He's all i have перевод на французский
445 параллельный перевод
I have to go check in on Larry, make sure he's all right.
Je vais aller voir Larry, être certains que tout va bien.
He's all I have, judge.
Je n'ai plus que lui.
He must have managed somehow. I'm not naturally curious, but I'd give a year's pay to know what he's up to, all the way out here.
Je donnerais bien ma solde d'une année, pour savoir ce qu'il vient trafiquer dans ce bled.
If he's all you say he is at least I can do as much for him as you have done.
S'il est ce que vous dites, je ferai mieux avec lui que vous ne l'avez fait.
Maybe I've done something I'll regret for the rest of my life. All I know is that if I'd told him about the baby, he wouldn't have gone.
Je le regretterai peut-être pour le restant de mes jours, mais s'il avait su pour le bébé, il n'y serait pas allé.
After all, I have no dowry, and he's a gentleman and educated.
Je n'ai pas de dot, et c'est un gentleman!
He's all right, and I still have 3-1 to bet on Jess Willard to win.
Il est super et j'ai encore un pari sur Jess Willard gagnant.
Maybe he could have waited a little while about the kid, though, but I guess it's all right.
Il aurait pu attendre un peu, pour le petit, par contre, mais je pense que c'est normal.
He's all that I have, nothing else.
Je n'ai personne d'autre, rien d'autre.
- How is Georgie? - He's gonna be all right. Fanny, I wish you could have seen George's face when he saw Lucy.
Si vous l'aviez vu regarder Lucy!
I have nothing against him, but he hasn't any money. And my sister's not rich. - She needs all she's got.
Je n'ai rien contre lui, mais il n'a pas d'argent et ma sœur n'est pas riche.
It's all I've had to do lately... just sit around studying what little facts we have... trying to figure out who he might be.
Je n'ai que ça à faire. Rester assis à étudier le moindre fait qu'on a, à essayer de comprendre qui il peut être.
But all these years I have been his family. He's been mine.
Toutes ces années, j'étais sa famille et lui la mienne.
Then I talked to him and his sister, and it was agreed by all of us that he wouldn't have another gun until he was of age.
Puis je leur ai parlé, à lui et à sa sœur, et nous sommes convenus qu'il n'aurait pas d'arme avant l'âge légal.
He just had a couple of shirts. You can have them all, Blackie. That's what I smelled.
II avait quelques chemises.
He needled me, he begged for it and I let him have it, that's all.
Il m'a piqué et il a eu ce qu'il voulait, c'est tout.
But he's all I have now.
Mais, je n'ai plus que lui maintenant.
He subsequently stayed to tea and devoured every single muffin, and what makes his conduct all the more heartless is that he was perfectly well aware... from the first that I have no brother, that I never had a brother... and I don't intend to have a brother... not even of any kind.
Il s'est invite'pour le thé, dévorant jusqu'au dernier muffin. Et le pire, c'est qu'il savait parfaitement que je n'avais pas de frère, que je n'en avais jamais eu et que je ne comptais pas en avoir. Et d'aucune sorte!
I have no idea where he was or what he did but I'm perfectly sure it's all right.
Je n'en ai aucune idée. Mais je suis certain qu'il n'a rien à cacher.
He's the only friend we have. I was so happy for you, but now it's happening all over again.
Tu as trouvé un ami en Hioki et cela m'a rendue heureuse.
If he weren't so bullheaded about coming back on course 140, he could have kissed us goodbye a long time ago, that's all I know.
S'il ne s'obstinait pas à revenir sur le cap 140, voilà longtemps qu'il aurait pu prendre la poudre d'escampette.
I have the impression that he's a good guy, after all.
Mais il me fait bonne impression. Tu dois le savoir, non?
Look, honey, for all I know, he's another Casanova. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park.
C'est peut-être un Casanova, mais je ne m'inquiéterai pas pour toi quand tu iras au parc.
He's all I have left, Reverend.
lui. Il est tout ce qu'il me reste.
I told him if he don't answer this one right away, he don't have to bother at all.
Je lui écris que s'il ne répond pas, il n'a qu'à plus s'en faire.
Of course, he was very young there, but it's all I have and I thought it might help you.
Il était très jeune, alors, mais c'est tout ce que j'ai. Ça peut toujours vous aider.
It's all right. I have a feeling he'll be back.
Mais j'ai la sensation qu'il va revenir.
If he succeeds, I shall have to conclude that not only have I been mistaken as to my identity all these many years but that my honoured father and mother were somewhat confused at my birth.
