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How did you get it перевод на французский

500 параллельный перевод
How did you get it?
D'où te vient cet argent?
How did you get it?
- Comment l'as-tu obtenu?
How did you get it?
- Comment l'avez-vous eu?
- Well, how did you get it?
- Comment t'es-tu enrhumée?
Then how did you get it?
Comment l'as-tu obtenue?
How did you get it?
Comment l'as-tu obtenu?
Of course. But how did you get it?
Comment l'avez-vous eu?
- How did you get it?
- Comment l'avez-vous eu?
How did you get it from her?
Comment l'avez-vous eue?
- How did you get it?
Où l'avez-vous eue?
How did you get it, Reynardo?
Comment l'avez-vous eu, Reynardo?
Okay, how did you get it?
D'accord. Comment l'avez-vous eu?
How did you get it?
Comment faites-vous cela?
How did you get it?
Comment tu l'as eu?
How did you get it?
Comment l'as-tu eu?
How did you get it out of the rec hall?
- Comment l'avez-vous sorti de la salle?
How did you get it?
Comment t'as eu ça? t'inquiète pas
- How did you get it?
- D'où le tiens-tu?
How did you come to get it?
Comment l'avez-vous eue?
Well, how long did it take you to get a bottle of champagne?
Tu en as mis du temps pour avoir du champagne.
Get up and tell the boys how you did it.
Montez sur l'estrade et racontez-nous.
How about you? Did it get you?
Monsieur ne se sent pas mieux?
- How did you get him to do it?
- Comment tu l'as forcé?
- Ah, it's you? How did you get here?
- Qu'est-ce que tu viens faire ici?
I was a catastrophe. - How did you ever get out of it?
Comment t'en es-tu sortie?
How did you get the money to drill your first well? Wasn't it by...? I object...
Comment avez-vous obtenu l'argent pour le 1 er puits?
Well, how did you get out of it?
- Quelle parade as-tu trouvée?
- How did you manage to get rid of it?
- Comment vous vous en êtes sorti?
How in the world did you do it? I mean... get the money to send to me and buy all this too?
Comment as-tu réussi à m'envoyer de l'argent et acheter tout ça?
And while we're at it, how did you get in here?
Comment êtes-vous entrée?
- How did you get hold of it? Answer me. - Hardly fair to give names.
Vous en avez parlé, n'est-ce pas?
Did you get him drunk, or how did you do it? - You'll have to tell me all about it later.
Vous avez dû le soûler ou comment avez-vous fait?
How did you think you could get away with it?
Vous avez cru vous en tirer?
How about it? Where did you get it?
Où l'as-tu trouvée?
Well, how did you let it get so flooded?
Comment ça s'est inondé comme ça?
Did you ever stop to think how it is? The judge can never say anything but "thirty days!" "Thirty days!" You'd think it'd get monotonous.
Quand on y réfléchit, le juge ne dit jamais autre chose que "trente jours!" Ça doit être monotone.
And how did you manage to get it?
Comment l'as-tu trouvée?
How did you get him to do it?
Comment l'as-tu persuadé de faire ca?
"Mr. Haines, how did you get him to do it?"
"M. Haines, comment l'avez-vous persuadé de faire ça?"
I loved Eve, but I never felt she needed me. How did you expect to get away with it?
J'aimais Eve, mais elle n'avait pas besoin de moi.
How long did it take for you to get the prescription filled?
Combien de temps ça vous a pris pour faire remplir l'ordonnance?
Come on spill it. How did you get the information? About Manfredi and Jonson?
Comment avez-vous tout appris?
How did you get rid of it?
Comment vous êtes-vous débarrassé de lui?
Now that you've gathered all this information, how did you ever plan to get out of Russia with it?
Une fois l'information en main... comment pensais-tu la faire sortir de la Russie?
How did you get here? It's all right.
- Comment es-tu venue ici?
You never did a job like this because you never could do a job like this, and that's why you're gonna do this one, jackie. And that's how you're going to get away with it. But, george, i got no guts.
T'as jamais fait ça parce que t'as pas le cran, c'est pour ça que tu vas faire ce coup-là, et t'en sortir.
Well, how did he get past you, if it comes to that?
Et vous, comment les avez-vous laissez passer?
How did you get it cleaned so fast, bernie? What?
Comment avez-vous nettoyé ça aussi vite?
How did you get it?
Comment avez-vous obtenu ceci?
How did you get them to change it to a tango contest?
Comment les as-tu décidés à faire un concours de tango?
How in the world did you get it?
Mais comment as-tu fait pour t'en emparer?

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