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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ G ] / Grazia

Grazia перевод на французский

89 параллельный перевод
His implication in the de Grazia case.
Le meurtre DeGrazia.
He's done plenty, but he didn't do the de Grazia job.
Il a un dossier chargé, mais il n'a pas tué Mme DeGrazia.
Whitey Leggett for the de Grazia case.
Whitey Leggett pour l'affaire DeGrazia.
Please, Rome, just tell us you were in on the de Grazia case.
Rome, Dis-nous simplement que c'était toi.
You killed Mrs. de Grazia.
Tu as tué Mme DeGrazia.
You know we have Leggett on the Grazia Case.
Tu serais pas au courant qu'on a coffré Leggett?
This ring was stolen from Mrs. de Grazia.
Cette bague a été volée à Mme DeGrazia.
The D.A. thinks you were in on the de Grazia case.
On te soupçonne dans l'affaire DeGrazia.
The whole city's on the D.A's neck over the de Grazia case.
Toute la ville réclame un coupable.
The de Grazia's jewels.
Les bijoux DeGrazia!
You were in on the de Grazia case with Leggett.
Tu étais sur le coup DeGrazia avec Leggett.
He gave me the de Grazia jewels.
Il m'a donné les bijoux DeGrazia.
I'm giving you the woman in the de Grazia case.
Je te donne la femme de l'affaire DeGrazia.
- Yes. - And mamma Grazia?
- Et Mamma Grazia?
Inform mamma Grazia, Agrippina.
Va chercher Mamma Grazia.
You're looking well, mamma Grazia.
Je te trouve bonne mine.
But don't you bring it, mamma Grazia.
Reste, Mamma Grazia.
Do as the Baroness said, mamma Grazia.
Obéis à la Baronne.
Go in there, Agrippina, and send mamma Grazia out.
Va, Agrippina. Fais venir Mamma Grazia.
Enough, mamma Grazia.
Assez, Mamma Grazia.
You uttered some disconnected phrases, you said it was necessary to remove the Crucifix in the entrance, that you didn't want to see it anymore, and mamma Grazia gave it to the church.
Tu as prononcé des phrases sans suite. Qu'il était nécessaire d'enlever le crucifix de couloir. Tu ne le supportais plus.
Mamma Grazia...
- Mamma Grazia...
- What is it, mamma Grazia?
- Oui, Mamma Grazia?
- Are you telling the truth, mamma Grazia?
- Est-ce la vérité?
Don't let it happen again. Grazia.
Que ça ne se reproduise plus.
I don't seem to have any money, but, uh... how about this, huh? Grazia.
Je n'ai pas d'argent, mais... que penses-tu de ça, hein?
Screen tests Mrs. Grazia, one.
Les essais de Mrs. Grazia, premier.
Grazia, where are you?
- Grazia où êtes-vous? ...
A toast to Grazia and Lello!
Un toast pour Grazia et Lello!
Poor Grazia! With him for a husband, just think of the horns she'll be wearing.
Pauvre Grazia, avec ce mari, elle ne va pas tarder à porter des cornes.
Grazia, the train is leaving in an hour.
Grazia le train va partir dans une heure.
- Come on, Grazia!
- Allez, Grazia!
- Grazia, what are you doing?
- Grazia que fais-tu? Allez!
Say your prayers, Grazia!
Fais tes prières!
No... no, Grazia...
Non... Grazia ce soir non...
It'll pass, you'll see.
Ça va passer, tu verras. Ne t'inquiète pas, Grazia.
Grazia, do you still love me?
Grazia, tu m'aimes encore?
Grazia... you said'man'ironically.
Grazia... Tu dis "homme" ironiquement.
- Hi, Grazia.
- Salut, Grazia. Prends un siège.
Shame on you, Grazia!
Honte à toi, Grazia.
Pardon me!
There's nothing written in Maria Grazia's letter!
Dans la lettre de Mariagrazia, il n'y a rien d'écrit!
Maria Grazia wrote the letter in "Americanese".
Mariagrazia a écrit la lettre en américain!
How's it going with Grazia?
Comment ça va avec Grazia?
- Who's Grazia?
- Qui est Grazia?
- Grazia.
- Grazia.
- OK, Grazia and Gloria.
- OK, Grazia et Gloria...
Maybe you're fine... but with the other one, Gloria, Grazia... the one that left for Milan with some other guy... you used to love her and you lost her.
Peut être que ça te va. Mais avec l'autre, Gloria, Grazia... celle qui t'a quitté pour aller à Milan avec un autre. Tu l'as aimée et tu l'as perdue.
I didn't even introduced myself. Grazia Reginella, holistic
Je me suis même pas présentée.
- Mamma Grazia!
Cela fait si longtemps!
No grazia.
Tu veux un chocolat?
grazie 196

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