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He won't be перевод на французский

3,328 параллельный перевод
You will be pleased to know he won't be working with us longer.
Vous serez donc ravi d'apprendre qu'il va nous quitter.
But he won't ever be able to give up his life.
Mais n'est pas capable de te donner sa vie.
Joo Won must be stressed or something because he isn't able to sleep.
car il n'arrive pas à dormir.
He won't be able to protect you... because he doesn't have a reason to protect an average woman.
Il ne sera pas en mesure de vous protéger... parce qu'il n'a aucune raison de protéger une femme moyenne.
If Daegil comes back and sees this, he won't be pleased.
cela ne lui plaira guère.
He won't be there for you.
Il ne sera pas là pour toi.
They said he doesn't have one. If a rumor starts that two people were locked in a presentation hall together for an hour, it won't be good.
Ils ont dit qu'il n'en avait pas. ce ne sera pas bon.
Don't worry, Stanley, he won't be here long.
Pas d'inquiétude, Yves, il ne restera pas longtemps.
Chairman Hong was going to compensate for the missing construction costs... via real estate speculation. If the price of estate doesn't go up, he won't make money, so he will be forced to give up the construction.
Le Président Hong allait compenser les fonds de constructions manquants... avec la spéculation immobilière. donc il sera forcé d'abandonner la construction.
Well, he won't be here for another hour, so...
Et bien, il sera pas là avant une heure, alors...
He won't be on solid food for a while and he probably will never father children but, hey, what can you do?
Pas de nourriture solide pendant un moment, et de minces chances de devenir père un jour, mais que veux-tu?
He won't be missed.
On va pas le pleurer.
Well, try to convince him it won't be a spiritual corruption. Maybe he'll think about it.
Convaincs-le qu'il y aura pas de corruption spirituelle, ça le fera réfléchir.
And when he's done with you, there won't be anything left, do you understand?
Quand il en aura fini avec toi, il ne restera rien de toi.
He won't be here long
Il fera pas de vieux os
And he won't be able to see you?
Et il ne vous verra pas?
You won't be saying that when he's hanging off your fucking face!
Tu diras plus ça quand il te mastiquera la gueule!
- Anyone with him? - He won't be alone.
Il n'est sûrement pas seul.
You won't be so cocky when he's beating you to death with your own arm.
Attends qu'il t'arrache un bras et te tabasse avec.
But, unfortunately, he won't let it be.
Malheureusement, il ne l'accepte pas.
If that telepath gets inside your head, he won't be as much fun as I am.
Si ce télépathe rentre dans ta tête, il ne sera pas aussi drôle que moi.
He won't be able to go to the Funfest.
Il ne pourra pas aller au Funfest.
He won't be.
Il n'y sera pas.
He'll come through that door with $ 6 million and she won't be there.
Il reviendra avec six millions de dollars, mais elle ne sera plus là.
He won't be heard from till next week!
On va être une bonne semaine sans le revoir!
He won't be a boy forever.
Il va finir par grandir.
He won't be in a position to.
Il ne pourra pas.
He won't be happy. Me out gallivanting.
Ça ne va pas lui plaire... de me savoir en balade.
He won't be satisfied until he shuts us down.
Il ne jubilera qu'à notre faillite.
He won't be able to do it!
Il n'y arrivera pas!
He won't be any good in the war neither.
Il ne vous servira à rien, au front.
He won't be able to use his NOD. His day vision will be compromised.
Ses J.V.N seront inutiles, et sa vision réduite.
I can't give him what he deserves, I won't be good enough.
Je ne sais pas, je sens que je ne lui donne pas ce qu'il mérite, que je ne serai jamais à la hauteur.
He won't be controlled, Clyde.
Il ne se laissera pas faire.
Then perhaps Wendell won't be able to tell you how ashamed he felt that he might have hurt your feelings after you were so generous to give him the extra work.
Alors peut-être que Wendell ne sera pas capable de vous dire à quel point il a eu honte d'avoir peut-être blessé vos sentiments après que vous ayez été aussi généreuse de lui donner le travail supplémentaire.
He won't be seen here anymore.
On ne le verra plus par ici.
Yes, he's the CEO of Kabletown, but he won't be forever.
Oui, c'est le PDG de Kabletown, mais pas pour toujours.
If he does come out the coma, he won't be able to talk or swallow or even breathe without machine.
S'il sort du coma, Il ne sera pas capable de parler ou d'avaler ou même de respirer sans cette machine.
Shape up, darlin', or he won't be the only one who needs some serious medical attention.
Faut t'y mettre. Ou il sera pas le seul à avoir besoin d'un médecin.
He won't be out long, and we only have a few minutes before his friends get back.
Il va se réveiller et ses amis seront là d'ici peu.
In fact, he won't be.
En fait, il ne le sera pas tout court.
If you identify the man who assaulted you, he won't be able to hurt anyone else.
Si vous identifiez votre agresseur, il ne pourra plus blesser personne.
You point out to him that when he's put away, probably for life, he won't be around to protect his family.
Rappelez-lui que dans le programme, il y sera à vie. Et il ne pourra plus protéger sa famille.
You see, he tilts the camera just enough so he won't be seen going into the cell.
La caméra est assez inclinée pour qu'il ne soit pas vu.
" Mitchell won't be saying that when he gets his head ripped off.
" Mitchell ne dira plus ça quand il se sera fait arracher la tête.
I know he and Walter come as a team and that Walter won't like it but something's gotta be done.
Walter et lui sont une équipe et Walter va pas apprécier, mais il faut faire quelque chose.
He won't be needing it.
Il n'en aura pas besoin.
- But he won't be the last.
Mais pas le dernier.
He won't be bothering Metropolis again for a while.
Il n'est pas près de revenir faire des siennes à Metropolis.
If he keeps us waiting any longer, I know two legs that won't be going up.
Si ça continue, il y a d'autres atouts qu'il ne verra plus.
- He won't be an Omega Chi by then.
- Il ne sera plus un Omega Chi d'ici là.

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