S'il y réussit, je devrai donc conclure que non seulement m'a-t-on trompé sur mon identité toutes ces années, mais que mes honorables père et mère se sont fourvoyés à ma naissance.
I don't have a nephew... but he's there, all right.
Je n'ai pas de neveu... mais il y est, d'accord.
He says I have to come here quick. That's all he says.
Il me demande de vite rentrer à la maison.
He's never been in a big house before and I know I shouldn't have, but I told him it was all right to go upstairs for a minute.
C'est la première villa qu'il voit. J'ai mal fait, mais je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait monter une minute.
All right. But first I'll have to ask Darrin if he minds.
Mais d'abord, je dois demander à Darrin s'il est d'accord.
- I have to know if he's the Strangler. We all have to know so we can breathe again.
Je veux savoir s'il est l'Etrangleur, pour pouvoir respirer.
- He'll have to. He's all I could catch.
- C'est tout ce que j'ai sous la main.
He must have known all along that I'm not a working girl but a millionaire's daughter.
Il doit savoir que je ne suis pas une employee mais une fille de millionnaire
He's come here all of a sudden, better, I'm so sorry, Antonino, we can't play chess this evening, you see, I've some guests coming from Rome so, if you don't mind, we'd have to pospone the game to tomorrow.
Il est arrivé soudainement. Mieux... Je suis désolé, Antonino, on ne peut pas jouer aux échecs ce soir, tu vois, j'ai des invités qui viennent de Rome aussi, si ça ne te dérange pas, nous devrions reporter le jeu à demain.
But I have a very sick patient to watch over all night, he's got to take four injections.
Mais j'ai un patient très malade à veiller toute la nuit, le docteur lui a prescrit quatre injections.
Well, as upset as he must have been, I- - it's a wonder he was able to write anything at all.
Vous voyez... Ce sont ces petits détails qui me dérangent.
That's very decent of you. You see, I have a cousin in Beverly Hills. He does all my work for me.
C'est très gentil à vous, mais j'ai un cousin à Beverly Hills qui s'occupe de tout ça.
He's all I have left.
Il ne me reste que lui.
He's all I have. He's all I have.
Il est tout ce que j'ai.
I just have the feeling that he'll propose destroying our arms... at the celebration... hoping that the cascade of emotion... will do all the damage before anyone realizes what they've done.
J'ai juste le sentiment qu'il proposera de détruire... nos armes à la fête... en espérant que, dans la cascade d'émotions... le mal soit fait avant que les gens ne s'en rendent compte.
All I have to do is concentrate, and he's there.
Je n'ai qu'à rentrer en moi et il est là.
I suppose he's happy now that almost all of us have left.
Il doit être heureux que tout le monde soit parti.
Oh, if I could find him here and now, that friend, if he had come to me from afar to the most wretched of women, then all I have borne in bitter woe, all I have suffered in shame and humiliation, sweet revenge would compensate for everything!
Si je pouvais trouver ici cet ami, s'il pouvait venir vers moi alors tout ce que j'ai enduré de souffrances toute la honte qu'il m'a infligée tout cela serait oublié dans la plus douce des vengeances!
They despise me... because I'm Jack's daughter, and I have too much... and of course they still despise Jack... because he found what they're all still looking for!
Ils me détestent... parce que je suis la fille de Jack et que j'ai trop... et bien sûr, ils détestent toujours Jack... parce qu'il a trouvé ce qu'ils continuent tous à chercher.
Had he not gone out, I should have confessed all...
S'il était resté, je lui aurais révélé la verité...
- Oh, yes. Since our parents died, he's all I have.
Depuis la mort de nos parents, je n'ai que lui au monde.
I mean, after all, our attacker could have killed Mr. Drayson if he wanted to.
Après tout, notre agresseur aurait pu tuer M. Drayson, s'il l'avait voulu.
Well, my lord, I hadn't meant to mention it, but I have been wondering all along why you think Baldrick with a bag on his head is gonna be a dead ringer for Lord Farrow, because he's not!
Je ne voulais pas m'en mêler, mais je m'étonne que vous pensiez qu'en se mettant un sac sur la tête, Baldrick ressemblera à Farrow! Il est loin du compte!
I hope so. He's all I have.
Je l'espère. ll est tout pour moi.
he's all 26
he's all yours 283
he's all right 417
he's all alone 31
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
he's all yours 283
he's all right 417
he's all alone 31
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23
i have a wife 82
i have to tell you something 352
i haven't 1248
i haven't got it 40
i have nothing to do with it 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23
i have a wife 82
i have to tell you something 352
i haven't 1248
i haven't got it 40
i have nothing to do with it 22