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Did you call the cops перевод на французский

60 параллельный перевод
- Did you call the cops?
- Tu as appelé les flics?
Why did you call the cops?
Pourquoi t'as appelé les flics?
Did you call the cops?
Avez-vous appeler les flics?
Did you call the cops?
Tu as prévenu la police?
- Did you call the cops?
- Vous avez appelé la police?
- What? - Did you call the cops?
Vous l'avez dénoncée?
Did you call the cops?
Tu as appelé les flics?
Did you call the cops? !
T'as appelé les flics?
Did you call the cops yet?
Tu as téléphoné à la police? Non, pas encore.
- Did you call the cops, too?
- As-tu aussi appelé les policiers?
- Did you call the cops?
- T'as appelé les flics?
- Did you call the cops?
- Avez-vous prévenu la police?
Did you call the cops about the break-in?
Et ce saccage? Vous avez appelé les flics?
So, did you call the cops?
- Tu as appelé les flics?
- Did you call the cops?
- T'as appelé la police!
Did you call the cops? No.
- Vous avez appelé les flics?
- Did you call the cops?
- Avez-vous appelé la police?
Did you call the cops?
Vous avez appelé les flics?
- Did you call the cops? - No.
- Vous avez appelé la police?
Now when you finally realized that you had made a mistake, did you call the cops and tell them?
Lorsque vous avez enfin compris votre erreur, avez-vous prévenu la police?
Did you call the cops?
As-tu appelé la police?
Did you call the cops?
As-tu appelé les flics?
Did you call the cops?
Et les flics?
Did you call the cops?
Avez-vous appelé les flics?
Did you call the cops?
T'as appelé les flics?
- Did you call the cops? In this neighborhood, there's really no point.
Dans ce quartier, c'est vraiment inutile.
- Why did you call the cops?
- Pourquoi tu as appelé la police?
- Did you call the cops, son?
T'as a appelé les flics gamin?
He didn't call the cops, you creep, I did.
C'est pas lui qui a appelé les flics, abruti, c'est moi...
Did you call the fucking cops?
Tu as appelé les flics?
Did you call the fucking cops, Stephan?
T'as appelé les putains de flics, Stephan?
Get to a phone, call the cops, call an ambulance, anything, actually, other than what you did.
Appeler la police, les secours. Tout, sauf ce que vous avez fait. Je suis qu'une femme.
- Did you call the cops? !
T'as appelé les flics?
She called the cops! Who did you call?
Inutile d'espérer.
- Did you call the cops?
- Tu as appelé la police?
Did you fuckin call the cops, Bart?
Est-ce que tu as appelé ces putains de flics, Bart?
I don't know what the fuck you did to piss this guy off, but you're gonna have to let me out and call the cops!
Je sais pas ce que vous avez fait pour l'énerver, mais laissez-moi descendre et appeler la police.
- Did you call the fucking cops? - All right.
- T'as appelé la police, Tommy?
I'm gonna call the cops because I did use the credit card at Tiffany when you asked me to do you a favor and get your mom something nice.
Si je m'en suis servi chez Tiffany, c'était pour te rendre service pour un cadeau à ta mère.
Why don't you just call the cops on me like you did when I tried to make this my pool?
Pourquoi ne pas appeler les flics, comme pour ma piscine?
Did you find out who it is? Because we can call the cops.
On peut appeler les flics.
I didn't call the cops, you did.
- Je n'ai pas appelé les flics, c'est toi.
Why don't you call the cops like you did on Christmas?
Tu vas appeler les flics comme à Noël?
Come on, did you make the kid make the phony phone call to cause problems with Potter's church and the cops?
Allez, avez-vous fait passé au gamin l'appel qui a causé problème entre l'église de Potter et la police?
And if you did see me hurt ali, Then why didn't you just call the cops?
Et si vous m'avez vue blesser Alison, pourquoi ne pas avoir appelé les flics?
- Did you call the fucking cops?
T'as appelé les keufs?
Did you want me to call the cops?
J'appelle la police?
- Did you call the mother-fucking cops?
As-tu appelé les putain de flics?

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