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How did we get here перевод на французский

182 параллельный перевод
How did we get here?
Comment suis-je arrivé ici?
But how did we get here?
Mais comment sommes-nous arrivés ici?
How did we get here?
Comment sommes-nous venue ici?
How did we get here?
Comment est-on venus?
How did we get here?
Comment sommes-nous arrivés ici?
- How did we get here? What have we done?
- Ben, c'est pas le mien, il sera déçu.
How did we get here?
Comment nous sommes ici?
- How did we get here?
Comment on a fait pour arriver ici?
What's going on? How did we get here?
Comment on en est arrivés là?
- How did we get here? - Oops.
Comment on est arrivés là?
- How did we get here?
- Pourquoi sommes-nous ici?
How did we get here?
Pas vraiment. J'ai pris votre arme.
How did we get here?
Comment sommes-nous venus ici?
Think how did we get here?
Comment on est venu ici?
And how did we get here?
- Comment on est arrivés ici?
How did we get here?
Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là?
How did we get here?
Comment on a fini ici?
How did we get here?
Comment on en est arrivés là?
How did we get here?
J'ai marché sur tes plates bandes ou quoi?
How did we get here?
Comment en est-on arrivés là?
How did we get here? The vedran chamber.
Comment sommes nous arrivés ici?
What is this? How did we get here?
Comment en est-on arrivé là?
How did we get here?
Comment on est arrivés là?
- How did we get here?
- Comment a-t-on fini ici?
So how did we get here?
Donc comment avons nous atterri ici?
Then how did we get here?
- Alors comment sommes-nous arrivés jusqu'ici?
How did we get here?
Comment est-on arrivées là?
And while we're at it, how did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
- How did we ever get here?
- Comment on est venus?
What's going on? How did we get out here?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
- How did we get here?
- Qui nous a téléportés ici?
How in the hell did they get here before we did?
Les badauds sont arrivés avant nous!
How did we get from there to here?
Comment sommes-nous arrivés de là-bas, jusqu'ici?
Where is he coming from, how did he get here? We only know that none of our weapons could stop him,
Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'aucune arme ne l'arrête.
How did we get back here?
Pourquoi sommes-nous revenus là?
How did we get back here?
Comment sommes-nous revenus ici?
Hey, skitch... How did we Get here?
Comment on est arrivés jusqu'ici?
How did we get here?
- Sommes-nous perdus?
And the man's like, "How the fuck did we get here?"
Et le mec se dit : "Comment on en est arrivés là, putain?"
Maybe with the right technology, he could detect the timer's energy and figure out when we'd be here, but how the hell did he get in Wade's dream?
Avec une technologie adéquate, il a pu détecter l'énergie du minuteur et prévoir notre arrivée. Mais comment expliquer le rêve de Wade?
How did we get in here, anyway?
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait là?
How did we get in here?
Comment on est entrés?
Hang on. Before we hear about any plan, inquiring minds want to know, how the hell did you get here?
Avant que nous entendions parler d'un quelconque plan, les sceptiques veulent savoir... comment tu t'es retrouvé ici?
How the hell did I get here? Have we been kidnapped?
Comment diable suis-je arrivée là?
- So how did we get it in here?
Comment est-elle arrivée là?
How the hell did we get up here?
Mais comment on est arrivés ici?
How did you get this address? We are strictly phone and internet here.
Comment avez-vous trouvé cette adresse?
Now, how the hell did we get here?
Comment est-on est arrivés ici?
So, Casey, how did we get so lucky to see you here today a little bit sweaty?
Dis-moi, Casey, qu'est-ce qui nous vaut l'honneur de ta présence aujourd'hui? Tout transpirant?
So, how the hell did we get here?
Alors, comment on est arrivé là?
Adam... get Timothy, we're leaving now... we're no longer safe here how did he become one of them?
Va chercher Timothy, nous partons. Nous ne sommes plus en sécurité ici. Comment est-il devenu l'un d'entre eux?

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