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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming with us

He's coming with us перевод на французский

126 параллельный перевод
He's coming with us, isn't he?
Il viendra avec nous, n'est ce pas?
I made all my arrangements, Joe. He's coming in with us To help us hide this mess from hall's glory boys.
Il va nous aider à cacher ce gâchis aux guignols de Hall.
Where's Stonewall? Thought he was coming with us.
Stonewall ne vient pas avec nous?
Mitchell, he's coming with us.
Nous prenons Mitchell.
Maintenant il reviendra avec un plan de bataille des quatre côtés.
This boy's father is with Giuliano, so he's coming with us, or he'll end up shooting at us.
Le père de ce garçon est avec Giuliano dans la montagne.
He's coming with us.
Il vient avec nous.
- I don't know. It looks like he's coming with us.
He's just coming with us for a short while.
Il va rester un moment avec nous.
He's not coming to Sardinia with us, then.
Luca ne vient pas en Sardaigne!
He's coming to Sardinia with us. Look.
Il vient en Sardaigne, avec nous.
She said she'd be back tomorrow night. But our headmaster phoned, and he's coming in... tomorrow morning at 9 : 00 to spend Christmas with us.
Zeus, Apollon, que vous arrive-t-il?
He's coming with us to Malta and going on to Telakia.
Il vient avec nous à Malte. Et il continue sur Telakia.
He's not coming with us, is he?
Il ne vient pas, si?
Does that mean he's coming with us?
Cela signifie qu'il vient avec nous?
He's coming with us.
II s'en va avec nous.
He's coming at us with no brakes.
Il se dirige droit vers nous.
- Wait. He's coming with us.
Il vient avec nous.
Jack, he's coming with us.
Jack, il nous accompagne.
He's coming home with us, aren't you, Cat?
Non! Il rentre à la maison avec nous. Pas vrai, Cat?
And the sooner we tell him he's not coming with us... the easier it will be on him.
Disons-lui vite qu'il ne peut pas venir, ce sera plus facile.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"Oui, je suis Daniel", et ça commence, hein? "enchanté", et commence ce qui peut terminer en... enfin, à condition qu'elle s'appelle Esther si elle s'appelle Alicia, elle continue son chemin, et même si on l'appelle Esther parfois elle ne réalise pas....... une fois, il y en avait une qui s'approchait, je l'ai appelée Esther elle s'est retournée et m'a dit : "Je suis José Luis" et rien ne s'est passé parce que c'est pas pour moi ce type de ni ce type ni aucun type, enfin, c'est pas mon genre, mes parents m'ont élevé d'une certaine façon et j'ai su les récompenser en honorant, disons....... ils m'ont élevé dans la liberté de penser ce que j'ai envie mais les choses se passaient d'une certaine façon il fallait aussi respecter son prochain, parce que chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut de sa vie, non?
He's coming with us?
- Quoi, il vient?
He's coming with us Saturday night to the street fair.
Il vient avec nous, samedi. À la fête.
You just gotta decide whether he's coming with us, and fast.
A vous de décider s'il entre avec nous. Vite.
I sure am glad he's coming with us.
Je suis heureuse qu'il reste avec nous.
- He's not coming with us.
- Il ne vient pas avec nous.
Michel's coming to stay with us. He'll sleep in your room.
Il prendra ta chambre.
He's coming with us.
On l'emmène.
He's not coming with us.
Il ne vient pas.
He's not coming with us, is he?
Il vient avec nous?
- He's coming with us, O'Neill.
- ll vient avec nous, O'Neill.
- He's coming with us.
- Il vient avec nous.
Guys, we're taking this hothead. He's coming with us.
Les gars, on emmène l'autre excité :
In fact, he's coming to live with us.
Il vient vivre avec nous
Well, he's not coming up with the drugs until he's got the cash which screws both of us.
Il donnera pas la came sans avoir le fric. On est coincés.
Terry's losing his cherry tonight. He's coming with us.
Terry perd son pucelage ce soir.
Terry here is losing his cherry. He's coming with us.
Terry perd son pucelage ce soir.
He's coming with us?
Il vient avec nous?
We have to wait for Fermin, he's coming with us.
Faut attendre Fermin, il vient avec nous.
Yep. He's coming home with us.
Il rentre à la maison avec nous.
He's coming home with us.
Il va vivre avec nous.
- He's coming with us. - Sir!
- Il vient avec nous.
Yeah, he's coming to the river with us.
Oui, il vient avec nous.
Ten minutes later, I was on the phone with the other correspondent, and he said,'There's a plane turning over us,'and now it's coming towards us.
10 minutes plus tard, j'étais au téléphone avec un correspondant et il disait, "ll y aun avion qui tourne au-dessus de nous, " et il se dirige maintenant vers nous. "
"No, he's just coming with us." They didn't let him come along... and they never said where they were taking me to.
"ll va nous accompagner." lls n'ont pas accepté qu'il vienne avec... ni de dire où on allait.
He's coming home with us.
Il rentre avec nous.
I want us to get in touch with New York Center and let them know he's coming.
Nous devons rejoindre le Centre de New York et leur faire savoir qu'il arrive.
It's okay. He's coming with us.
Ça va. ll vient avec nous.
Looks like he's coming to have a talk with us.
On dirait qu'il veut nous parler.
He's coming behind, we couldn't fit the chair in the rig with us.
Il va arriver, son fauteuil n'entrait pas dans l'ambulance.

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