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Don't tell him anything перевод на французский

135 параллельный перевод
Don't tell him anything.
Ne lui dis rien.
We don't want to interrupt your chat... with the gentleman from the Foreign Office... but we think we ought to remind you that if you tell him anything... you will never see your child again.
Nous ne voulons pas interrompre votre conversation avec l'agent mais souvenez-vous que si vous parlez vous ne reverrez jamais votre fille.
You don't need to tell him much of anything, I guess.
Ce n'est pas la peine de lui en dire plus.
Don't tell him anything. He knows everything about babies.
Il sait tout sur les bébés.
Don't tell me you could do anything so ghastly as to get mixed up with him.
Tu n'as tout de même pas l'intention de fréquenter un homme pareil?
You don't need to tell him anything, he knows.
Il est au courant. Vous le lui avez dit?
And don't tell him anything else.
Ne lui dites rien d'autre.
- Boss, tell him I don't know anything.
- Chef, dit - lui que ce n'est rien..
Don't tell him anything, he's a friend.
Le lieutenant est un ami.
Don't tell him anything about the stones.
Ne lui dis rien sur les pierres.
Tell me the truth.. don't keep anything What did they do to my son? Kill him?
Dis-moi la vérité ils ont tué mon fils?
Don't tell him anything.
Ne lui confiez rien.
Please tell Mr. Trayne... I don't want anything from him.
Dites à Mr Trayne, que je ne veux rien de lui.
Tell me I don't mean anything to you, that you love him.
Dis-moi que je ne suis rien pour toi et que tu l'aimes.
Just don't tell him anything.
Et il ne dit rien! - Moi?
- I don't need to tell him anything.
- Je n'ai rien eu besoin de lui raconter.
- We have to tell him. - Don't do anything.
Ne le lui dites pas.
Don't tell him anything!
- Ne lui dites rien!
If you find out anything upsetting about Diana, don't tell him.
Si vous trouvez quelque chose de moche sur Diana, ne lui dites pas.
If he isn't, you don't have to tell him anything.
S'il ne veut plus te parler, tu n'auras rien à lui dire.
- Don't worry, I won't tell him anything.
Ne t'en fais pas, je ne lui dirai rien.
But tell him I don't want anything to happen to Oomiak.
Dites-lui que je souhaite qu'il n'arrive rien à Oomiak.
Don't tell him anything... I'll call back.
Ne lui dites rien, je rappellerai.
Reinhold's waiting for me, but... Don't tell him anything. Please!
Reinhold m'attend, mais... ne lui dis rien, je t'en prie.
Listen. If Jerry calls, don't tell him anything, OK?
Si Jerry appelle, ne lui dis rien.
- Don't tell him anything.
- Qu'il lui dise rien!
When he wakes up in few hours, don't tell him anything about your family.
Surtout, quand il va se réveiller dans quelques heures, surtout, ne lui dites rien au sujet de... De votre famille.
Don't tell him anything.
Ne lui dites rien.
You don't have to tell him anything.
Ne dites rien, Mme Schnittgens.
You better don't move anything. - What are you going to tell him? - Hurry!
Mais si tu interviens... comment tu vas lui expliquer?
You don't have to tell him anything.
Ne leur dis rien. D'accord.
He rejected, abandoned and deserted her 20 years ago and she still says, "Hello, don't tell him we want anything, we just like to see him once in a while".
Il l'a rejetée, abandonnée, il y a 20 ans, et elle continue : "On ne veut rien de lui, on aimerait le voir de temps en temps."
Don't tell him anything.
Ne lui dites pas pourquoi.
Don't! Don't tell him anything, Charlie.
ne lui dit rien, Charlie.
Don't tell him anything, not even a hint.
Ne lui dis rien, pas un seul mot.
Don't tell him anything.
Ne lui ne dit pas trop.
Don't you dare say anything until I figure out how to tell him.
Dis rien tant que je n'ai pas trouvé comment le lui dire.
Don't tell him anything, please.
Ne lui dis rien, s'il te plaît.
Kyle, I'm not gonna tell your father anything you don't want him to know.
Je ne dirai rien de plus à ton père que ce que toi et ta sœur voudrez.
Don't tell him anything.
- Ne répondez pas.
Just don't tell him anything.
Ne lui dis rien.
Can you tell me anything about him that I don ´ t know?
Pouvez-vous me dire quelque chose sur lui que j'ignore?
Don't tell him anything, Lisa.
Il ne faut pas lui dire.
Why don't you tell him anything?
Pourquoi vous dégoisez pas un mot?
You don't tell him anything?
Et il faut que je la ferme?
I don't think I can tell him anything.
Je n'ai pas à lui dire ce qu'il doit faire.
I f you don't mind I'd rather not tell him anything.
Si ça te va, je préfère ne rien lui dire.
Yeah, it's nice, but listen. Please don't say anything. I promise I'll tell him.
bien sûr, mais je t'en prie, ne lui dis rien. je te promets que je lui dirai le moment venu.
- I don't know. Tell him anything. Tell him I'm still in London, I've been kidnapped by aliens, anything!
Je ne sais pas, n'importe quoi... que je suis encore à Londres, ou kidnappée par des extraterrestres...
No, don't tell him anything.
Non, dis rien.
- Don't tell him anything!

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