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I'd like to see it перевод на французский

647 параллельный перевод
Now, a nice woman like you needs protection, and I'm here to see that you get it.
Une belle femme comme vous a besoin d'être protégée, je suis là pour y veiller.
I've got a new line of merchandise. I'd like to see what you think of it.
J'aimerais avoir votre avis sur mes nouveaux articles.
- I'd like to see anybody try it.
- Qu'on essaie!
And I'd like to stay here and see how it works out.
Et j'aimerais rester et voir les changements.
- I'd like to be there. - I can see it now. And I handle the lemonade.
Dites-donc, je vais en griller une petite dehors, alors si des fois vous voulez me voir en sortant, je suis devant le château, hein!
I had a vague idea I'd like to see the Pacific Ocean... ... or perhaps drown in it.
J'avais en tête d'aller voir l'Océan Pacifique, ou de m'y noyer.
I'd like to see Burley's face when he hears about it.
La tête de Burley quand il va l'apprendre.
I'd like to see him try it!
Que m'importe son titre!
And I'd like to see that you get it.
Et je voudrais m'en assurer.
I'd like to see how you fixed it up.
J'aimerais voir comment vous l'avez remis en état.
- I'd like to see it again, except my train...
- J'aimerais, mais mon train...
And at first it didn't seem like so much and then I began to see how beautiful it was.
D'abord, elle n'avait pas l'air si bien que ça, puis j'ai commencé à voir comme elle était belle.
Oh, I'd do anything in the world to see it like that.
Je ferai tout pour que ça se réalise.
I saw this on his desk, and I thought maybe you'd like to see it.
J'ai vu ceci sur son bureau, alors j'ai cru que vous aimeriez le voir.
I'd like to see what it looks like on a girl.
J'aimerais le voir sur vous.
I'd like to see what you're going to do about it.
Essaie pour voir.
I'd like to see the crest on it.
J'aimerai voir l'écusson qui est gravé dessus.
All right, I'd like to see you do it.
Très bien, j'aimerais vous voir faire.
- I'd like you to see it before I throw away my money.
- J'aimerais vous le montrer avant de le payer.
- Great. I'd like to see it.
J'ai hâte de voir ça.
I'd like to see it now, if I may.
Maintenant, si possible.
- I'd like to see you try it.
J'aimerais t'y voir.
Sergeant, if it's convenient I'd like to see a photograph of Lawrence Talbot.
Sergent, si c'est possible, j'aimerais voir une photo de Lawrence Talbot.
I'd like to see the room. I don't think I'll like it.
Je voudrais voir la chambre.
Yes, I'd like to see it very much.
Oui, j'aimerai beaucoup la voir
Yeah, I can easily see how it wouldn't take much courage... to get a notorious patriot off Devil's Island. But just for professional reasons, I'd like to know how you're gonna do it.
Il ne faut pas un grand courage pour tirer un patriote de l'île du Diable, mais... j'aimerais savoir comment vous comptez faire!
I'd like to see it. Sorry, old boy. I lost him four days ago, and I haven't got him back yet.
Désolé, il a disparu il y a 4 jours.
Of course, it means nothing to me but if you'd like to see it, I'd be glad to take you in.
Je m'en fiche, personnellement, mais si ça te fait plaisir, je t'y emmène volontiers.
- I'd like to see him try it.
Qu'il essaie!
- Thank you, Pa. - Now about this letter. I'd see no reason to discuss it if it wasn't that your Ma acts like it was important.
Votre mère attache de l'importance à cette lettre.
- I'd sure like to see it.
- Ça me plairait.
- I'd like to see them try it.
- Qu'ils essaient.
Go ahead. I'd like to see you do it again.
J'aimerais vous voir recommencer.
Why, I thought you'd like to see it first.
Je pensais que ça vous intéresserait.
I'd like to see his face when it gets around this morning and he finds you tricked his mare right from under him.
La tête qu'il fera, en apprenant comment vous lui avez soulevé sa jument!
I'd like to see it decided between Mr. Wynand and yourself.
Ça ne concerne que toi et M. Wynand.
I'd like to see anyone try it.
Je voudrais bien voir ça.
Monty, I'd sure like to see you finish this game if it was just up to me, but these guys have a big stake in this game.
Si ça ne tenait qu'à moi, je te laisserais finir le match, mais l'enjeu est gros pour ces gars.
Well, I'd sure like to see you do it, son, but we're a run behind and the bases full.
J'aimerais te voir le faire, mais on a un point de retard et les bases pleines.
But your proposition looks pretty good. I'd like to see the most made of it.
J'aimerais que nous tirions le maximum de l'affaire.
- So I'd like to see it.
- Et? - J'aimerais la voir.
You see, it's like I said when Wyatt told me if he was Dutch and going to Tascosa, he'd come by here, but that was only what somebody heard Dutch say where he was going to.
- C'est ce que je dis toujours. Wyatt a dit que s'il était Dutch, en allant à Tascosa, il s'arrêterait ici. Mais c'est juste quelqu'un qui a entendu Dutch dire où il allait.
I'd like to see it.
Je voudrais voir.
I'd like to get inside that ship, see how it works.
J'aimerais bien visiter le vaisseau.
- I'd like to see you do it.
- Je voudrais t'y voir, toi.
I'd like to see it, too.
J'aimerais la voir, moi aussi.
That's funny. I'd like to see it once.
Tu parles d'un spectacle!
I'd like to show you the house, if you would like to see it.
Je voudrais vous montrer la maison, si vous voulez la voir.
I think I'd like to see it very much.
Je crois que j'aimerais beaucoup.
Don't bother looking at them, It's the underwater rocks I'd like to see.
Au moins ceux-là, on les voit.
I'd really like to see it. Let's go, Lord.

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