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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming now

He's coming now перевод на французский

336 параллельный перевод
He's coming now, Mammy.
Il arrive!
So now he's got what was coming to him.
Eh bien, il a eu ce qu'il méritait.
He's coming to now.
Il reprend connaissance.
- He's coming around now.
- Ça va aller.
Little Champ is now coming right out in front. He's out to win!
Little Champ est maintenant en tête.
I know we both try to be loyal to Geoffrey by hiding our real feelings but now he's coming back and we can't go on pretending.
Nous ne voulions pas le faire souffrir, mais nous ne pouvons plus continuer ainsi.
He's coming now.
Il va venir vous voir.
And now he's coming to get Mr. Hale.
Et il vient s'en prendre à M. Hale.
He's coming now.
- Il arrive.
Now it's busted loose, he's coming back.
Lui et moi, nous voulons prendre des mesures.
- He's coming down the stairs now.
- Il descend l'escalier.
After all his working up north and wandering around the country... coming back and talking about people's rights... and how everybody ought to be decent. Now for all his fine talk, he's out there in the dining room... with one of those girls.
Apres avoir travaille dans le Nord et voyage par tout le pays... avoir fait de grands discours sur les droits... et sermonne tout le monde sur l'honnetete... voila qu'il est ici dans la salle a manger... avec l'une de ces filles.
He's coming now, sir.
Il arrive, monsieur.
He's coming now, I can hear his footsteps.
Il revient. J'entends le bruit de ses pas.
- You mean he's coming out now?
- Il va sortir maintenant?
He'll be all right. He's coming around now.
Il revient à lui.
I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to fuddle with your lawyer's tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whiny old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.
Ne comptez pas qu'on vous ramène celui qui a tué Larry Kinkaid... pour qu'après vos petites procédures de 6 mois... on le voit relâché parce que Davies dit que c'est pas un mauvais bougre.
And now he's coming home... home to a new mother many years younger than he.
Il revient à la maison. Et il va y trouver une nouvelle mère. Une mère plus jeune que lui.
If Roy Stuart thinks I'm coming after him now, he's right.
Roy Stuart a raison, je vais m'en prendre à lui.
Yes, he's just coming in now, way over there. Look.
Si, le voilà qui arrive, là-bas.
He's coming off now.
- C'est à moi.
He's never really told me he loved me. Funny how that keeps coming back now.
Étrange, que ça revienne maintenant.
He's coming in now.
Il vient d'arriver à l'instant.
- He's coming to now.
- Il revient à lui.
Good. He's coming over this way now.
Parfait, Il vient vers nous.
Mildred, he's coming. Now, you do like I told you. I'm not home.
Souviens-toi, ne le laisse pas entrer.
I've been too busy collecting animals. He's coming out now.
J'ai collectionné d'autres animaux.
He's coming here, now. Texas style.
Il va opérer comme au Texas.
He's coming now, mrs.
Il arrive, Mme Piletti.
He's coming into the courtyard now.
Il monte.
He's coming back right now.
Et le voilà qui revient.
I think he's coming now.
Je crois que c'est lui qui arrive.
- He's coming on now.
- Il arrive.
He's coming out of it now, sir, heading about 080 degrees.
II en sort, direction environ 080 degrés.
Now he's in a plane coming here.
Mais maintenant, il est dans l'avion et il arrive.
And now he's coming to their house! He should stay at the Tiber embankment.
Et maintenant, léger changement : sur le trottoir.
- Now he's coming over. - Keep your mouth shut!
- On est tranquilles.
He's coming down the street now.
Voilà le Shérif!
Now about King Kong. There's this big ape, and he's on top of the Empire State Building and there are thousands of planes coming to attack him. And he bats at them like flies.
Maintenant parlons de King Kong il y a un grand singe, il est en haut de l'Empire State Building et des dizaines d'avions viennent l'attaquer et il les abat comme des mouches.
- 484 heures, 36 minutes.
Maintenant il reviendra avec un plan de bataille des quatre côtés.
- He's coming now.
- Il arrive.
Hey, I think that's them coming now.
Hé, je crois qu'ils arrivent.
Now that they've had a chance to talk, he's coming to warn you.
Maintenant qu'ils ont parlé, il va vous prévenir :
He's coming up the walk right now.
Il arrive en ce moment même.
Oh, just a minute. He's coming in now.
Attendez, iI vient d'arriver.
- He's coming out of it now.
- Il reprend connaissance.
He's coming now, General Cromwell.
- Le voici, mon général.
I believe he " s coming now, sir.
Je crois qu'il arrive.
He's coming here with the money he borrowed for the funeral. Now we can pay for the schnapps.
Il viendra ici avec l'argent de l'enterrement pour payer le schnaps.
He's just coming in now.
Il vient d'arriver.

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