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Hali перевод на французский

23 параллельный перевод
- Fish stocks... what?
- Hali... quoi? - Je parle de mauvaise haleine.
"To the general of the Italian slaves called Spartacus... from lbar M'hali, Cilician governor of the island of Delos."
"Au général des esclaves italiens appelé Spartacus... d'Ibar M'hall, gouverneur cilicien de l'île de Delos."
Hali, find Riker and Palmer.
Hali, trouve Riker et Palmer.
We will wait for Hali to return.
Nous allons attendre le retour de Hali.
Hali, any sign of Palmer or Riker?
Hali, as-tu retrouvé Palmer et Riker?
He was killed by the bare hands of another Ogla, called only Hali.
Il fut tué à mains nues par un autre Ogla appelé Hali.
Hali B, GD.
Hali B, GD.
Hali Baba?
You got your hali-butt kicked.
On t'as botté les fesses.
Carolyn now has it for the white collar. Collar.
Hali ne perd pas une seconde.
Hali ripping through this now.
Sierra reste très calme pour les Bleus.
Hali ripping through this now. Sierra remaining very calm for Sierra remaining very calm for the blue collar.
Carolyn tente de regagner du temps.
Hali's up.
Tapez, Hali!
Hali's up. Go, no collar!
Partez, les Sans Couleur!
Division, people pairing up or people not getting along in People not getting along in well, in the beginning, i saw well, in the beginning, i saw hall and jenn together a lot, Hali and jenn together a lot, and then i saw joe join that
Au début, j'ai vu Hali et Jenn souvent ensemble, puis j'ai vu Joe rejoindre ce duo, et Will et moi, on traine ensemble car on a beaucoup en commun.
One tribe's jeff : One tribe's paradise...
Hali et moi, on regardait ces vagues.
Paradise... hali and i have been looking hall and i have been looking at these waves.
Pourquoi ne pas en profiter?
- A hali...
- Fanto...
After judging a Miss Hawaiian tropic beauty contest... at the Sheraton Hali'a Kalua Lea...
Mais derrière les caméras, c'était bien pire.
you know what, hali, don't you know what, hali, don't touch me.
Tu sais quoi, Hali, ne me touche pas!
Here comes sierra for blue collar.
Hali est sortie.
I think tonight the person who needs to go home will go home. Needs to go home will go home. jeff :
Jenn, est-il correct de supposer que Joe, Hali et vous êtes ensemble?

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