He can't move перевод на французский
257 параллельный перевод
I can't move from Hays City until I find out where that he-wolf s heading for.
Je ne peux pas partir de Hays City avant de découvrir où il va.
We get him in the phone booth where he can't move. Hop in the delicatessen.
Attirons-le dans la cabine téléphonique.
And, Lukey, he's hurt bad. He can't move.
Il va très mal, il ne peut pas bouger.
He can't move.
Que faire?
He's like something you can't move.
Il est comme une chose qu'on ne peut déplacer.
No, he can't move unless I give the word.
Non, il est à ma merci.
Each man his own fortress in his great armor... so weighed down he can't move.
Chaque homme étant un fort dans son armure si lourde qu'il ne peut bouger.
No man should wear armor so heavy that he can't move quickly... to save himself or to pursue his enemy and destroy him.
Personne ne devrait porter une armure si lourde qu'elle empêche de vite s'enfuir ou de poursuivre l'ennemi.
That's what ails Kentucky. A man can't move without he nudges a neighbour.
Pas comme au Kentucky oû à chaque pas, on bouscule quelqu'un.
He's always on the move, I can't say anymore.
Il est en déplacement, je n'en sais pas plus.
I don't know. Randy's supposed to put the numbers in work next week. He can't move unless he has some idea what the wardrobe will be.
Randy ne peut élaborer les chorégraphies sans une idée des costumes.
And he has to move them. He can only ship them out of Tombstone, and he can't do that while we control the city.
Il doit les déplacer, mais il doit pour cela passer par Tombstone, mais c'est impossible tant qu'on contrôle la ville.
You can't move. He treats you like a drain pipe.
Il vous traite comme un tuyau.
They have every man in a straightjacket and without a passport he can't move a toe.
Tout le monde en camisole de force, et sans passeport, impossible de bouger!
He can't move far if we move fast.
Si on agit vite, il ne pourra pas aller bien loin.
- I can't move him in the condition he's in.
- Je peux pas le déplacer dans son état.
He got a little better last year but then had a relapse. He can't move and spends all day in bed.
Il allait mieux l'an dernier, mais il est tombé dans l'escalier, depuis il est alité.
He's as if dead. We can't move him, not even from the sofa.
On ne peut pas le bouger, ni même le toucher.
He can't make a move without permission of the head wop.
Il ne peut rien faire sans leur permission.
No, we're already in. But we can't make our move until I get the tape off the video recorder so that Belzig shows us in which safety-deposit box he's hidden the money that he's stolen.
On est déjà dedans, mais on ne peut pas bouger tant que je n'ai pas enlevé la cassette, pour que Belzig nous montre dans quel coffre il a caché l'argent volé.
He can't move.
- Il faut le cacher.
He can't even move!
Il est handicapé.
He can't even move, and yet he's gone off somewhere!
Mais il est parti quand?
He can't move or be moved.
Il ne peut ni bouger ni être déplacé,
I want to get out of this fucking bunker as much as you but he can't move.
Je veux sortir d'ici autant que vous mais il peut pas bouger.
He can't fucking move!
Il peut pas bouger!
And how would my father board a lifeboat, he can't even move.
Et comment on ferait pour l'embarquer dans un canot, mon père, il ne peut même plus bouger.
There's no reason to beat the bastard like that... after all, he can't move.
Ça ne sert à rien de le battre ainsi. Il ne peut pas bouger.
- He can't move. - Come on.
- Il ne peut pas bouger.
Keep him in the clinch so he can't move.
Le lâche pas. Faut pas qu'il puisse bouger.
He can't move after 3 miles of walk
On a parcouru une lieue à peine.
I can't move until he moves, you idiot!
Je ne peux pas avancer tant qu'iI n'avance pas!
He can't move without being tailed. The police and Kaito's gang are watching him. The Doi's are just up the street.
Il est pris en tenailles entre les flics et Kaito qui le surveillent de prés et Doi qui le pourchasse.
He's like waiting'for me. Like I can't move, you know. He sees that I'm losin', right?
Il est là, il m'attend et il voit que je perds.
Your servant still has the fever, he can't move.
Votre serviteur ne peut pas bouger.
He can't move against me without the approval of the other clans.
Il ne peut rien contre moi sans l'accord des autres clans.
You have to move out or he can't get out at all.
Il faut le bouger, sinon on pourra pas sortir.
Put him in irons, so he can't even move!
L'enchaîner, qu'il ne puisse bouger d'un pouce!
Yes, of course, but he can't move up while Sejanus is there, can he?
Bien sûr. Mais il ne peut pas s'élever si Sejanus est toujours là.
But he can't even move yet.
Mais il ne peut même pas bouger.
Therefore he can't move now
Il ne peut pas bouger.
I can't make a reckless move We've to wait till he leaves his house
Il faut être prudent et attendre que l'assassin sorte de chez lui.
Leonard can't move around freely, not the way he looks.
Leonard ne peut pas se déplacer comme il veut, pas avec la tête qu'il a.
You Can't tell ME a Man Who Can move oil tankers in the MidEast Can't get rid of an Ex-WifE in his own backyard if he Wants to.
Un homme qui envoie des pétroliers dans le Golfe est incapable de dire à son ex-femme de quitter sa propriété?
So if he can't move, how's he going to sit down?
Si ça ne peut pas bouger comment ça peut s'asseoir?
He's loyal to a guy who means well but he can't seem to move him.
Lou est fidèle à un agent qui fait ce qu'il peut... mais qui ne semble pas très efficace.
After that sealed move, he can't win anymore.
Après le coup qu'il a scellé, il ne peut plus gagner.
And if he doesn't, you can always move back in here.
Et s'il ne le fait pas, tu peux toujours revenir ici.
If he doesn't move, I can go hide behind those boxes, maybe distract him.
S'il ne bouge pas, je peux aller me cacher derrière ces caisses.
d Now Peter Piper, man, he picked a pepper d d Then he didn't have a plan, he was a scamming man d d Now if the dummy dude can make his mouth not move d d If you keep the gig, you'll be in the groove d
♪ Maintenant que l'archiduchesse a séché ses chaussettes ♪ ♪ ce gars sait plus quoi faire, il va devoir se taire ♪ ♪ Maintenant qu'le mec à la poupée se doit de rester bouche-bée ♪
Okay boys He can't move now
N'ayez pas peur. Il est hors de combat.
he can't swim 20
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16
he can't be trusted 40
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16
he can't be trusted 40