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How did you get here перевод на французский

1,655 параллельный перевод
Van Helsing, how did you get here?
Van Helsing, comment es-tu arrivé ici?
How did you get here?
Toi, comment es-tu arrivé?
How did you get here?
Comment t'es venus ici?
- How did you get here? - Simple, I bought a ticket!
Comment tu es entré?
How did you get here?
Pourquoi tu es venu?
- How did you get here?
Comment êtes-vous arrivés ici?
How did you get here?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé ici?
How did you get here?
Comment es-tu venu?
How did you get here?
Où suis-je? Pourquoi ne nous réponds tu pas?
How did you get here, anyway?
Comment tu nous as trouvé?
How did you get here?
Et toi, comment tu nous as trouvé?
How did you get here?
Comment t'as fait?
Christ. How did you get here?
Comment t'es arrivé ici?
How did you get here?
Qu'est ce que tu fais là?
- How did you get here?
D'où viens-tu?
How did you get here?
Comment es-tu venue?
How did you get here?
- Comment êtes-vous arrivée ici?
How did you get here?
Comment es-tu venu ici?
How did you get in here?
Comment tu es rentrée?
How did you get here?
Par où vous êtes passé?
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entré?
How did you get over here?
Qu'est-ce que vous faites là?
I'm heavy, how did you get me here?
Je suis lourd, comment tu as fait?
kept thinking how and why... did you get here...? Kept wondering why didn't this story end at that station?
Pourquoi cette histoire ne s'est pas terminée à la gare?
And how did you get in here?
Et comment es-tu entré ici?
- How did you get in here?
Comment tu es arrivé là?
How did you get here?
Comment es tu arrivé ici?
How did you get here?
Comment as-tu atterri ici?
How did you get here?
Comment es-tu arrivé ici?
How the hell did you get in here? !
Mais enfin comment t'as fait pour rentrer ici?
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé ici?
How did you get this address? We are strictly phone and internet here.
Comment avez-vous trouvé cette adresse?
How the hell did you guys get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrés?
You scared me half to death. How did you get in here?
Tu m'as foutu une trouille bleue comment t'es rentré?
How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
How did you get in here?
Comment es-tu entré?
How did you get in here?
Comment es-tu entré ici?
How did you even get here?
Comment tu as fait pour arriver ici?
How exactly did you get here?
Comment es-tu arrivée?
What do you mean, how did I get here?
Qu'est ce que ça veut dire?
How the hell did you get in here?
Comment es-tu rentré ici?
How did you get here Sheppard?
Comment êtes-vous arrivés jusqu'ici, Sheppard?
- How did you get in here?
- Par où es-tu entrée?
How the devil did you get out here, fella?
Comment as-tu atterri ici, petit?
- How did you get in here?
- Comment es-tu arrivé ici?
How the hell did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
This is for VIPs only. How did you get in here?
C'est réservé aux VIP, ici, comment êtes-vous entré?
So, how did you get up here?
- Comment t'as fait pour monter?
How did you get in here?
Comment es-tu entrée?
How did you get up here?
Comment êtes-vous entré?
Oh, my God! How did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entré?

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