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How did you know her перевод на французский

169 параллельный перевод
How did you know her hair color?
D'où tu connais sa couleur de cheveux?
Now how did you know her name?
Vous la connaissez?
How did you know her?
D'où la connais-tu alors?
May? How did you know her name?
- Comment le savez-vous?
- How did you know her?
- Comment la connaissiez-vous?
- How did you know her name?
Comment vous savez son nom?
- How did you know her?
- Comment l'avez vous connu, Finch?
- No. How did you know her name?
Vous connaissiez son prénom.
How did you know her?
Comment la connaissiez ­ vous?
How did you know her name?
Comment tu as eu son nom de famille?
- How did you know her family?
Vous connaissez sa famille?
How did you know that when you didn't even see her?
Comment le savez-vous, vous ne l'avez même pas vue?
How well did you know her?
Vous la connaissiez bien?
- How well did you know her?
Vous étiez proches?
Well, she did her best to make it, but you know how these things are. Such short notice.
Elle a voulu l'annuler mais tu vois, c'était trop tard.
Did you show her what Italians know how to do?
Tu fais ça à l'italienne?
How did you know about her and the races? .
Comment savez-vous pour les courses?
How did you know about her?
Comment le savez-vous?
How did you know anybody was in her room?
Tu savais qu'elles étaient dans la chambre?
The girl you're engaged to, did you tell her you don't know how to fish?
Votre fiancée, vous lui avez dit que vous ne saviez pas pêcher?
And how do you know she'll understand, did you talk to her on the phone?
Et comment tu sais qu'elle comprendra, tu lui as parlé au téléphone?
How did you know her? Don't ask
Plus de questions!
How well did you know her, Alex?
Tu la connaissais bien, Alex?
I did not know how to rid you of her.
Je n'ai pas su comment te débarrasser d'elle.
- How well did you know her, Warren?
- Vous la connaissiez bien, Warren?
- How well did you know her?
- Vous la connaissiez bien?
How well did you know her?
Tu la connaissais bien?
How did you know about her fingernails?
D'où tu sais comment ils étaient?
- How long did you know her?
- Combien de temps étais-tu avec elle?
- How well did you know her?
- Et vous, la connaissiez-vous bien?
How did you know it was her favorite toy?
- Comment tu connais son jouet favori?
- How well did you know her?
- Non. - Vous étiez proches?
- How did you know about that? She's out on her own with Jean-Pierre, having a great time without you. Mum phoned.
- Qui t'en a parlé?
How did you know it was her?
Qui dit que c'était elle?
I know how much you wanted it to be her. - I did, too. - Mulder!
- Moi aussi, je voulais qu'elle revienne.
She didn't testify in her own defense, and I don't know how much good you did her.
Son témoignage ne l'a pas aidée. Vous non plus.
- How did you know about her?
- Comment êtes-vous au courant?
how did you know her?
D'où la connaissiez-vous?
How did the mayoress know about Goody's uniform? You tipped her off, didn't you?
C'est toi qui as parlé de l'uniforme à la femme du maire!
How did you know that I was her sister?
Vous savez que je suis sa s ur?
Did you have any problems with Asami before? I just want to know how to contact her.
Je suis désolé d'insister mais avez-vous eu avec Mlle Asami des problèmes de quelqu'ordre que ce soit?
I do not know how much you loved her, but I know how much did her little pointed :
Je ne sais pas à quel point vous l'aimiez, mais je sais que vous le lui avez très peu montré.
Why did you let her come out? You know how absent-minded Mom's been.
T'as vu comme maman est distraite
You know, the question is, how did he grab her?
La question, c'est comment l'a-t-il attrapée?
How well did you know her boyfriend?
- Vous connaissiez son copain?
How did you know it was her birthday?
Comment savais tu que c'était son anniversaire?
How could you know her as well as you think you did?
Comment peux-tu imaginer bien les connaître?
You gotta give her credit. Now, I don't know how she did that.
II faut lui reconnaître ca.. J'ignore comment elle faisait.
How did you even know how to contact her?
Mais j'aime le Seigneur!
How did you know to come pick her up?
Comment saviez-vous où elle était?
How do you know what she did with her downstairs?
Comment t'as su pour son rez-de-chaussée?

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