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Gori перевод на французский

51 параллельный перевод
[another song i unfortunately can't really understand]
Sous le soleil de la liberté, Brille l'étoile des pionniers de Gori.
Pioneers'star is burning.
Brille l'étoile des pionniers de Gori.
Dr. Trapani, countess Gori, general Merechinò...
M. Trapani, la comtesse Gori, le général Mirichino...
I'm sure it's nothing to be alarmed about, Mrs. Welch... but yesterday in history class... when discussing 20th-century world leaders... your son, Mrs. Welch, stumbled over Winston Churchill... but gave a most breathtakingly detailed account... of the life ofJoseph Stalin.
Joe? Lossif Vissarionovitch Djougatchvili dit Staline est né en 1879 à Gori, en Géorgie.
Who's that gori watching her?
Qui est cette gori ( non indien ) qui la regarde?
Go... Gori... Ma...
Gori, Gori!
As far as anyone's concerned, she's a goree.
Pour eux, c'est une Gori.
Yesterday, I made him Indonesian gori, with satay sauce.
Hier, je lui ai fait un poulet indonésien sauce aux arachides.
It turns out the true identity of his opponent was his former business partner, Sanda Gori!
Il s'avère que son adversaire est en réalité son ancien partenaire, Sanda Gori!
The Masked Zombie... or shall we say, Sanda Gori, wins the match!
Le Zombie Masqué a remporté le match!
Our hero Gaiga has been defeated by Gori.
Notre héros Gaiga a été vaincu par Gori.
Tomorrow's main event will feature today's new champion, Sanda Gori, against Pon Fujio!
Le combat de demain opposera notre nouveau champion Sanda Gori à Pon Fujio!
Gori! Gori!
Here is the much awaited Fujio vs. Gori. It will be a one-round fight!
Voici le combat tant attendu, en un seul round, entre Fujio et Gori!
Will Gori win, or will Fujio use his customary DULL fighting style to defeat him?
Gori sera-t-il vainqueur, ou Fujio le battra-t-il avec son style ennuyeux habituel?
Plus de gorilles?
We've had enough gorillas.
"Gori" et "Lla"?
? Exactly.
Gori et Lla?
Behold, the horror that Gorimartie High can reap!
Regardez l'horreur que le lycée Gori-martie peut engranger!
Dekha bhi ( see ), never marry a gori ( white girl ).
Attention à qui tu épouses!
The nearest hospital in Gori.
L'hopital le plus proche est à Gori.
You know the way to Gori? Good.
Vous connaissez la route jusqu'a Gori?
This is the scene outside the Gori Military Hospital, the only one in the area where wounded soldiers and civilians injured in last night's shelling are all being treated.
Voici la rue devant l'hopital militaire de Gori, le seul dans la région, où les soldats et civils blessés la nuit dernière lors du pilonnage sont soignés.
This is Thomas Anders reporting in Gori, Georgia.
C'était Thomas Anders ici à Gori, en Georgie.
This is Michael Stilton reporting from Gori, Georgia.
'C'etait Michael Stilton ici à Gori, en Georgie.'
We should reach Gori by noon.
On devrait atteindre Gori d'ici midi.
Gori is going to fall.
Gori va tomber.
We're in Gori.
On est à Gori.'
Despite the ceasefire and pledges to withdraw, the Russian troops and tanks remain in Gori, and in much of central Georgia.
'Malgré le'cessez le feu'et les promesses de retraite,'les troupes et blindés russes restent à Gori,'et sur la plupart du territoire du centre de la Géorgie.
Fair Behen?
Tu la connais? Behen Blanche? ( Gori Behen )
Fair Behen.
Gori Behen.
But if you wish, you can call me Sridevi just like Fair Behen does.
Mais vous pouvez m'appeler Sridevi comme Gori Behen.
- You aren't fooling me, right?
- T'es sincére? - Gori Behen!
Oh, Fair One!
Oh, Gori!
Joseph Stalin was born losif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili in 1879... in the small Georgian town of Gori.
Passons à Joseph Staline.
Gori, Catalina. Barilari, Julio.
Gori, Catalina.
Gori, the space ape!
Gori, le singe de l'espace!
The army of Gori-martie High School!
Oui. L'armée du lycée Gori-martie!
Cromartie started going weird when Gori Lla came!
Cromartie a commencé à devenir bizarre à l'arrivée de Gori et Lla.
Gori and Lla!
Mind you, that hussy from Gon Ribeach didn't help.
Bien sûr, la tromperie de Gorî Ribeach n'a pas aide.
Daughter of Néirin of the Rotten Feet from Gort Ribeach.
La fille de Nôirin aux Pieds puants de Gorî Ribeach.
Novelette, in Gon Ribeach.
Un roman d'amour, à Gorî Ribeach.
There was never six score pounds in Gon Ribeach.
On n'a jamais vu six livres a Gorî Ribeach.
Raisin-bread in Gon Ribeach.
Du cake aux raisins à Gorî Ribeach.
The youths of Baile Dhonncha went and those from Gon Ribeach last week.
Comme les jeunes de Baile Dhonncha, et ceux de Gorî Ribeach.

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