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He's okay перевод на французский

7,345 параллельный перевод
- Is he okay? Luckily, it wasn't a lethal dose, but it might be some time before he's back on his feet. - Yeah.
- Il va bien?
- Is he gonna be okay?
- Il va s'en sortir?
No, is he gonna be okay?
Non, va-t-il s'en sortir?
- Is he gonna be okay?
- Va-t-il s'en sortir?
Is he gonna be okay?
Il va s'en sortir?
Please tell me he's gonna be okay.
Pitié, dites-moi qu'il va s'en sortir.
[Door thuds open] Okay, he's out of surgery.
Alors, il est sorti de la chirurgie.
Andy got into an accident, and he's okay.
Andy a eu un accident, et il va bien.
Look, if he's not back in a month, we'll go down and get him, okay?
Si il n'est pas revenu dans un mois, on ira le chercher, d'accord?
Okay, he's losing his fucking shit.
Il est en train de paniquer.
Now, he's okay, but he just, he feels terrible.
Il va bien, mais, il ne se sent pas bien.
He's stable, they want to move him out They just need your okay.
Il est stable, ils veulent le déplacer.
- He's okay? Should we call mom?
Faut-il appeler maman?
How's your son? He okay?
Comment va votre fils?
Yeah, you were just pulling his ass out of that car To see if he was okay, right?
Vous le sortiez juste de cette voiture pour voir s'il allait bien?
Look, if he wants to file a complaint, okay, fine.
S'il veut porter plainte, d'accord, parfait.
Okay, let's say he doesn't have that app.
Disons qu'il n'a pas cette application.
- Hey. - Is he gonna be okay?
Est-ce qu'il va s'en sortir?
I'm just glad he's okay.
Je suis contente qu'il aille bien.
Okay, he's in the shadows.
Ok, il est dans l'ombre.
Okay, he's gone.
Ok, il est parti.
- It's okay, he's been through a lot.
- C'est bon, il a souffert.
- He's okay.
- Il est correct.
He's gonna be okay, though.
Il va être correct, cependant.
- Oh, he's fictional. - Okay.
C'est un personnage fictif.
Okay, he's athletic and he reads, like, 100 books a day.
Lui, il est sportif et il lit, genre 100 livres par jour.
Uh, he's doing okay.
- Il va bien.
Let's see if he'll talk for a walk, okay?
Voyons-voir s'il parle pour une promenade, c'est bon?
He's not gonna find out, okay?
Il ne s'en rendra compte de rien.
Which is kinda messed up because... it sure would be a lot easier if I still thought he was a useless asshole. Okay, so... we choose douchebag Uncle Joey, and Granddad, that's four though.
Alors, on choisit notre idiot d'oncle Joey et papi, mais ça fait quatre.
Okay, yeah, Dad's already on the list, but he's out of town, and I don't have time to track him down.
Oui, papa est déjà sur la liste, mais il n'est pas dans cette ville et je n'ai pas le temps de le chercher. Et ses enfants?
- and might I say, he's a bit of an ass... - Okay.
- et je dis que c'est un trou du...
Okay, let's say he does fall for this ridiculous plan.
Disons qu'il tombe dans ce ridicule plan.
Okay, let's say he takes us back to whoever sent him.
Disons qu'il nous amène à celui qui l'a envoyé.
See if he'll tell you - when he's supposed to meet Lobos. - Okay.
Vois s'il te dirait quand il est supposé rencontrer Lobos.
- Okay. - If he know something, he gonna tell me.
S'il sait quelque chose, il me le dira.
Okay, so he's clumsy.
Il est maladroit.
He's gonna be okay.
Il ira mieux.
Okay, he's in cardiac arrest.
D'accord, il est en arrêt cardiaque.
He might be okay, though. He's calmed down a bit.
Il s'est calmé un peu.
We're waiting for him, it's a pity that he's not here with us, but it's okay.
On l'attend, c'est dommage qu'il ne soit pas encore avec nous, mais ça va.
I just need to make sure that he's okay and can confirm the hostages are okay.
Je veux être sûr qu'il va bien ainsi que les otages.
He's got the votes, okay?
Il a les votes, okay?
- Look, top, he's got next to no blood on him, okay? He didn't shit himself, as far as I can tell, so-so we wrap him in something, and we drive him up a goat trail into some of these shit-thick woods they got around here.
- Écoute, chef, y a pas de sang sur lui, il s'est pas chié dessus apparemment, on l'enveloppe et on le transporte dans ces bois touffus des environs.
Okay, he's clear.
Bien, il est parti.
He's not gonna calm down if you're yelling, okay?
Il ne va pas se calmer, si tu cris, ok?
Okay, he's pretty interesting.
D'accord. Il l'est.
I mean, he's a bit strange, but that's okay.
Je veux dire, il est un peu étrange, mais ça va.
- He'll do fine. - Okay.
Il va s'en sortir.
Okay, now, what's your buddy's name, what's his brother's name, and what firm does he work at?
Maintenant, c'est quoi le nom de ton copain, le nom de son frère et la boîte où il travaille?
He's okay, but she's crying a lot.
Il va bien, mais elle pleure beaucoup.

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