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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ D ] / Dally

Dally перевод на французский

114 параллельный перевод
"Come, for the third, Laertes, you but dally."
La troisième, Laërte! Tu traînes!
We won't be long. Come on, don't dilly-dally!
Allez, arrête de lambiner.
Dally, daily, daily.
Nothing around here all day but dilly-dally.
C'est tout ce que vous savez faire!
Donkey, don't you dare to dally
Petit âne, ne t'avise pas de traîner
Come, for the third, Laertes. You do but dally!
Laërte, vous vous amusez.
When you're on a call, don't dilly dally. It's not your car.
Interdit de traîner, ce n'est pas votre voiture.
The guv'nor is not one to dally.
Et le patron n'est pas du genre à lambiner.
What marvelous weather for dally-down-dilling
Quel temps merveilleux pour aller badiner
One can dally with my mistress, but touch my wife and I turn into a tiger!
Je tolère qu'on tripote ma maîtresse, mais si l'on touche à ma femme, je deviens un tigre!
- And don't dilly-dally.
- Ne lambine pas.
- Not dilly-dally.
- Non, pensez-vous!
Dally the rope to the saddle.
Attache la corde à la selle!
I won't even remember the fancy gals I dally with or the men I carve up just out of pure cussedness any more than I'll remember you.
J'oublierai celles que j'embrasserai et ceux que je tromperai. Je ne penserai pas à vous.
It's sort of like dilly-dally. It just so happens that Daly is a very respectable name... in the state of Montana, and Dollye is a very respectable young girl... and she's a very unassuming girl and she's very sweet...
Daly est un nom très respectable dans le Montana, et Dollye est également très respectable.
Come, Laertes, you but dally.
Cette fois, Laertes, cessez de jouer.
But I dally on.
Mais je m'égare.
Lilies of the valley, In May I dilly - dally...
"Mon muguet, mon muguet! Le bonjour de joli mai!"
I bought it from a friend, not being a rich lady who has nothing better to do than dilly-dally with seamstresses.
Je l'ai empruntée, n'étant pas de ces femmes riches qui passent leur vie chez les couturiers.
What was it, Dally?
C'était pour quoi, Dally?
Oh, no, Dally, you weren't wrong.
T'avais pas tort, Dally.
Oh, would you tell Dolly to put that Chet was from Illinois on his marker?
Que Dally mette sur sa stèle que Chet était de l'Illinois.
But we must not dally.
Néanmoins, il ne faut pas perdre de temps.
Thank His Majesty but tell him we've also taken a vow... not to dally with females till all his enemies are vanquished.
Remerciez Sa Majesté mais nous renonçons aux femmes... tant que tous ses ennemis ne seront pas vaincus.
If you were a really ambitious time traveler you might not dally with human history or even pause to examine the evolution on Earth.
Un explorateur temporel ambitieux... ne s'attarderait pas sur l'humanité... ni même sur l'évolution de la Terre.
Don't want to dilly-dally.
Il ne faut pas traîner.
If you dally, you will only find the bones.
Je te comprends mal.
Why aren't you scared of us like you were of Dally?
Pourquoi on vous fout pas les jetons, comme Dally?
Yeah, where is Dally?
Ouais, où il est?
You guys seen Dally?
Je te jure. Vous l'avez vu, vous?
- Dally got a blade?
- Dal a une lame?
We gotta see Dallas.
Dally. On veut voir Dally.
Dally's gone.
Dallas a disparu.
It was Dally.
C'était Dally.
Not Dally, too!
Pas aussi Dally!
Tell Dally I think it's worth it.
Dis à Dally que ça vaut le coup.
" I want you to ask Dally to look at one.
" Dis à Dally de regarder.
" Tell Dally, I don't think he knows.
" Dis-le à Dally. Je crois pas qu'il le sache.
We won't be able to swim if we dilly-dally.
Si on traîne, on pourra pas nager.
We are indeed honored by such a polished presence. I didn't come here to dally With you!
Nous sommes très honorés par votre présence si raffinée.
Let's sing "Don't Dilly Dally On The Way".
Chantons Don't Dilly Dally On The Way.
You're supposed to be at Young and Leonard Street for the airport pick up. And 742, your wife called. Pick up a quart of milk on the way home, and don't dilly-dally.
vous êtes censé être à l'angle de la rue Leonard pour le transfert de l'aéroport et votre femme a appelé il faut prendre du lait sur le trajet, et ne pas tergiverser!
Please tell Burt. And don't dilly-dally.
s'il te plait, préviens Burt et "ne pas tergiverser"!
You, uh, knot your rope to the horn, or you dally it?
Tu noues la corde autour de l'avant de la selle ou tu la fais coulisser?
Oh, I was just, uh, showing'him how to dally his rope.
Je lui montrais juste comment faire coulisser sa corde.
Don't dilly-dally. "
Ne tergiversez pas.
That's the trouble with Dally.
C'est le problème avec Dally.
I didn't know you was gonna dilly-dally around.
Why do you dally?
Il Y avait quelque chose en lui...
- Dally?

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