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Don't call her that перевод на французский

124 параллельный перевод
I don't look at them directly so that I won't know them. Sometimes, I give a lady a letter and call her "Sir"
J'évite de regarder la personne justement pour ne pas la connaître et souvent, je remets les lettres aux dames en les appelant "monsieur"
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours... has gone and given you sleeping pills just to keep you quiet... while she's out doing I don't know what... I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Mlle Blanche, si votre sœur vous a donné des somnifères pendant qu'elle est sortie faire je ne sais quoi, je vais appeler la police.
Don't call her that. Please, don't.
Ne lui donne pas ce nom.
- And don't let the guys call her that.
Et empêche les autres.
Call me skeptical, but I don't think her tips were quite that good, and they certainly didn't come in the form of hundred-dollar bills.
Je ne crois pas qu'elle avait de si bons pourboires, et sûrement pas sous forme de billets de 100 dollars.
Why don't we call her and have her meet us downtown? No, no, you mustn't do that.
- Appelons-la, qu'elle vienne.
Don't call her that.
Ne l'appelez pas comme ça.
- Don't call her that.
- Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
- Don't call her that.
- Elle a tourné autour de David, puis bifurqué sur Linus.
That girl who's number you got for me? She's junior, so I don't know if you still think I should call her...
Cette fille dont tu as récupéré le numéro... elle est en terminale, alors je ne suis pas sûr de l'appeler...
- Don't call her the housekeeper. - That's what she is.
L'appelle pas la femme de chambre.
If not, call Mel and let her know that you don't need her to take Maggie. Jack?
Sinon, appelle-la pour lui dire que tu n'as pas besoin d'elle.
Don't call her that... because we're going to get back together... and then there will be weirdness between you and me... so just watch it.
L'appelle pas comme ça On va se remettre ensemble... et après on sera mal à l'aise.
Don't call her that to her face.
Ne dis pas ça devant elle.
- Don't call her a moron. That's not cool.
- Ne la traitez pas d'idiote.
Don't call her that.
Arrête avec ça.
I don't show up... then I call her to say I couldn't... then to say when I'll come... and that's how the day lingers on... until night comes and perhaps I can... overcome insomnia, and catch some sleep.
Je l'appelle encore pour m'excuser... et lui dire quand j'irai... et voilà comment le jour se passe... jusque la nuit arrive et peut-être je peux... surmonter l'insomnie, et je peux m'endormir un peu.
You don't want me to call her because you love that other guy.
Tu ne veux pas que je l'appelle parce que tu aimes cet autre type.
Don't you ever call her that! See!
- Ne l'appelle pas comme ça!
She doesn't trust me. You don't get to call her that.
- Elle ne me fait pas confiance.
I could maybe, you know, spy on her and then call you... and tell you what she's wearing when she's wearing it... so that you don't wear it.
Je peux allez l'espionner et t'appeler pour te dire ce qu'elle porte pour t'éviter de t'habiller comme elle.
Janet knows that too. - And please, don't call her Dr Fraiser.
- Et arrête de l'appeler Dr Fraiser.
Look Rahul, I want you to call her up and say that you don't love her.
"Le regard Rahul, je veux que vous l'appelliez Et dites que vous ne l'aimez pas."
"We don't call him that." Fucking rubbing her face in it!
Je n'appelle pas ça comme ça. Lui balancer tout ça dans la gueule!
Don't call her that.
L'appelle pas comme ça.
Oh, I don't know that for a fact, but if Emily said so, far be it from me to call her a liar.
Je ne l'ai pas vérifié, mais si Emily le dit, loin de moi l'idée de la traiter de menteuse
I don't even like her, and that sounds like a good call to me.
Je ne l'aime pas, et ça me semble correct pour moi.
Okay, maybe I forgot a birthday or two. Maybe I don't return every single call. But that doesn't mean I hate her.
C'est pas parce que j'ai oublié un ou deux anniversaires que je la déteste!
I'm afraid that if we don't call her tonight, she'll go to the police.
J'ai peur que si on ne l'appelle pas ce soir, elle aille à la police.
- Don't call her that.
- Ne l'appelle pas ma belle-famille.
That's enough! Don't call her a tramp.
Suffit, ces commentaires.
Don't call her that.
- Ne l'appelez pas ainsi.
Don't call her that.
Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
Reverend, if you don't call her on that incredibly insensitive comment, I'm gonna lose it.
Mon révérend, si vous ne la rappelez pas à l'ordre pour ce commentaire incroyablement déplacé, je vais perdre toute retenue.
Don't you dare call her that!
Appelle-la pas comme ça!
so, i mean, you're saying it's probably wise that i don't call her, right?
Donc, si je comprends bien, il serait plus sage que je ne l'appelle pas?
I begged her to be reasonable, to work with me, but... she said she would call the police and... after that, I don't remember what happened except she was reaching for the phone and...
Je l'ai suppliée d'être raisonnable, d'aller dans mon sens, mais... elle a dit qu'elle allait appeler la police et... après ça, je me rappelle de rien si ce n'est que je cherchais un téléphone et...
- Don't call her that. - You get that?
- Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
I know who you're talking about, but I really don't think I want to call her and tell her that we're breaking up.
Je vois de qui tu parles, mais je ne veux absolument pas l'appeler pour lui dire que nous nous séparons.
Hey, don't call her that.
Ne l'appelez pas comme ça.
I don't believe that Joosep let her mother call the teacher.
J'arrive pas à croire que Joosep à laisser sa mère appeller la prof.
Don't call her that.
- L'appelle pas comme ça.
What you don't do is call your daughter on December 22, and tell her that you don't really feel up to hosting Christmas this year, because she's 38, and you thought that she'd have "her own family by now."
Ce qu'on ne fait pas, c'est appeler sa fille le 22 décembre, et lui dire qu'on ne souhaite pas organiser Noël cette année, car elle a 38 ans, et qu'on pensait qu'elle aurait "sa propre famille à cet âge".
- Don't call her that.
- L'appelez pas comme ça.
- Don't call her that.
- L'appelle pas comme ça.
Don't you worry about that. I'll call her from the hotel.
Te fais pas de bile, je l'appellerai de l'hôtel.
- Don't call her that.
Ne l'appelle pas comme ça.
- Don't call her that. She's a dog.
- Arrête, c'est un chien.
What do you call a girl who's married to one guy and tries to date the father of her baby? They probably don't even have a name for that.
Comment tu appeles une fille qui essaie de se marier avec un mec et a un rendez-vous avec le père de son enfant?
Now call your mother and tell her that you don't have one.
maintenant appelle ta mère et dis lui que tu n'en as pas..
- Don't call her that.
- Ne dis pas ça.

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