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He knew it перевод на французский

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I was the best fighter, and he knew it!
J'étais le meilleur combattant et il le savait!
He knew it, I knew it, but... but I guess the thing we didn't do was talk about the big stuff.
Il le savait, je le savais... Mais on n'a jamais parlé de l'essentiel.
But Henry's toy-making skills were a long way from strong and before he knew it, things went wronger than wrong!
Mais Henry n'était pas très habile pour fabriquer des jouets. Bien vite, tout se mit à aller de travers.
I mean, he knew it wasn't rational.
Il savait que c'était irrationnel.
But he knew it was only a matter of time before he got shot, arrested, or deported.
Mais il savait que ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant qu'on lui tire dessus, qu'on l'arrête ou qu'on le reconduise à la frontière.
He knew it when he signed on the line.
Il le savait quand il a signé.
He wasn't none of that! He knew it was gone, it was over, finished.
Il savait que c'était fini, zéro, terminé.
My father - he knew it too.
Mon père... Il le savait aussi.
He knew it.
Il le savait.
He was dead and they knew it.
Il allait mourir, et ils le savaient.
And he thought he knew where it was, and he thought it was this place across the street, and we went in there, and there was, like, a quinceańera or something?
Il pensait savoir où c'était, il croyait que c'était en face, on est allés là-bas et il y avait une quinceanera.
You knew he'd do it.
- Vous le saviez.
Even when he was around, anybody who knew what he really looked like never lived to tell about it.
Et même quand il excercait encore, personne ne savait à quoi il ressemblait en tout cas personne de vivant pour le dire.
Captain Thistleton knew the risk of what he was doing and now it seems his chickens have come home to roost. Bawk, bawk.
Le capitaine Thistleton connaissait les risques de ce qu'il faisait et il semble maintenant qu'il ait la monnaie de sa pièce.
He knew about it.
Il savait à propos de ça.
After that rehearsal, Dave brings up that he wants a second guitar player, and thinks it should be Pat Smear, who William and I knew from him having played in Nirvana and the Germs.
Après la répétition, Dave a annoncé qu'il lui fallait un second guitariste, et que ça devrait être Pat Smear. William et moi, on le connaissait car il avait joué avec Nirvana et les Germs.
We had a talk with Dave about it and he didn't wanna hear it, but he knew what the situation was.
On en a discuté avec Dave, et il ne voulait pas en entendre parler, mais il voyait la situation clairement.
I knew he would do it for a good price, but it was wrong.
Je savais qu'il m'aurait fait un bon prix, mais c'était une erreur.
He said if anyone knew what was going on in Amber's life it was Justin Hankel, Amber's pageant consultant.
Si quelqu'un savait, c'est Justin Hankel, le coach d'Amber pour le concours.
Charlie, think about it- - He knew the Mayor was talking, he knew the transfer was taking place, he knew we was paying a visit to Carmen's baby daddy.
Pensez-y. Il savait que le Maire parlait, il savait pour le transfert, il savait qu'on rendait visite à Carmen.
He either dug it quickly because he knew we were coming- - or somebody else did.
Soit, quelqu'un d'autre l'a fait.
I knew he wanted me to take over the boat, but I would have made it on my own.
Je savais qu'il voulait que je reprenne le bateau, mais j'aurais fait ça tout seul.
We are doctors, and we all know birth control sometimes fails, and I didn't want to tell her this because I knew it would freak her out, but the doctor she went to the first time was a quack who didn't know what the hell he was doing,
On est médecins, et on sait tous que la contraception échoue parfois. Je lui ai pas dit pour pas l'effrayer, mais son 1er médecin était un charlatan qui ne savait pas ce qu'il faisait.
But only because he knew I liked it.
Mais parce que j'aimais ça.
He knew I'd done it.
Il savait que je l'avais fait.
E knew if he could get Pericles to reveal himself, it'd leave his piece of the planospheric disc vulnerable.
E savait qu'il pouvait avoir Périclès pour révéler, où serait son morceau de disque planospheric.
Whoever it was, he knew everything about me.
