He's a перевод на французский
269,027 параллельный перевод
He's doing a great job here.
Il se débrouille très bien.
He tried to rush the jump and got no lift at all.
Il s'est précipité et il n'a pas pris de hauteur.
Germany's second competitor of Level 2, Steffen Zimmermann, is on the course, and he's having a little trouble with Spinal Ascent.
Le deuxième concurrent allemand, Steffen Zimmermann, fait son parcours et est en difficulté sur Spinal Ascent.
- He's got strength.
- Il en a la force.
So, Germany's Steffen Zimmermann has been eliminated, but his countryman, Ludwig Hefele, is happy, because he remains in second place, right in front of a very frustrated Chang Suk Bang.
L'Allemand Steffen Zimmermann a été éliminé, mais son compatriote Ludwig Hefele est content, car il reste deuxième, juste devant Chang Suk Bang, très frustré.
Now, he started this level in first, but all he can do now is watch Brazil's César Curti.
Il a commencé ce niveau en premier, mais il doit maintenant regarder le Brésilien César Curti.
Let's see if he has enough height for this jump!
Voyons s'il a assez de hauteur pour ce saut!
He's having trouble reaching that next pole.
Il a du mal à atteindre le prochain tube.
He's got the lowest point total thus far, so if he wants to move on, he's gonna need to put on quite a performance here.
Jusqu'ici, il a le score le plus faible. S'il veut passer au niveau 4, il va devoir réussir une belle performance.
And let's see if he can make an all-Brazil final a reality.
Voyons si nous aurons une finale brésilienne.
He's still in it, but now he's got wet feet.
Il s'accroche, mais il a les pieds mouillés.
To guarantee himself a spot in Level 4, all he has to do is get past Prism Strike.
Pour s'assurer une place au niveau 4, il doit passer Prism Strike.
He's been able to watch everybody else go, so let's see if he's learned anything.
Il a pu regarder les autres passer, alors voyons s'il a appris quelque chose.
But, as we enter the final level, he's found a worthy challenger in Ludwig Hefele.
Mais, aux portes du niveau final, il a trouvé un adversaire à sa taille en Ludwig Hefele.
With phenomenal parkour skills, Ludwig Hefele, he's got the speed...
Avec un incroyable talent pour le Parkour, Ludwig a la vitesse...
He's come through time and time again in this competition.
Il a eu de nombreux succès au cours de la compétition.
He's opening up a big lead right now.
Il creuse l'écart.
Ludwig is continuing to struggle, while Felipe, on the other hand, he's taking a commanding lead.
Ludwig poursuit la lutte, tandis que Felipe est loin devant.
He's got his hand on the second shelf!
Il a posé la main sur le deuxième palier!
He's done it!
Il a réussi!
- He's done it! Oh, my God!
- Il a réussi!
And he's got the opportunity to advance to the finals and win $ 50,000 and the title, Ultimate Beastmaster.
Et il a la chance d'aller en finale pour gagner 50 000 $ et le titre d'Ultimate Beastmaster.
Oh! Lost his footing and banged his shin, but he's able to pull himself up.
Il a perdu l'équilibre et s'est cogné le tibia, mais il arrive à se soulever.
He's not even taking a look at that Point Thruster right now.
Il ne regarde même pas ce Point Thruster.
Look, Terry, he's got a smile on his face.
Regarde, Terry, il sourit.
However, he's nearly a minute and a half faster to this point.
Cependant, il a une minute et demie d'avance sur lui pour l'instant.
Oh, he's already lost his grip, and it's over!
Il a déjà perdu sa prise, et c'est terminé!
he's won a Super Bowl.
il a gagné un Super Bowl.
he made the decision to stop trying for more points.
Il a pris la décision controversée de s'arrêter là pour l'instant.
So there's still a chance he keeps going in this episode.
Il y a une chance qu'il continue dans cet épisode.
He's in third place after a very strong run in Level 1.
Il est en troisième place après un bon parcours au niveau 1.
He's got a lot of ground to make up if he wants to move on.
Il doit assurer pour continuer.
He got that Point Thruster in Level 1, and he's now coming up on the first Point Thruster in Level 2.
Il a eu le Point Thruster au niveau 1, et il arrive au premier Point Thruster du niveau 2.
If he had a washing machine on his back, he would have made it!
S'il avait un lave-linge sur le dos, il y serait arrivé.
Hey! He's got a great vertical.
Excellent saut vertical.
- He does. As he parkoured his way over to the Digestive Track, it got a bit claustrophobic.
Il s'est frayé un chemin jusqu'au Digestive Track, mais c'est devenu un peu oppressant.
He's slipping!
Il glisse! Il a du mal!
He's having major, major issues here.
Il a de gros problèmes.
He saw his and Mexico's chances slip into the Beast's blood.
Il a vu ses chances de victoire tomber dans le sang de The Beast.
Okay. He's a very tall man.
Il est très grand.
He's gotta squeeze his way in there and... Yep! and if he's claustrophobic, it could be a problem.
Il doit se faufiler là-dedans... et s'il est claustrophobe, ça peut être un problème.
He's definitely capable of it, but he's struggling with traction now.
Il en est capable, mais il a du mal à se hisser.
He took a huge face blow right here.
Il s'est pris ça en pleine poire.
He is taking a beating on this obstacle, but it doesn't look like it's slowing him down.
Il se fait malmener sur cet obstacle, mais ça n'a pas l'air de le ralentir.
He's only got one more gear to go.
Il n'a plus qu'un plot.
Yes! He's going through the Dreadmill!
Il a réussi les Dreadmills!
And he's through! He landed!
Il a atterri!
There's also a Point Thruster here, and it looks like he's going for it.
Il y a un autre Point Thruster ici, on dirait qu'il va le tenter.
He's taking a swim in the blood.
Il va nager dans le sang.
Look at that, his older brother Yunhwan Kim, watching on nervously, even though he's been eliminated.
Regardez, son grand frère Yunhwan Kim le regarde, anxieux, même s'il a été éliminé.
- So disappointing. He stumbled and got up, but just didn't have enough momentum to make the jump.
Il a trébuché, s'est levé, mais n'avait pas assez d'élan pour le saut.
he's a doctor 159
he's an idiot 170
he's an architect 23
he's a liar 128
he's a good boy 135
he's awake 133
he's all 26
he's alive 845
he's a good man 366
he's an animal 43
he's an idiot 170
he's an architect 23
he's a liar 128
he's a good boy 135
he's awake 133
he's all 26
he's alive 845
he's a good man 366
he's an animal 43
he's an engineer 17
he's an asshole 70
he's an actor 55
he's an angel 27
he's all yours 283
he's an alien 17
he's an old man 43
he's an ass 27
he's an artist 66
he's angry 68
he's an asshole 70
he's an actor 55
he's an angel 27
he's all yours 283
he's an alien 17
he's an old man 43
he's an ass 27
he's an artist 66
he's angry 68
he's all right 417
he's an 20
he's adorable 75
he's an expert 18
he's an adult 32
he's an assassin 16
he's a good guy 247
he's a hero 86
he's an ex 66
he's a cop 152
he's an 20
he's adorable 75
he's an expert 18
he's an adult 32
he's an assassin 16
he's a good guy 247
he's a hero 86
he's an ex 66
he's a cop 152