avez fait une erreur, ça ne vous retombera pas dessus maintenant.
I mean, we could have left the bodies on the floor. They'd still come back.
Ils reviendraient même si on laissait les corps.
Had money on me both times, but they didn't come back to collect their winnings.
Ils ont misé de l'argent sur moi, mais ils ne sont jamais revenu pour récupérer leurs gains.
Eh... I also read that it is best for kid if I come in on the back.
- J'ai lu aussi que c'est mieux pour l'enfant si tu te retournes.
- When you come back on Monday?
- On se voit lundi?
- Yes, I come back on Monday.
- Oui, à lundi.
I'm gonna go get my stuff, but have clothes on when I come back.
Je vais chercher mes affaires, mais soyez habillés quand je reviens.
When I was a child, my father would take me riding right down Montauk Highway, back in the days when we used to know everybody in town, including the summer people,'cause they used to come back year after year after year.
Gamin, mon père m'emmenait à cheval jusqu'à Montauk Highway, à l'époque on connaissait tout le monde en ville, y compris les estivants. car ils revenaient d'année en année.
Well, we told him the feelings will come back when the drugs wore off, but, uh, he insisted that we'd put cockroach larvae in his vaccine.
On lui a dit que les sensation reviendront à la dissipation des médocs, mais il a prétendu qu'on avait mis des larves de cafard dans son vaccin.
- Okay. That seemed to go pretty well. I'm glad you made me come back.
On dirait que ca se passe plutot bien je suis content que vous m'ayez fait revenir
I don't know. We might just love Italy so much, we never come back.
Je n'en sais rien.Il se pourrait qu'on aime tellement l'Italie, qu'on ne reviendrait pas.
If you do good in school this year, next summer when you come back, we'll make sure we keep a space
Si t'as de bonnes notes, l'été prochain, on te garde une place.
- We'll come back.
- On reviendra.
We can come back.
On pourra revenir.
We'll come back for her.
On reviendra la chercher.
We will come back to save the kids inside Mount Weather.
On reviendra pour sauver le enfants à l'intérieur de Mount Weather.
I want you to come back to mine.
Je veux qu'on aille chez moi.
You want me to pat you and your team on the back And you've come here at the busiest moment of my day
- C'est pour m'entendre te féliciter, toi et ton groupe, que tu viens me voir au moment le plus chargé de ma journée?
Oh, come on, that's Dad's truck. Dad's chum is in the back.
C'est la camionnette de papa.
I see a city that you and I will run someday, and when we're both famous and have everything we've ever wanted, we'll come back here together and high five.
Je vois une ville qui sera à nous un jour. Et quand on sera célèbres et qu'on aura tout ce qu'on veut, on reviendra et on fera "tope là".
Come back to my place, maybe get a little more naked, - honest and revealing?
On se mettrait nus, ce serait intime.
We send our muffins overseas, and they come back as stale hamburger buns, but that doesn't mean we should love them any less, because in their own way, aren't stale hamburger buns just as good?
On envoie nos muffins à l'étranger, ils reviennent en pains rassis, mais nous devons quand même les aimer. Les petits pains rassis sont aussi bons que les autres, non?
We'll fish there for a while, come back.
On va aller pécher là-bas un moment, et revenir.
Come on, Hannah, give it back.
Allez, Hannah, rends-le moi.
Everybody, go back to class, come on.
Tout le monde retourne en cours, allez.
Oh, decided to come back online, did we?
On se décide enfin à revenir en ligne?
We'll take down every person in your sweet, little Hibbing till you come back to the nest.
On tuera tout le monde dans ta précieuse petite ville jusqu'à ce que tu reviennes au nid.
Can we continue this when I come back from parental purgatory?
Est-ce qu'on peut continuer ce truc quand je reviens de l'enfer parental?
Yeah, so what they're saying is you're gonna come back.
Oui, on dit que vous allez remonter sur le ring.
Come on, you can't tell me that doesn't bring you back to your steamy night in the landing craft.
Allons, avoue que ça te ramène à la nuit chaude dans l'astronef.
Leave tonight, come back next Thursday.
On part ce soir, on revient jeudi prochain.
Shouldn't you really be cutting back on your cable package until your royalty checks come in again?
Tu ne devrais pas annuler ton abonnement au câble jusqu'à ce que tu récupères tes chèques de redevance?
All right, we're gonna go get her and come right back.
On va la chercher et on revient.
Reverend, more than come back, I think we'll be settling here.
Pasteur, plus que me revoir, je pense qu'on va s'installer ici.
You drop the duffle bag off at the location, get back in your car, come back home.
Vous laissez le sac là où on a dit, retournez dans votre voiture et vous rentrez chez vous.
Look, I strongly suggest that you just get on a plane and never come back.
Écoutez, je suggère que vous preniez un avion et ne revenez jamais.
come on back here 21
come on 167938
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come on let's go 25
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come on 167938
come on baby 22
come on everybody 23
come on let's go 25
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come one 123
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come on down 295
come on home 31
come on to my house 24
come on out 472
come on over here 125
come on out of there 30
come on up here 105
come on up 363
come on boy 27
come on down 295
come on home 31
come on to my house 24
come on out 472
come on over here 125
come on out of there 30
come on up here 105
come on up 363