Mais il savait tout de moi.
He really wore his heart on his sleeve through all of this, I mean he's obviously hurting, and I just think it would be nice if he knew that we were all here for him.
Il y a mis tout son coeur, il est visiblement blessé et je pense que ce serait gentil qu'on lui montre qu'on est là pour lui.
And you knew, didn't you, that once he had a bike that he would beg his mother to let him ride it to camp and that she would give in and let him ride it out of her sight...
Et vous saviez, qu'une fois qu'il aurait le vélo, il supplierait sa mère pour aller en vélo au centre et qu'elle céderait et le laisserait y aller tout seul...
"D. got left off the list because no one knew who he was. " Now it's because they know too well. " Looks like lonely boy needs to change his name to'Banished boy.'"
D n'était jamais sur la liste parce que personne ne le connaissait maintenant c'est parce qu'on le connait trop bien on dirait que le garçon solitaire a besoin de changer de nom en "garçon banni".
I knew he couldn't do it.
Je savais qu'il ne le ferait pas.
He was dead for two days before we even knew it.
On pensait qu'il regardait l'intégrale de La Quatrième Dimension.
But a few weeks ago, my father was in town and saw a magazine article about this amazing girl with a heart condition and he just knew it was Jen.
Il y a quelques semaines, mon père était en ville et il a vu un article dans un magazine... sur cette fille incroyable avec une maladie au coeur. Et il était certain que c'était Jen.
Just that he knew my mother. And that "It can't happen again."
Juste qu'il connaissait ma mère, et que ça ne pouvait pas se reproduire encore une fois.
So when Faris thought that he figured out Lone Vengeance's true identity, he knew you'd pay top dollar for it.
Quand Faris a cru avoir découvert l'identité de Lone Vengeance, il a su que vous paieriez cher pour ça.
Harvey would never use this, and he'd kill me if he knew I had it.
Il ne s'en servirait jamais, il me tuerait s'il savait.
He said it was nothing, but I... I knew he was lying.
Il disait que ce n'était rien, mais... je savais qu'il mentait.
And you knew he was going to open his mouth about it, so you had to kill him.
vous deviez le tuer.
Brodic knew it was going to Maui, so he stashed - his money inside of it.
alors il y a planqué l'argent.
Jerry Tyson gave that gun to Philip Lee knowing he would use it, so there's a good chance he knew we'd eventually get to Philip.
Tyson savait que Philip se servirait de cette arme. Il savait qu'on finirait par avoir Philip.
Harvey would never use it, and he'd kill me if he knew I had it.
Harvey ne s'en servirait jamais, il me tuerait s'il savait.
Maybe the killer took it because he knew he was on it.
Le tueur l'a prise. Il se savait dessus.
Which probably means he knew we were tailing him. Should've had us do it.
Ce qui veut probablement dire qu'il se savait suivi.
Kent Arnold believed that what he knew was the truth and that it was gonna be up to him to make sure his idea of justice happened.
Kent Arnold croyait que ce qu'il savait, c'était la vérité et qu'il allait être à lui pour s'assurer que son idée de la justice arrivé.
He knew I had nothing to do with it.
Il savait que je n'avais rien à voir avec il.
It means he knew her personal history.
Il connaissait son histoire.
And it's not like he knew we were coming over, either.
Alors qu'on était même pas attendus.
Kids, it's not that your Uncle Marshall had a drinking problem. But whenever he made a sweeping declaration like that, you pretty much knew...
Les enfants, ce n'est pas que votre Oncle Marshall a un problème avec la boisson, mais chaque fois qu'il prend une décision radicale comme ça, vous saviez plutôt bien que...
I knew you weren't doing it with her!
Hé... C'est bon...
And when things went bad, he killed her, killed Matt, and stashed his body in his own house where he knew no one would find it.
Ça a mal tourné, il l'a tuée. Il a tué Matt et caché le corps où personne ne le trouverait.
We knew he did it beyond the shadow of a doubt, but he was acquitted.
Nous savions qu'il l'avait fait sans l'ombre d'un doute, mais il a été acquitté.

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