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Dorinda перевод на французский

106 параллельный перевод
I got a date, and she's gonna get mad if I'm late.
J'ai rendez-vous avec Dorinda.
O.K. Tell Dorinda for me she's lucky you got back at all.
Qu'elle s'estime heureuse de vous voir.
Well, that Dorinda is certainly crazy about me.
Dorinda m'aime à la folie.
And, ask miss Dorinda Durston of the ferrying command if she'll stop in and see me.
Et dites à Mlle Dorinda Durston de passer me voir.
Look, darling, this is a little gift for you.
Dorinda chérie, j'ai une surprise, un petit cadeau pour toi.
Dorinda, you're as pretty as a pair of yellow shoes.
Tu es superbe.
Dorinda, cut it out.
Arrête, Dorinda.
I reckon maybe you're missing Dorinda little bit?
Je suppose que Dorinda te manque.
Slow poison love's what you and Dorinda got..
Votre amour est un poison lent.
Dorinda, don't be a pig-headed fool.
Dorinda, ne sois pas têtue.
You know, Dorinda, the madder you get, the prettier you are.
Sais-tu que tu es très jolie quand tu t'énerves?
Aw, now, don't talk nonsense, Dorinda.
Arrête de dire des bêtises, Dorinda.
Well, Dorinda - don't tell me, Al.
- Dorinda... - Ne me dis rien, Al.
I dunno why these things have to happen, Dorinda, but just seems like maybe there was something pushing him on and on and on.
On sait jamais pourquoi ces choses arrivent, mais ça semblait plus fort que lui.
That Dorinda girl.
How is Dorinda?
Comment va-t-elle?
She was, but good-looking girl like Dorinda doesn't have any trouble making new friends.
Une jolie fille comme Dorinda se fera de nouveaux amis.
- Yeah, who's that?
- Qui? - Dorinda Durston.
Hello, Dorinda.
Salut, Dorinda.
I did that on purpose, Dorinda. I had to find out how you were doing.
Je voulais voir comment tu allais.
You're gonna have to get over this, Dorinda.
Il faut t'en remettre, Dorinda.
Dorinda, you gotta listen to me, I...
Il faut que tu m'écoutes.
And you look good enough to eat, Dorinda.
Tu es toujours belle à croquer.
You know, Dorinda, some people seem prettier when you dream about them than they really are.
Tu sais? Certains êtres sont plus beaux dans nos rêves.
You know a funny thing, Dorinda? I haven't forgotten one little thing that ever happened between us.
Tu sais, je me rappelle tout ce que nous avons vécu.
I'm Dorinda Durston, ferry service.
- Oui. Dorinda Durston.
- Come on, Dorinda.
- Allez, Dorinda.
You know, you shouldn't stay away so long, Dorinda.
Mais tu sais, faut pas partir si longtemps, Dorinda.
Easy, Dorinda.
Dorinda, I'm gonna marry you.
Dorinda, je vais t'épouser.
Dorinda and I are gonna be married.
Dorinda et moi, on va se marier.
Dorinda, I got something to tell you.
Dorinda, j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
I've been learning a lot, Dorinda.
J'ai beaucoup appris.
We don't count, Dorinda.
On ne compte pas.
I wish you could hear what I'm saying to you, Dorinda.
J'aimerais tant que tu m'entendes, Dorinda.
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda. Don't worry about it.
Mais je veux que tu saches que je le ramènerai et que tout ira bien, ne t'inquiète pas.
I love you.
Je t'aime, Dorinda.
I love you, Dorinda, with all my heart, and I want you to be happy.
De tout mon cœur. Et je veux que tu sois heureuse.
Good-bye, Dorinda.
Au revoir, Dorinda.
Dorinda, what is it?
Dorinda, qu'y a-t-il?
What is it, Dorinda. What is it?
Qu'y a-t-il, Dorinda?
- Stop it, Dorinda.
- Arrête, Dorinda!
But he's dead, Dorinda.
Mais il est mort, Dorinda.
Hello, Dorinda.
Bonsoir, Dorinda.
Showing Dorinda those pictures.
Montrer les photos à Dorinda.
Dorinda! Well, hamstring me for an old steer!
Que je sois pendu!
What are you all steamed up about, Dorinda?
Pourquoi es-tu tourneboulée?
- Dorinda Durston. Are you kidding?
I'm glad to know you, Dorinda Durston.

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