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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ D ] / Don't you ever forget that

Don't you ever forget that перевод на французский

73 параллельный перевод
You belong at the captairs table, don't ever forget that.
Votre place est à la table du capitaine, ne l'oubliez pas.
Don't you ever forget that you're my subject and I'm your monarch.
N'oublie jamais que tu n'es que mon sujet.
Don't you ever forget that, Mr. McIvers.
Ne l'oubliez jamais, M. McIvers.
Don't you ever forget that.
Ne l'oublie jamais.
I love you, Johnny, don't ever forget that.
Je t'aime, Johnny, n'oublie jamais ça.
Don't you ever forget that. Will you shut up a minute?
Ne l'oubliez jamais.
Don't you ever forget that you represent thousands of people.
N'oubliez jamais que vous représentez des milliers de gens.
Don't you ever forget that this man saved your father's life!
N'oublie jamais qu'il a sauvé la vie de ton père!
Don't you ever forget that.
Faut jamais oublier ça.
You never got to me. And don't you ever forget that.
Vous ne m'avez jamais assouvie, Kaleel... ne l'oubliez jamais.
You owe her something. Now, she's your mama, don't you ever forget that.
J'ai été claire sur ce que je ressent.
Striker, we don't have much time, but I'll say this... you pull this off, and a lot of people just might forget that Macho Grande ever happened.
Striker, nous n'avons pas beaucoup de temps, mais je vais vous dire... Si vous réussissez, nombreux seront ceux qui oublieront l'épisode Macho Grande.
Don't ever forget that you're the queen of the Yohkiroh.
Ne perds jamais de vue que tu es la reine du Yohkiroh.
- Don't you ever forget that!
- N'oublie jamais ça!
Don't you ever forget that.
N'oublie jamais ça.
You are the most beautiful lady in the room, don't you ever forget that.
Tu es la plus belle femme ici, ne l'oublie jamais.
Don't forget that and don't ever forget the file I have on you.
Ne l'oubliez pas et surtout pas que j'ai votre dossier.
Don't you ever forget that. "
Ne l'oublie jamais. "
If you ever need an actress that looks like me... don't forget, I look like me.
Si jamais tu as besoin d'une actrice qui me ressemble... rappelle-toi, je me ressemble.
Don't you ever forget that, bitch.
Ne l'oublie jamais, salope.
You are our Hitler, Don't you ever forget that, OK?
Tu es notre Hitler, n'oublie jamais ça... d'accord?
Oh, boys! Don't ever forget that we love you!
N'oubliez jamais que nous vous aimons.
And don't you ever, for one second, forget that.
N'oubliez jamais ça, même un instant.
Don't you ever forget that!
Vous, ne l'oubliez pas!
Don't ever forget that, now matter how angry you might get at her some days.
N'oublie jamais ça, même si parfois tu pourras être en colère contre elle.
But, Bob, just don't forget that nobody could ever do for you what I did.
N'oublie pas que personne ne ferait ce que j'ai fait pour toi.
Don't you ever forget that.
N'oublie jamais ça.
Alma, don't you ever forget that.
Alma, ne l'oublie jamais.
don't you ever forget that.
Ne l'oublie jamais.
Don't you ever forget that.
Ne l'oublie pas.
Don't you ever forget that.
Ne l'oubliez pas.
You're brothers, son. Don't ever forget that.
Vous êtes frères, ne l'oubliez pas.
He's serving his country, and don't you ever forget that.
Il va défendre son pays. N'oublie jamais ça.
Don't ever think that we'll forget you.
Ne crois pas un instant qu'on t'oubliera un jour.
Don't you ever forget that, okay?
Ne l'oublie jamais.
Don't you ever forget that.
N'oublie jamais cela.
But don't you forget for one second that I am the only mother you'll ever have.
Mais n'oublie jamais que je suis la seule mère que tu as.
And don't you ever fucking forget that I was the one who put you in charge.
Je vous déconseille vivement d'oublier que c'est moi qui vous ai mis en haut de l'échelle.
You don't ever forget that!
N'oublie jamais ça.
And kiddies, if you ever need to go back to geo'kindergarten, don't forget that one little phrase that helps you remember all of geological time...
Si vous deviez retourner à la crèche des géologues, pensez à la petite phrase qui vous aidera à vous souvenir des ères géologiques...
I'm in charge of this investigation and don't you ever fucking forget that.
Je m'occupe de cette affaire et surtout tâche de ne pas l'oublier.
You take the heads so that you don't ever forget.
Tu prends leurs têtes comme ça tu n'oublies jamais.
Don't think for a minute that I'm ever gonna forget that you were planning to murder someone on my watch.
Ne pensez pas une minute que je puisse un jour oublier que vous aviez prévu de tuer quelqu'un sous mes yeux.
Thing like that... you don't ever forget.
Les choses comme ça... tu n'oublies jamais.
Don't ever forget that you have a good person right here.
N'oublies jamais que tu as une bonne personne ici.
If you ever need anything... please don't ever forget that you have a life-long friend.
Si tu as besoin d'aide... n'oublie jamais que tu as un ami fidèle.
I love you, and don't you ever forget that.
Je t'aime, ne l'oublie jamais.
Don't you ever forget that, ok?
N'oubliez jamais ça, ok?
And I'm still your mother, don't you ever forget that.
Et je reste ta mère, ne l'oublie jamais.
And don't you ever forget that.
Et ne vous oubliez pas.
And don't you ever forget that.
Ne l'oublie jamais.

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