He doesn't get it перевод на французский
391 параллельный перевод
... and it would bet that if it doesn't get it, he / she will return very gotten worked up,.recuérdalo!
... et je parie qu'il ne l'a pas eue et qu'il va rentrer de très mauvaise humeur.
And if he doesn't get it, he goes into bankruptcy and throws 900 men out of work.
S'il ne l'obtient pas, il fait faillite et 900 hommes sont sans emploi.
Mr. Chan, when a man works over a year to get a valuable confession like this... he doesn't leave it in a hotel room.
M. Chan, quand un homme travaille pendant plus d'un an pour obtenir une telle confession... il ne la laisse pas dans une chambre d'hôtel.
Leave him alone. He doesn't want anyone. Better let him get it out of his system.
Laisse-le se défouler!
Well, my editor doesn't have it, but he's going to get it.
Il ne l'est pas encore, mais ça va pas tarder.
- He's old, so he doesn't get it.
Les vieux ne comprennent rien. Absolument.
It's your responsibility to see he doesn't get in touch with any of the passengers.
Il est de votre responsabilité qu'il n'entre en contact avec aucun des passagers.
But now, it's up to you guys to see that he doesn't get to the party to see Corinne.
Mais maintenant, à vous de jouer pour qu'il ne voie pas Corinne à la soirée.
Apparently, a man can get so close to his work That he doesn't see it.
En écrivant on ne se rend pas toujours compte.
He doesn't like me, but let's get it straightened out.
II ne m'aime pas, mais iI faut s'expliquer.
It's our job to see he doesn't get out of our sight.
C'est notre boulot de le surveiller.
- Ten to one he doesn't get it.
- Dix contre un qu'il aura rien.
I'll go get the letter... even if he doesn't have it.
- J'irai reprendre ta lettre, même s'il l'avait pas...
You're right to think it, Lazarus, but here he doesn't come as I'm my mother's son and I do not tell my father's, because that I can not attest, com on, go get the meal.
T'as raison de le penser Lazare, mais il viendra pas ici comme je suis le fils de ma mère peut-être pas de mon père car je peux pas le prouver, allez, allons manger.
Why doesn't he shoot him and get it over with?
Pourquoi ne pas l'abattre pour en finir?
After all, he does owe me the money, doesn't he? It is not as if I'm trying to get something out of him for nothing.
Il me doit l'argent, après tout.
Ulysses takes ten years to get back because he doesn't want to. It's logical.
Ulysse met dix ans à rentrer chez lui car, en réalité, il ne souhaite pas ce retour, c'est logique.
If a boy only walks with a girl and doesn't get as intimate as he should, it is self-explanatory.
Quand un garçon ne fait que se balader avec une fille, et qu'il n'arrive pas à ses fins avec elle, pour moi... c'est évident.
But the mule- - He just doesn't get it.
Mais le mulet, lui, il ne comprend pas.
It's either the TV or the newspaper. Doesn't he ever get bored?
Il passe son temps entre la télé et les journaux.
How come he doesn't get it? !
Comment se fait-il qu'il ne le voit pas?
Darrin, he doesn't have to get away with it.
Darrin, il n'est pas obligé de s'en tirer.
No, he was to be head of the Medical Department but he doesn't think he'll get it.
Non, il devrait être chef du service médical mais il ne croit pas être promu.
I leave it up to you to see that he doesn't get to town.
Tu veilleras à ce qu'il n'arrive pas ici.
Doesn't he get a chance to think about it a little first?
Donnez-lui un peu de temps pour y penser.
- Then he doesn't get to eat it.
- Elle ne pourra pas la manger.
You get a great idea, he doesn't like it.
Vous avez une très bonne idée, il ne l'aime pas. Et vous laissez tomber?
A lot of people in this town don't come to hear it and Mr. Broyles would be the first to tell you he doesn't get 100 percent attention.
Ils sont nombreux à ne pas venir l'entendre et M. Broyles sera le premier à dire qu'il ne retient pas toute l'attention.
- He doesn't get it.
- Il comprend pas.
If he doesn't give it, then I'll get a warrant.
S'il refuse, j'en dégoterai un.
He doesn't look that bad to me. Whatever he needs, he can get it at the next stop.
- Mon cadre en argent fin.
Doesn't a man who'd give up his life for some silly damned contact, for knowing the truth about it, doesn't he have a right to get drunk once in a while?
Est-ce qu'un gus qui est prêt à sacrifier sa vie au nom de ce foutu contact, rien que pour savoir ce qu'il vaut, n'a pas le droit de se soûler?
He doesn't get it from me.
Il ne tient pas ça de moi.
He thinks it's very tough, but it doesn't take much to get through.
Il s'attend à ce qu'il soit dur, mais il est facile à traverser.
It doesn't have your terrace upstairs, but at least he'll not get kicked out.
Il devait lui être livré en juin. Mais il vient seulement d'arriver.
Is it? . Why doesn't he get my eagles?
Pourquoi ne ramène-t-il pas mes aigles?
So I'll get this three-carat stone. We'll take it to this independent appraiser I know. If he doesn't swear I'm practically giving this stone away,
Alors je prends ce diamant de trois carats, nous montons chez mon expert, et s'il ne jure pas que c'est pratiquement un cadeau, je me trouverai un autre beau-frère!
His balls ache if he doesn`t get it.
Matin, midi et soir, 6 ou 7 jours par semaine.
I don't mean to be unkind. I just think it's better that he doesn't get around other influences and stuff.
Sans vouloir être désagréable, il vaut mieux qu'il se mette à l'abri de mauvaises influences.
I mean, a lawyer doesn't turn down a divorce case just'cause it might get sticky, does he?
Un avocat ne refuse pas une affaire de divorce de peur que ce soit délicat.
He doesn't get it. - This is dead.
- Il sait pas jouer aux devinettes.
It so happens that Norman is worth a quarter of a million dollars for stud... if he doesn't get killed.
Sauf que Norman vaut un quart de million de dollars s'il ne se fait pas descendre.
He doesn't get it, Bill.
- II ne comprend pas, Bill.
And that your father doesn't even have a bus fare to get to his work, that he's perishing — it's none of your business!
Mais le fait que son propre père n'a plus de quoi se payer un bus, qu'il est en train de crever — ça vous est égal!
- He doesn't get it, Ty.
- Il ne comprend pas.
- He doesn't get it.
- Il ne comprend pas.
Doesn't matter how much time you get. Whoever thinks he's tough? He's gonna get it!
Il faut mater ces petits malins, même si on doit payer.
You're pissed off because he ditches and doesn't get caught, is that it?
Ça t'emmerde qu'il sèche et se fasse pas pincer?
And don't think he doesn't get his share of ribbing about it, especially around election time.
Et croyez bien qu'on le nargue à cause de ça, surtout en période électorale.
Whoever it is, he doesn't want to be get involved.
Il ne tient pas à l'impliquer.
He doesn't get involved in an operation unless he can bring it off.
Il n'accepte une mission que s'il est sûr de réussir.
he doesn't love me 32
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't 603
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't like it 37
he doesn't have to 52
he doesn't mind 30
he doesn't 603
he doesn't understand 65
he doesn't know 228
he doesn't like me 35
he doesn't want to 29
he doesn't care 94
he doesn't like it 37