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He doesn't have to know перевод на французский

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He doesn't know yet, but he'll have to accept the annulment.
- Et ton père?
You know, it's awfully nice Carlo having a sponsor, because he doesn't have to work and he gets more time for his practicing. - And that makes a difference.
C'est très bien pour Carlo, car il n'a pas à travailler et il peut répéter, mais il ne le fait pas, c'est la différence.
Je sais, mais s'il vit on ne s'en servira pas, et s'il meurt, j'irai chercher le trésor et je ferai dire des messes pour son âme.
He doesn't have to know.
Il n'est pas obligé de savoir.
Well, he doesn't have to know.
Il n'est pas obligé de savoir.
You mean you want him to have the policy without him knowing it. And that means without the insurance company knowing that he doesn't know it.
Vous voulez l'assurer à son insu et sans que la compagnie sache qu'il ne le sait pas.
You know, a guy who's got himself a place, he doesn't have to worry about anything.
Quand on a une maison, on n'a pas de souci à se faire.
They said nobody could make a pit stop in a 100-mile race such as he did and have a chance at winning it, but Brannan doesn't know how to quit.
Personne ne peut faire un arrêt au stand dans une telle course et avoir une chance de gagner, mais Brannan n'abandonne pas.
He doesn't have to know.
Pas la peine de lui dire.
He doesn't have to know about the silver.
Lancez-le sur Ringer. Inutile de lui parler des lingots.
Yes, I know. But he doesn't have to behave like that.
Oui, je le sais, mais il ne devrait pas se comporter de la sorte.
He doesn't have to know..
Ne le lui dites pas
He wants a leader. He wants a lot of things he doesn't have and doesn't know how to get.
Il veut des choses qu'il n'a pas et ne sait pas comment les obtenir.
Is he smart enough to know he doesn't have to?
Il sait qu'il peut refuser de répondre?
You'll have to stick this murder on somebody else. Riley's got an alibi that even he doesn't know about and it's iron-clad.
Riley a un alibi en béton que lui-même ignore.
I have to test him with a black who hasn't fed him... somebody he doesn't know.
Je dois essayer avec un Noir qui ne l'a jamais nourri, un inconnu.
Maybe he doesn't know what to do. What do I have to do?
- Il ne sait peut-être pas quoi faire.
He doesn't even have the brains to know he's messed up.
Il est si bête qu'il ne sait même pas qu'il débloque.
We have been for years, but he doesn't want you to know.
Nous le sommes depuis des années, mais il ne veut pas que vous le sachiez.
He wants to know why Julie doesn't have a penis.
Il veut savoir pourquoi Julie n'a pas de pénis.
I know what he planned on doing. But that doesn't mean you had to be in on it. And you might not have known about it beforehand.
Je sais ce qu'il avait prévu de faire mais ça ne veut pas dire que tu étais dedans.
He doesn't have to know that we're desperate.
Il ne doit pas savoir qu'on est désespérés.
- He doesn't have to. I just want to know!
Il faut qu'il sache que c'est tout ce que je possède.
He doesn't have to know.
Il suffit de rien lui dire.
You'll have to excuse Comet, he doesn't know he's a horse.
Veuillez excuser Comète. Il ignore qu'il est un cheval.
He doesn't know anything. We must talk to him. We have a set of confirmed fingerprints that put him inside Jerome Clifford's car.
Nous avons trouvé ses empreintes... dans la voiture de Clifford.
If he doesn't know where it is, I'll have to move on. So who are we seeing now?
Thomas... voici notre dernier arrêt. S'il ignore où il se trouve, je devrai me remettre en route.
My husband doesn't have to know about this, does he?
Mon mari ne doit rien savoir, hein?
Mais il ne sait jamais où sont ses affaires.
Quark doesn't know how lucky he is to have a brother as loyal as you.
Quark ne sait pas la chance qu'il a d'avoir un frère aussi loyal que toi.
The kid comes in, he's got a certain coin, like the one you used to have. The guy you brought in doesn't show, we don't know where he is.
Le gosse se pointe ici, avec la pièce que tu as vendu, t'engages un mec, où est-il?
He doesn't have anything to say. He doesn't know anything.
Coupable ou innocent, on devrait le tuer.
He doesn't have to know about the one time that you failed.
Il n'a pas à savoir qu'une fois tu t'es enfui.
He may have some fancy moves in Trauma... but he doesn't know how to function in an inner-city ER.
Il connaît des trucs cool, mais il ne peut pas travailler ici.
We know that they jumped to dig, there he / she doesn't have none peeps different from there.
On les a vus glisser, inutile de repartir.
I should know? He doesn't have time to talk to me for two minutes.
C'est à peine si Tony prend le temps de m'appeler.
We have to get him to use a power he doesn't know how to use yet.
On va lui faire utiliser un pouvoir qu'il ne maîtrise pas encore.
We'll have to be quiet so he doesn't know we're here.
Silence, qu'il ne sache rien!
If he doesn't go back to April 28, 1876 he doesn't get married, he doesn't have children and you want to know what?
S'il ne retourne pas le 28 avril 1876 il ne se marie pas, il n'a pas d'enfant et tu sais quoi?
John wants you to have fun. He just doesn't know if he can provide it.
John veut que tu t'amuses, mais ne sait pas s'il peut te divertir.
Ray doesn't know yet, so when he gets home, you have to let me tell- -
Raymond n'est pas au courant. Quand il rentrera, laissez-moi lui dire.
I just want him to know that he doesn't have to go through this alone.
Je veux juste qu'il sache qu'il n'est pas seul.
He probably does polish his own boots, but, you know, that doesn't mean... It doesn't mean I have to do my own filing.
Enfin si, il cire sûrement ses godasses, mais je dois pas faire du classement pour autant.
- He doesn't have to know.
- Il n'a pas besoin de savoir. - Je le saurais.
On perd.
You know, whoever our guy is, he doesn't... Have to be your standard superhero steroid case.
Notre gars ne doit pas forcément être Ie super-héros standard sous stéroides.
Well, I'm sure he's happy to have you here, even if he doesn't know how to say it.
Il est certainement ravi de vous avoir ici, même s'il ne sait pas vous le dire.
Well, I don't know what kind of crap your ex-husband used to pull... but whatever it was, Bob doesn't have it in him.
Hé bien, je ne sais pas ce qui est passé par la tête de ton ex-mari... mais peu importe ce que c'était, ça n'arrivera pas à Bob.
And you agreed to marry a man you don't even know I'm sure he doesn't even have a truck driving license
Et tu as accepté d'épouser un homme que tu ne connais même pas.
He doesn't have to know that.
Ça, il ne le sait pas.
You know, a possibility is he's acting out in front of you because he's trying to give you a message and he just doesn't have any other way to tell you.
Vous savez, il est possible qu'il agisse comme ça parce qu'il essaye de vous dire quelque chose et qu'il n'a aucun autre moyen de le dire.

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