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Get her out of here перевод на французский

1,160 параллельный перевод
- Get her out of here!
- Sortez-la d'ici!
Get her out of here.
will you get her out of here, please?
Pourrais-tu la faire sortir d'ici, je te prie?
- How the we get her out of here?
- Comment on la sort d'ici? - Je ne sais pas.
Mike, take Debbie and get her out of here.
Sort Debbie d'ici.
Get her out of here, now!
Sortez de là tout de suite!
We have to get her out of here!
On doit se tirer d'ici!
Now, get her out of here. No!
- Virez-la d'ici.
Get her out of here.
Virez-la moi d'ici.
Now, get her out of here!
Maintenant, virez-la moi d'ici!
Let's get her out of here.
Sortons-la d'ici.
Get her out of here.
- Sors-la d'ici.
Get her out of here!
With a little luck, I could get her out of here.
Avec un peu de chance, je pourrais la tirer de là mais la chance ne suffit pas toujours.
Get her out of here!
Faites-la sortir!
- Get her out of here.
- Sors-la d'ici.
- You pig! Get her out of here.
Juste comme tu les aimes.
Cyn, get her out of here as soon as you can.
Cyn, sors-la d'ici aussi vite que possible.
Get her out of here.
Sortons-la d'ici.
Get her out of here as quick as possible.
Sortez la d'ici aussi vite que possible.
And I'm not going to say another word... as long as you're around! Get her out of here! – I'm not going anywhere.
Je ne dirai plus rien si elle reste là!
– You get her out of here right now!
Faites-la sortir!
Blade, get her out of here, will you?
Blade, sortez-la d'ici.
Get her out of here.
Get her out of here.
Faites-la partir.
Get her out of here!
Get her out of here.
Qu'elle sorte
Get her out of here!
Sors-la d'ici!
Get her out of here, Jacques!
Sors-la d'ici, Jacques!
Do me a favor? Get her out of here.
Tu veux pas la faire sortir?
Let's get her out of here.
Sortons d'ici.
Shoot her if you must, but get her out of here.
Butez-la s'il le faut, mais qu'elle dégage.
No, get her out of here!
Faites-la sortir! Pour l'amour de Dieu!
Get her out of here.
Fichez-la dehors.
- Get her out of here, Dax.
- Emmenez-la, Dax.
- Got to get her out of here.
- Faut se dépêcher!
We're gonna walk out of here, and if anyone comes near her, she'll get blown away.
On va sortir et si vous vous approchez, je la flingue.
Maybe all I'm here to do is... help a little old lady across the street... or get her cat down out of a tree... or deliver this lunch to Miz Melny.
Je suis peut-être juste ici... pour aider une petite dame âgée à traverser la rue... ou pour faire descendre son chat d'un arbre... - ou pour livrer ce déjeuner... - Miss Melny.
I brought her here, but she won't get out of the car.
Je l'ai amenée, mais elle ne veut pas sortir de la voiture.
Left, get her the fuck out of here!
Left, vire-la.
I'll try and get'em away from Wendy. You be ready to grab her and move out of here, okay?
Soyez prêt à la saisir pour filer d'ici.
I mean, in spite of all the pain and suffering and all the crap that Borbon has done, she's still willing to do her part to get him out of here.
Ça me dérange pas du tout. C'est une femme formidable. Différente.
[Beeping ] [ Al] Ziggy says there's a 96.2 % chance... that you're here to get Vinnie out of her life without ending yours.
Ziggy dit qu'il y a 96,2 chances sur cent... pour que tu fasses sortir Vinnie de sa vie sans en finir avec la tienne.
Just give her the 200 francs and tell her to get the fuck out of here!
Donne-lux 200 francs et qu'elle se me,
Tell her I'm here, then get the fuck out of my sight.
Dis-lui que je suis là et dégage.
- Quit bugging'her and let's get out of here.
- Arrête de l'embêter et filons. - Bien...
Pick her up. Come on, let's get out of here.
Prends-le et allons-nous-en.
Right now, I'm gonna get her out of here.
Pour l'instant, je vais la raccompagner.
Get her out of here.
Okay, go get that fuckin'money out of the car... and you bring it over here... and maybe I won't blow her fuckin'brains out.
Sors le pognon de la voiture et amène-le ici. Peut-être que je la buterai pas mais fais pas l'con.
- She's ODing. - Get her out of here!

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